re: Having the feeling your being watched


Senior Member
before my nephew died everything was fine i used to be scared of who died before which was an old lady mysteriously. My nphew died in front of me when i was 11 it's a tough thing to take as a kid especially when your nephew is 18 months. Your teaching him what you learned. He died in my room where i am now third floor attic half attic half room type of deal. blocked off.


Active Member
I'm so sorry about your nephew :(

Maybe call out to the spirit and do an EVP session down in your basement. My feelings are if the energy creeps you out, it's not your nephew. But i could be wrong. Sometimes young spirits can be very mischievous. And I'm not necessarily saying what is down in your cellar is bad anyways. What we don't understand is always a little creepy.


before my nephew died everything was fine i used to be scared of who died before which was an old lady mysteriously. My nphew died in front of me when i was 11 it's a tough thing to take as a kid especially when your nephew is 18 months. Your teaching him what you learned. He died in my room where i am now third floor attic half attic half room type of deal. blocked off.

I offer my condolences to you.
It's never easy when someone you care for passes, especially when so young.:(

I concur with Bluejay...I don't feel that your cellar has anything to do with your nephew
but, I'm not so sure that talking or calling to a spirit is such a wise choice.
Chances are that you might call and something different could actually answer..not meaning to frighten you
with this thought so please, don't be.

The dogs reacting and the 'old woman whom died mysteriously' (if that is what you meant) caught my attention.
That 'could' be your answer (?).

If nothing is felt over that particular area, meaning room/area above the cellar and if nothing else
in or around the home feels peculiar...I wouldn't worry or feel fearful.

If it is her spirit, she can be shown the Light and perhaps be led away.
Just my 2 cents worth.


Senior Member
thank you everyone i appreciate it even in the chat i was always ignored and i shied away on my own. I never knew how to handle that my dog will never go down there or even try to go down the first step. she is smart. i call her my second chance with myother dog was treated badly, i love this dog like i loved my nephew. or get the sense that he is her. some sort. just my feelings. My other dog was 17. I'm alone with my dad tonight because my mother is in the hospital with engzyma. but she'll be fine. Part of me is sad and part of me is like hey let's party. i'm not that way. I behave very well manored and a high sense quality of life. well as for my cellar still can't find a reason was down there today always try to catch something starting at me i turned around and slammed my head on a air vent. I'm fine, have had multiple concussions in sports. i should be honest with you all about that hdr unit. The reason behind the obe's and tectonic plate actions with the worm hole things. grid point vortex yes you can build and make them but i would not trust it right now i would wait. You'd only get yourself in trouble if you carried that thing around. Just be cautious.

Carl Miller

Active Member
Tron1- I also offer you my condolences. I appreciate your sincerity. Some days are diamonds,tron, some days are stones. It is all about the ups and downs. Also want to share with you I often doubt someone who is always pretending to be in a good mood all the time. My problem is that I do not know how to act out in order to please depending on the good opinion of other people. I am the receptor and transmittor of an energy which bends metal. Awesomeness brings me to a place like this one trying to understand something that takes over me about which I know nothing about.
Sorry I do not mean to offer a reading in your case but it seems whoever is haunting your cellar does not belong to your family. This alleged spirit or whoever does not seem to be a female but a male. More than that it would belong to conjectures and I am not the one who likes to deceive people. In fact I can only allow myself to call myself psychic because of the concrete evidence of the metal bent by me.


Also check the emf down there. That can give sensitive ones a feeling of being watched, hallucinations, skin rashes...the list goes on. Emf can be guilty for alot of hauntings.

Then may really have something down there.

Yes, bad electrical wiring can give you the feeling. It's good to rule out, first. Or, just try to get some EVP and see what happens. :)


Senior Member
carl thanks for the ideas, but i have already tried everything there is no sign of anything it's cold damp dark and get alot of chills. the chills run right down my spine. almost like i'm afraid to turn around.


Senior Member
I've always had a feeling when i go down to my cellar i get this immediate sense that someone else is down there all the time every time i go down there. it's very creepy down there. I checked a few places where a body would be no sign. i have no clue what it is so i laugh it off

I think it is the crazy spirit place....the fact that the dogs do not go means, it is definitely a crazy spirit. My late daughter's dog comes to our bed room when she comes for a, may be do some celebration and tell the person to move out. In India, they have special rituals they do to tell the spirit it is not for him/her....and politely send them elsewhere...

You can start an offering of fruits and perhaps a candle few times a week and tell the spirit you can not see him/her but it is now your place so he/she can find another place...

I have a friend who sees the spirit very well and when he was with us at the cemetery due to our visits...a spirit came in to badger he just mentally pushed it and it just run away. Then I found out that some spirits do not go back to Heaven due to many Earth structures prevent them, to understand the whole process and hence just hang around here.
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