What I hate about the nwo theories is they tend to miss the point that we are already living in the NWO. George Bush announced it for a reason. Build back better is just them maintaining that system.

We long for the good Ole days but don't realize that the NWO has been around so long the good ole days are actually just the initial stages of the NWO.

The nwo is just neoliberalism, globalist capitalism, by the way. It's nothing diabolical per se. Evil for sure but not exactly a master plan.

I want to burn down the whole fucking system and turn it inside out. That's the only way we can overcome this. Not batching about an evil group which is essentially just Marxism with extra steps.

The ruling class is the ruling class. Call it whatever u want.

What I hate about the nwo theories is they tend to miss the point that we are already living in the NWO. George Bush announced it for a reason. Build back better is just them maintaining that system.

We long for the good Ole days but don't realize that the NWO has been around so long the good ole days are actually just the initial stages of the NWO.

The nwo is just neoliberalism, globalist capitalism, by the way. It's nothing diabolical per se. Evil for sure but not exactly a master plan.

I want to burn down the whole fucking system and turn it inside out. That's the only way we can overcome this. Not batching about an evil group which is essentially just Marxism with extra steps.

The ruling class is the ruling class. Call it whatever u want.

I used to think the New World Order was just a general term by elites and presidents
for whatever the current structure of the world is, and something that each side
wants preserved, some wanting a different world order. Now I think it definitely IS that
but it's also something else. And as time goes on it seems like there are bigger
plans than just a world structure.

NWO is just a slow burn term they want ya to get used to which is being brought out front for quite a while, what eyes should be on is the future plans. When the axis tips and confusion reigns, they will have to then look for some semblance of control.
