Remote Viewing -Where are my headphones?

Carl Miller

Active Member
i was attending my last year at high school before entering college, it's been some time.
We had a Literature teacher who impressed us for his intelligence. Since he was extremely ugly and fat students named him German Pig.
This teacher was also a lawyer and interested in psychical phenomena.
The owner of a very large library. He had always been very close to my family and i used to practise meditation in his house on the weekends.
He proposed an experiment on mental projection (remote viewing). It was a Saturday afternoon.
I was supposed to travel to one of my colleague's house (German Pig's student) and see what he (Heleno- my collegue) was doing at that time.
So i did (mentally). I saw my colleague looking for his headphones high and low and he could not find them.
That's what i reported to the teacher that as a flight controller brought me back from the altered state i was.

To my surprise my teacher German Pig told me- 'Let's go to Heleno's house right now'.
Well, we did. We rang the bell and Heleno showed up a little bit stupified (in our ordinary worl).
Heleno told us= 'Did you ring the bell just half an hour ago?'= Gee! Our teacher negated.
Heleno replied= 'Funny, it seemed to me to have heard the bell ringing.' Then i realized that somehow, through intuition Heleno had sensed my mental presence in his house.
Our teacher asked him= 'What were you doing at about half an hour ago? Heleno replied= 'i was searching my headphones, high and low.'
The following Monday night, there we were together for another Literature class with the 'pig'.
And to my embarassment he told the class about our experiment and Heleno confirmed before the whole class. Every body clapped hands and i felt completely ashamed.

Carl Miller

Active Member
i had always been self coscious and shy, an introvert personality, suspicious minded, hiding myself inside a shell, unwilling to let my feelings show since childhood over my teens. In the course of time i have been changing my approach into relationships, not depending on the good opinion of other people, developing self love and self respect,etc.


Active Member
You were extremely embarrassed that day? That I understand. Like the day my foster mom (who worked at my school) announced to my entire choir class & teacher that I get headaches because I grind my teeth all night. Idk why it embarrassed me so much but I wanted to crawl into a hole & disappear.
I'm just now becoming aware of what you just said as well. It all starts with unconditionally loving yourself.


Active Member
I am curious about your remote viewing adventures...if you have more I would like to read them, if u want to share


Senior Member
People often view paranormal phenomena, but are often discouraged from reporting it. This is due to a lack of perceived public support and a fear of ridicule from debunkers who like to make fun of others.

Debunkers will often claim that the victim of a paranormal phenomenon is crazy. Afterwards, they will go on an attack and destroy the reputation of the victim as well as causing loss of employment and social standing.

Most skeptics take a very hostile attitude toward people with views other than their very own. I personally have had death threats made against me.

Carl Miller

Active Member
You comment led me to tears. My loved wife died tragically in Oct 2010. The dramatic episode was transformative enough to change my most rooted creeds. Since then my heart opened to a different aproach into love and life. For the first time i knew what compassion means. In 2011 i decided to let my feelings show and disclose my psychic experiences on By the end of the year 2011 i had had more than 50thousands visits from people all over the world. Skeptics appeared to poke fun and debunk. I was called all the names of foul language. But i was happy to receive messages from people who told they had learned something from my posts. Now i do not mind what people say. Opinions only opinions and nothing more. Thank you very much you got to me i am in tears.
