Richard Gage on 911 Collapses


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Richard Gage on 911 Collapses

This guy is an expert architect, and he explains why the 911 events can't be what the media told us they were. He's part of the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth, which is a groupe of expert architects who are working to get a new independant investigation to find the true cause of the WTC's collapsing. Like they say in the video, Richard Gage is not "on of these guys with a wacky idea", he's someone who knows what he's talking about.

This video shows footage from Building 7 too, you probably know how Builing 7 went down.

Here's the video:
Re: Richard Gage on 911 Collapses

That is really interesting, the way it just freefalls down.

Thanks Num!

I'll look into this guy a bit more

Re: Richard Gage on 911 Collapses

Yeah, way too many holes in the official story. Too many things that don't add up. Evidence that was not handled or experimented on the normal protocols. Reports of a bomb going off at the Pentagon, where was all of the airplane debris? Reports of Flight 93 becoming a fireball in the sky. F-16's reported to be sent towards Flight 93. One plane came back missing a missile. The timing of it all points towards a shootdown. Project Camelot interviews a woman who claims that she was in the room when the shootdown was ordered. States that this was just protocol being followed. Slips of the tongue of Rumsfeld and others in the gov talking about the plane being "shot down" Woops!!!

Glowing substance at the bottom of the towers for 6 to 8 weeks. This needs to be investigated and it's time that the people of this country demand it. Why would they haul off the steel and ship it away immediately? How does building 7 fall from two floors burning? Sounds of apparent bombs going off in the building. Free fall speed. No video being released from around the Pentagon. One film that came up, shows the tip of something coming into the film, which isn't big enough to be a jetliner. Another video that shows no signs of a plane, but just suddenly an explosion.

The official story just doesn't add up to me. I know this is controversial, but I refuse to duck my head in the sand and just believe what they are selling me on TV.


Re: Richard Gage on 911 Collapses

cmac said:
Yeah, way too many holes in the official story. Too many things that don't add up. Evidence that was not handled or experimented on the normal protocols. Reports of a bomb going off at the Pentagon, where was all of the airplane debris? Reports of Flight 93 becoming a fireball in the sky. F-16's reported to be sent towards Flight 93. One plane came back missing a missile. The timing of it all points towards a shootdown. Project Camelot interviews a woman who claims that she was in the room when the shootdown was ordered. States that this was just protocol being followed. Slips of the tongue of Rumsfeld and others in the gov talking about the plane being "shot down" Woops!!!

Glowing substance at the bottom of the towers for 6 to 8 weeks. This needs to be investigated and it's time that the people of this country demand it. Why would they haul off the steel and ship it away immediately? How does building 7 fall from two floors burning? Sounds of apparent bombs going off in the building. Free fall speed. No video being released from around the Pentagon. One film that came up, shows the tip of something coming into the film, which isn't big enough to be a jetliner. Another video that shows no signs of a plane, but just suddenly an explosion.

The official story just doesn't add up to me. I know this is controversial, but I refuse to duck my head in the sand and just believe what they are selling me on TV.


Whoa, that's alot of conspiracies at once.

When you lay them all out on the table like that it really makes me question how they could all possibly work together at the same time, which they really can't. Saying flight 93 was shot down supports the official story that all the planes were indeed hijacked by terrorists. Otherwise, there would be no reason to shoot the plane down, because it would not have been a threat. They certainly did not shoot the plane down for no reason at all, then try to cover it up for no reason at all. So either way, there were hijackers on that flight. On the other hand, I've heard people try to spin the decision not to shoot the plane down into a conspiracy itself. If the plan was to let everything happen and not interfere.

There are hundreds of eyewitnesses that saw a plane hit the pentagon. All of the planes flightpaths were tracked by numerous airports and air traffic controllers. They are not all lying.

People hardly ever ask the details about what it would take to pull something like that off, how many tens of thousands of people would have to be in on it, when using missiles instead of planes, or heck even no planes at all.

Big gaping holes in those theories I just can't brush under the rug.

The buildings didn't fall at free-fall speed. They fell quickly, but I'm pretty sure it wasn't free fall speed. Another thing they say to make it sound more enticing.
