Robert the Haunted Doll


Junior Member
I had a Charlie McCarthy ventriloquist doll (my older brother had gotten me interested in ventriloquism at the time so I wanted this doll which I got as a gift for my 10th b-day) when I was a kid. All was fine until I was alone with it in my room one day and I swear when I got close that I heard it BREATHE. When I did my heart stopped! I was petrified. I will never forget that moment. I later told myself it was 'wind' going through his body but there were no breezes in my my closed window closed door bedroom and I never heard it again. Instead I stayed the hell away from it after that. And he ended up in the family toy bin. Over the years he got creepier and creepier looking with the neglect.. his clothes went missing and he got a crack in his head. We started to use him for 'haunted house tours' we would set up in the basement from time to time for kicks (neighborhood kids would come over and we would give them a 'tour'). We would take him by his string (at the back of his head the controlled his mouth opening and closing) and hang him from the basement ceiling with it so that he would swing from it with his mouth hanging open. It was ultra creepy. Sometimes it fell on me to clean up and take him down (by myself). During the process I would apologize to him under my breath over and over 'sorry, sorry, I am so sorry..' I was afraid he might exact revenge on me somehow. It was terrifying. :) (I generally did not like dolls growing up even though I was, as a girl, supposed to, I usually didn't have any, that had been an exception, and Talking Tina is still one of the best/creepiest haunted doll shows ever made! )


Tn, are you playing matchmaker with the paranormal now? A man in the video looks like John Zaffis (Demonologist). I wonder if that was on purpose. hehe
