🛡️ Debate Russia/John Titor - coming true?

I'm ADD and don't really read longs posts (I skim read), so can someone explain why Russia would attack Australia? I thought Australia was neutral, but I could be wrong.... ?????
Earthlings..... Fighting so many wars. On my planet, when the going gets rough, we pull out the Zeta Reticulan version of vodka and throw a party. Suddenly, everyone forgets what they were fighting over.
What is occurring is not democracy.

I agree. What the U.S. has is a hidden dictatorship.

You state that inaction is a crime. As a mother watching world events unfold, I recognize two forces wishing to invade our lives. I am not going to abandon my children when they will need me the most! Standing up to the government or Russia at this point, is a choice between prison or death, when my children need me with them and alive.

Yes, true, some of us have to play the role of protectors of our families. I know I will be the protector and survivalist when it all happens.
I am armed and I am the one stockpiling food, etc. Sometimes, that is the only action we can take of the rest of the U.S. citizens won't stand up.
Preparation. Sadly, though, many don't believe or don't care and there is no preparation. I'm guilty of slacking --- I need to get moving and get
more supplies ready. If nothing happens, well, I have an emergency stash for a hurricane or other disaster. Never hurts.

Will it happen? That's the question....and honestly, I would not be surprised in the U.S. did make the first move. I don't have any faith
in this country any more.
Oops, meant to make that private. We can't delete posts. Anyway, take care of yourself then. Message me if you need to. Goes straight to my phone.
I think you are exacerbating the situation causing Russia to hate us even more, though with your assumptions it is causing further hate based on false reason. It is the media. Just like the weather, they get things wrong all the time. Now I understand why Titor has been trying to mislead you.

Who, me? I'm just pointing out a flaw in the media and I am not a U.S. government fan, so I am not going to falsely represent a corrupt government.
I love my country, not my government. You were pro Russia a few posts back, and now you're upset that I called out a major media flaw???????????

Confused :confused:
And how could I, personally and single handedly, cause an entire country to turn against the U.S.

I'm pretty damn powerful. I cause world hunger, too.

We aliens get a bad rap for everything. People think we kill cows, too.
