šŸ›”ļø Debate Russia/John Titor - coming true?

Oh, that's good old reception since the Cold War: it was formerly used by U.S. forces (when they flew so not only on warships, but the conventional cargo ships); now this technique has found specular application.

Very effectively has a demoralizing effect, especially if overcome the sound barrier, flying on a plane next to the ship (because then the shock wave created by actually shakes the entire deck).

Also, there's something interesting. Source: CIA chief came to Kiev look for missing Blackwater employees.

Pro-Russian militia captured the city police department. All weapons are shoot only with blank cartridges (without casualties).

Unarmed civilians was captured Ukrainian tank along with the crew:

Also disarmed army trucks:

The military did not want to become murderers of their own people. They lay down their arms and side with the militia. Despite all this, the Nazi junta seized power and sitting in Kiev every day sends all new death squads.

Situation is called in one word: "mess."

P.S. It would be funny if it weren't so sad.
If some people want to live free from the control of others then they should be allowed to do so.
To murder people because you want to control them is evil!
As I observe what is going on in other countries I can't help but think that it will soon happen here as well.
Freedom works and it should be respected by all people.
Hear the joke over the weekend that was put up on the Internet.

Obama calls Putin and says "We have to talk about Crimea and the Ukraine situation"
Putin says "Knock, knock"
Obama says "Who's there?"
Putin says "Crimea"
Obama says "Crimea what?"
Putin says "Crimea river" click!
Wow, this thread died.

I don't want death and destruction, but I wish something major, like public contact with aliens, for example, would happen.
The world needs to be awakened and I'm mentally bored. :) Can't something major but good happen? We don't need a nuclear
war to wake up, do we?
