Russia vs Ukraine, what's going to happen?

alpha centauri

Active Member
The war was started in 2014 by the U.S. and Ukraine fascists and nazis who murdered tens of thousands of people in Donbass during the past 8 years – there are tons of filmed evidence on the atrocities … women, children and elderly killed, pregnant women decapitated, miners with their ears cut off then shot in the head and all buried in mass graves during the night. In January 2022 there were more than 120.000 nazi troops located in the Donbass region, ready to massacre the whole population, those were nazi troops puppeteered by the elites who WANTED, PLANNED and FUNDED the war.

He only would have attacked Donbass, if that would be the case. But he attacked the whole of Ukraine, that is why that is not the reason. He attacked millions of innocent people, which you do not care about.

You complain that Nazis killed people in Donbass, but you do not complain that Russia attacks far more people Ukraine. Look at how many people Russia has killed in Ukraine. That also raises the question who the real Nazis is.

Putin NEVER wanted to conquer whole Ukraine in a couple of weeks, although it would have been a piece of cake for Russians to do it in only 3 days. Nevertheless, what those nazi devil idiots have done lately, leaves the Russians without any other choice but to eventually dissolve entire Ukraine, which I hope will happen sooner than anyone expects.
The plan was leaked by their media at the start of the war. They abandoned Kiev because they could not conquer it.

If they would not want it why did they attack Kiev, where the government is.

That was the plan according to Russian media:

Stop watching crap from western media and wake up, otherwise it might be too late, just as it was for the brainless entity that was kicked out from this site – don’t fall in the same trap or you will be looked at and regarded to as the devils who’ve lost already … don’t dig your own grave.
If Putin wanted to fight Nazis, he would apologize for his past and also fight the racists in his own country. Russia has a far greater racist problem than Ukraine. Ukraine and the US is not even on the top 25:

Your proof is nothing else than I hate America and I love Russia. In another post you wanted an atomic bomb thrown into your garden, because it would also hurt the devils around you. Your view is screwed. Exploding an atomic bomb is pretty much the worst thing you can do to the world.
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start at edge

Active Member
He only would have attacked Donbass, if that would be the case. But he attacked the whole of Ukraine, that is why that is not the reason. He attacked millions of innocent people, which you do not care about.

You complain that Nazis killed people in Donbass, but you do not complain that Russia attacks far more people Ukraine. Look at how many people Russia has killed in Ukraine. That also raises the question who the real Nazis is.

The plan was leaked by their media at the start of the war. They abandoned Kiev because they could not conquer it.

If they would not want it why did they attack Kiev, where the government is.

That was the plan according to Russian media:

If Putin wanted to fight Nazis, he would apologize for his past and also fight the racists in his own country. Russia has a far greater racist problem than Ukraine. Ukraine and the US is not even on the top 25:

Your proof is nothing else than I hate America and I love Russia. In another post you wanted an atomic bomb thrown into your garden, because it would also hurt the devils around you. Your view is screwed. Exploding an atomic bomb is pretty much the worst thing you can do to the world.
Like I said – stop watching western media crap, it has wrecked your brain too much already … but it is not too late – WAKE UP.
My invitation to Mr. President Putin to deliver a nuke right in my backyard, can only scare the devils, because I AM READY to die, but ONLY if taking with me at least 10 devils …
… I wonder why are you scared ?!
… and there is something else that shows you have very little knowledge about some things (which is also caused mainly by you watching western media) – research the difference between an atomic and a nuclear reaction.
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Senior Member
Like I said – stop watching western media crap, it has wrecked your brain too much already … but it is not too late – WAKE UP.
My invitation to Mr. President Putin to deliver a nuke right in my backyard, can only scare the devils, because I AM READY to die, but ONLY if taking with me at least 10 devils …
… I wonder why are you scared ?!
… and there is something else that shows you have very little knowledge about some things (which is also caused mainly by you watching western media) – research the difference between an atomic and a nuclear reaction.
Middle eastern media is pretty much on the same page as the west regarding Putin. Only dictatorships desperate to keep Russia as an ally to keep power at home would support a genocide against Ukranians. Chinese companies are boycotting Russia on their own. Xi clearly feels betrayed by Putin.

alpha centauri

Active Member
Like I said – stop watching western media crap, it has wrecked your brain too much already … but it is not too late – WAKE UP.
My invitation to Mr. President Putin to deliver a nuke right in my backyard, can only scare the devils, because I AM READY to die, but ONLY if taking with me at least 10 devils …
… I wonder why are you scared ?!
… and there is something else that shows you have very little knowledge about some things (which is also caused mainly by you watching western media) – research the difference between an atomic and a nuclear reaction.
I am scared, why should I? Putin does not read this forum and if he did, he would not nuke anything. Even he is more intelligent to do that.

But you are scared that is why you ignored my arguments. If you had knowledge, you could debunk it. You do neither care about the truth nor about racism or Nazis.

Again. Research the most racist countries and then you can send a letter to Putin, that he should also fight the racism in Russia.

start at edge

Active Member
I am scared, why should I? Putin does not read this forum and if he did, he would not nuke anything. Even he is more intelligent to do that.

But you are scared that is why you ignored my arguments. If you had knowledge, you could debunk it. You do neither care about the truth nor about racism or Nazis.

Again. Research the most racist countries and then you can send a letter to Putin, that he should also fight the racism in Russia.
Your arguments are in fact not yours, they are extracted from western media and western propaganda – and those are sources I will NEVER research, trust or believe.
Of course I don’t care about nazis … do you ?! … I think you do, as you spelled it with a capital letter.
Do you want to see what western media and propaganda have done to you ??? – just look at your early postings and comments and then look at the recent ones … I’ll not say more … judge for yourself.


Senior Member
Your arguments are in fact not yours, they are extracted from western media and western propaganda – and those are sources I will NEVER research, trust or believe.
Of course I don’t care about nazis … do you ?! … I think you do, as you spelled it with a capital letter.
Do you want to see what western media and propaganda have done to you ??? – just look at your early postings and comments and then look at the recent ones … I’ll not say more … judge for yourself.
People used to be okay with Russia, because we want to have peace and stability. Then Putin started invading again, intentionally raping and killing women and children to send a message. No western propaganda needed to change people's opinions when Putin's own angry speech about Ukraine having no right to exist, was basically a confession to the following genocide.

alpha centauri

Active Member
Your arguments are in fact not yours, they are extracted from western media and western propaganda – and those are sources I will NEVER research, trust or believe.
Of course I don’t care about nazis … do you ?! … I think you do, as you spelled it with a capital letter.
Do you want to see what western media and propaganda have done to you ??? – just look at your early postings and comments and then look at the recent ones … I’ll not say more … judge for yourself.

Because my opinion is more complex and not one sided.

I care about Nazis groups like Azov ( they have to be defeated), but I dont think that Putin cares about them. Putin wants control, instead of peaceful coexistence.

Nazis are of a negative polarization and also racism, so if you want an Utopia you have to balance your superiority into humbleness. And Russia has more racists than the WEst, so they have done a worse job. But the majority of Russian is also not racist, but the war could polarize them towards the negative.

The negative groups in the world control the oil and gas. That is one of the biggest complexes, after the bank complex and that would vanish if you have renewable energy. That is why Putin and RT were also against the Green parties, but not only him also a lot of other leaders in the world. The renewable energies are owned by the citizens and not the big companies and Putin has to act to remain in power, because his economy depends on oil and gas.

Renewable energies will lead to the release of free energy in the end, because they ( the oil complex) lost. The bank complex is also controled by negative groups mainly by the Westerners, that has to be defeated, too. That is the part where you are right that the West is also evil. That can be done by the abolishment of the banking secrecy. Both has to be defeated, not like Putin wants it that he is a dictator over Europe.

But the bank and money complex and the oil and gas complex are both working hand in hand and he is part of the problem not the solution. The leaders of autocracies are usually more narcisistic than democracies, so they can be controled very easily by negative beings.

Furthermore, The people in the West are less racist. So a win of Russia would probably turn them more racist, too, because autocracies are usually more racist. So it is not really a win spiritually.

start at edge

Active Member
Because my opinion is more complex and not one sided.

I care about Nazis groups like Azov ( they have to be defeated), but I dont think that Putin cares about them. Putin wants control, instead of peaceful coexistence.

Nazis are of a negative polarization and also racism, so if you want an Utopia you have to balance your superiority into humbleness. And Russia has more racists than the WEst, so they have done a worse job. But the majority of Russian is also not racist, but the war could polarize them towards the negative.

The negative groups in the world control the oil and gas. That is one of the biggest complexes, after the bank complex and that would vanish if you have renewable energy. That is why Putin and RT were also against the Green parties, but not only him also a lot of other leaders in the world. The renewable energies are owned by the citizens and not the big companies and Putin has to act to remain in power, because his economy depends on oil and gas.

Renewable energies will lead to the release of free energy in the end, because they ( the oil complex) lost. The bank complex is also controled by negative groups mainly by the Westerners, that has to be defeated, too. That is the part where you are right that the West is also evil. That can be done by the abolishment of the banking secrecy. Both has to be defeated, not like Putin wants it that he is a dictator over Europe.

But the bank and money complex and the oil and gas complex are both working hand in hand and he is part of the problem not the solution. The leaders of autocracies are usually more narcisistic than democracies, so they can be controled very easily by negative beings.

Furthermore, The people in the West are less racist. So a win of Russia would probably turn them more racist, too, because autocracies are usually more racist. So it is not really a win spiritually.
Go ahead and “peacefully coexist” with the azov nazis … if you think that is possible (my estimation is they would shoot you on sight – this is what they do – EVEN WITH THEIR OWN KIND).
If your opinion stems from western media, then IT IS one-sided … that is what you don’t seem to understand.
Tell me honestly – when was it the last time you were in Russia ?? how about Moldova, Ukraine, Transnistria ?? … I bet everything I have that not more recent than me. So, please don’t lecture me about racism in Russia when all the information you have on this issue is exclusively from western media – be it internet channels, magazines, TV, newspaper or other publications. I was there and I KNOW infinite better than you about this ... you only assume from what you extract from western media.
