Saw my first UFO irl


I've never seen one before and have always been a tiny bit skeptical, but I actually saw one the other night when traveling on a highway by my house.

Most of you probably won't believe me especially since I don't have any video or anything. It all happened so fast it hovered over me while I was driving, about half the size of an average American car. then it glowed a bright pure white light and hurt my eyes a little bit I didn't see spots or anything and then it was gone.

Just wanted to share this with everyone, I was pretty excited when it happened.
Did you experience any missing time or have strange dreams after? Have you noticed any changes after the white light like headaches, nausea?

You ought to google the military and alien/ufo's. Lots of theories out there. Secret military know much, and allow their children to be used/tested on. Have there been other sightings within your family?
Neat...maybe you are one of the chosen, you never know.
I would really like to see one...please send them to Tennessee as I'm really up for it.
Also...write down everything you remember about the visual...everything, so you don't forget the details and please share them with us on this thread.
Neat...maybe you are one of the chosen, you never know.
I would really like to see one...please send them to Tennessee as I'm really up for it.
Also...write down everything you remember about the visual...everything, so you don't forget the details and please share them with us on this thread.
I was actually on 65 s going home from Nashville!
