Scientific evidence that god exist


Active Member
It's as the bible says, test the spirits.

God isn't something you can quantify, test and measure. But whatever things that he says from his authors and is quoted to say, practice it and see how it turns out.

You can't have expectations of YHWH (God) lest you pray and ask in Yeshua's (Jesus) name.

You have to literally read scripture, other translations, study it's history and original languages, context and primary sources with other historical records still alive to get the pure meaning behind what these authors are sending to us.

The bible isn't perfect, but it helps give an idea as to how to get closer to God. We have to keep searching and test, measure and process what's being done.

You can't put God in a box and measure him with something as arbitrary as numbers, measurement theories and categorize him to describe the value of what's going on. You'd have to get what I mean as to what I'm talking about when I say that.


Junior Member
Define the term "God" first. What is God?

It would seem to me that something that is all powerful and omnipresent cannot be defined because you yourself have personal limitations. So, instead of questioning who God is, since we already know, question who you are and how you can remove your own personal limitations to understand an infinitely powerful totality that exists at all times everywhere and that is everything.

By virtue of the fact that you know who you are to that extent you are God. The problem is society has deceived us and all of our infinite potential seems 'limited' for one reason or another. But in Truth we create everything, including society, including the universe, and we are actually God.

This 'incarnation' is just God got bored knowing he/she is God, but you're still God even if you don't believe it.

So you don't believe you're God? Then what are you made of? Scientists still can't answer this question because you are infinite in truth, the stuff that makes us up both exists and doesn't exist. God is perfect so both contradictory responses are rectified because God doesn't have to make sense, he/she can do whatever he/she wants. And it's true.

Process of elimination works too. What is definitely not God? Is there any way to say? Once you realize that knowledge doesn't come from anywhere you realize that you have all the knowledge because if you have one piece of knowledge, then that piece only exists as a function of relationship with all other pieces, because everything comes from nothing, so to know that one thing is to know all things by function of relationship.

Lets say God does exist 'seperately' and we could ask him telepathically to prove he/she exists. What could we ask God to do that would prove he/she really really exists? Make a volcano in your backyard? GIve you a million dollars? IF this happened you would EXPLAIN IT AWAY! There is nothing God can DO to prove he/she exists because DOING, in our way of understanding it, is a limited process. It comes with all sorts of unconscious assumptions that are not overtly expressed in the request. You have to start with the faith that it could be honestly true, but this is a false honesty of trust in faith, and so all faith is non-belief! Knowing is true faith. But if you know then you don't need faith, you already know. God is not different from this world, but is also not tied to it in any way. God is perfect and infinite.

I could go on for days examining this from different perspectives and expressing all the different misconceptions about God and our own minds, but this should suffice for any people who want to know the truth about themselves and 'God'. If anyone wants more information I would be overjoyed to waste more of your time!


Are there scientific evidence that god exist?

I would say yes, the proof is all around us.. while we know what things like trees, frogs, dirt, are . we have no clue as how to make them.. we as humans are a little over 5 bucks worth of various minerals and some water... these are the proofs..

or at least thats how I see it


Active Member
no touchable evidence. think logically, who made all the plants, animals, humans, & other creatures ? Even if we humans were brought by aliens to Earth, one asks, who created those Aliens ? it must be some extremely smart maker..that is God. Do not be fooled by the evolution is frog shit. followers of it did not succeed to evolve the simplest creature in just never happens..they say it takes thousands of years, & this is their weak justification since no one can live 1000s of years to watch evolution happens...even if there is such thing as evolution, ask again, who makes it happen?..again it comes to the great engineer/maker above...


Senior Member
If God exists as we imagine Him, then there will never be any evidence of it. Here's my explanation. I posted this here some years ago (2005.) Here's the link: GOD:True or false

I may be able to address these two issues for you. I discussed them in a paper entitled "Is it Reasonable to Believe in God?" I wrote for a philosophy class in college.

The first thing to ask is, if we were created, then why were we created? The only reason that comes to mind is that God wants love. It has to be pretty lonely being the only thing in existence. Then let us take this as an axiom: God created us because he wanted us to love him.

If God wants love, he wants real love, not some pretend love that we think might get us into some heaven or love that we show out of fear of the consequences of not loving. That means Man must have free will. If not, those that love God would not be doing so of their own free will. Therefore the love would not be true. Because of this, God cannot allow any incontrovertible proof of His existence, since that would influence the love and interfere with Man's freedom to arrive at his own decision to love God. Hence, faith is the only principle that God can use to cause Man to love Him. If God overtly interfered in any disasters or suffering, that would result in evidence of his existence and ruin free will for Man, thereby ruining true love for God. God may covertly interfere in many sufferings, how do we know He hasn't? Is it possible that the last tsunami could have killed ten million but God intervened? Could it be that SARS could have been far more contagious and deadly but for some covert meddling by Him?

Also, there is no way of knowing what the result would be from God interfering with earthquakes, for example. I mean, if God decided we would have no more quakes, what would happen to the potential energy stored in the tectonic plates? God cannot just go around violating the rules of physics he put in place. He put those rules there for a reason, and they resulted in a universe capable of supporting life. Let's not forget, volcanic eruptions and vast floods have resulted in some of the most fertile soil on the planet. How many would haved starved by now if not for this?

It should be noted that if we are going to postulate an afterlife here, then our time on this earth should be considered as far far smaller than a grain of sand on the beach. If innocents are taken from us before what we percieve as "their time", it would be good to remember that this is but a tiny portion of their actual time of existence and therefore not of any particular concern in the grand scheme of things. Why should God bring down what he has created (man's free will) in order to extend an innocent's existence on this plane by a fraction so tiny that it approaches zero?

This philosophical position results in the extreme irony that the All-Powerful is actually powerless, at least in his relation with living humans.

God cannot possibly interfere in any way, and actual evidence is interference.



Senior Member
Yes, well, the problem there is that the fossil record proves that at some point in the past, there were no flowers.

