Serious Question in Regards to Time Travel


New Member
I'm not sure of the quality of answers I'll get from posting here, but this is something that's been on my mind for awhile and was hoping to get some viewpoints from other people.

Now, we know that Einstein proved time travel possible in like 1914? Sometime around then anyways... And many physicists today talk about what would be needed to travel in time. Now understanding it how they see it, time travel is achieved by reaching that near the speed of light or reaching the speed of light(Hawking's idea is to use a black hole to help achieve this, same with Michio Kaku I do believe but that's another discussion).

And according to Einstein's equations, the faster you moved, the more time would slow down for you(the biggest changes in time come when you get really close to the speed of light). But still even, the faster you move time slows down, we even have to account for this when dealing with the satellites in space that deal with GPS, because time acts differently upon them.

My problem is this, is time travel the way we perceive it to be actually what time travel would even come close to being? And the time travel they talk about by using the speed of light, would definitely not include the possibility of different world time lines.(If you wonder how I come to that conclusion, well if it did, and traveling through time took you to another time line, then people would disappear from our time line every time they got on an airliner, our satellites would disappear, things just wouldn't act 'normal'.) And Traveling back in time would be impossible, we'd only be able to slow down time by traveling at the speed of light and go forward in time.

Now of course I could just be putting way too much thought into this, especially with the Higgs boson possibly being discovered, huge advances could be made in the next 15-30 years in regards to the way we look at time travel, and many other things for that matter.

Just looking to see what the ideas of others might be.


Junior Member
I'm not sure of the quality of answers I'll get from posting here, but this is something that's been on my mind for awhile and was hoping to get some viewpoints from other people.

Now, we know that Einstein proved time travel possible in like 1914? Sometime around then anyways... And many physicists today talk about what would be needed to travel in time. Now understanding it how they see it, time travel is achieved by reaching that near the speed of light or reaching the speed of light(Hawking's idea is to use a black hole to help achieve this, same with Michio Kaku I do believe but that's another discussion).

And according to Einstein's equations, the faster you moved, the more time would slow down for you(the biggest changes in time come when you get really close to the speed of light). But still even, the faster you move time slows down, we even have to account for this when dealing with the satellites in space that deal with GPS, because time acts differently upon them.

My problem is this, is time travel the way we perceive it to be actually what time travel would even come close to being? And the time travel they talk about by using the speed of light, would definitely not include the possibility of different world time lines.(If you wonder how I come to that conclusion, well if it did, and traveling through time took you to another time line, then people would disappear from our time line every time they got on an airliner, our satellites would disappear, things just wouldn't act 'normal'.) And Traveling back in time would be impossible, we'd only be able to slow down time by traveling at the speed of light and go forward in time.

Now of course I could just be putting way too much thought into this, especially with the Higgs boson possibly being discovered, huge advances could be made in the next 15-30 years in regards to the way we look at time travel, and many other things for that matter.

Just looking to see what the ideas of others might be.

What is the "Higgs boson" please? In layman's terms if possible? Thank you. :)


Junior Member
Bowties where have you been ? Higgs Boson has been in the news a lot. A boson is a "force carrying" particle. The Higgs Boson , which they at first conjectured had to exist theoritically , is the boson that carries the GRAVITY force. Last year they had some good evidence they had actually found it. They still got a lot of work to do though. Confirming something exists isn't the same thing as knowing exactly what it is and how it works .
Like a few hundred years ago suspecting there was something tiny called germs that caused disease , then discovering they were for real in a microscope, didn't immediately mean we knew everything about them.
But we do know that gravity slows down light and bends spacetime.
Gravity is one of the FOUR fundamental forces, see here:
The Four Forces of Nature


Junior Member
I'm not sure of the quality of answers I'll get from posting here, but this is something that's been on my mind for awhile and was hoping to get some viewpoints from other people.

Now, we know that Einstein proved time travel possible in like 1914? Sometime around then anyways... And many physicists today talk about what would be needed to travel in time. Now understanding it how they see it, time travel is achieved by reaching that near the speed of light or reaching the speed of light(Hawking's idea is to use a black hole to help achieve this, same with Michio Kaku I do believe but that's another discussion).

And according to Einstein's equations, the faster you moved, the more time would slow down for you(the biggest changes in time come when you get really close to the speed of light). But still even, the faster you move time slows down, we even have to account for this when dealing with the satellites in space that deal with GPS, because time acts differently upon them.

My problem is this, is time travel the way we perceive it to be actually what time travel would even come close to being? And the time travel they talk about by using the speed of light, would definitely not include the possibility of different world time lines.(If you wonder how I come to that conclusion, well if it did, and traveling through time took you to another time line, then people would disappear from our time line every time they got on an airliner, our satellites would disappear, things just wouldn't act 'normal'.) And Traveling back in time would be impossible, we'd only be able to slow down time by traveling at the speed of light and go forward in time.

Now of course I could just be putting way too much thought into this, especially with the Higgs boson possibly being discovered, huge advances could be made in the next 15-30 years in regards to the way we look at time travel, and many other things for that matter.

Just looking to see what the ideas of others might be.

Hi russA welcome. If you look up Time travel on Wiki you can get quite a lot of basic no bullshit info about theoritical time travel. The main arguments against being able to travel into the PAST is that it creates paradoxes. It even brings into the argument philisophical questions about whether we have free will or everything is predestined, etc.
The first one you have to get your head around is The Grandfather Paradox. Everything else follows from that.
Grandfather paradox - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A lot of scientists and writers have put a lot of thought into ways in which the paradoxes might not preclude time travel. One of these is the Novikov Self-Consistency Principle. This is your second learning stop.
Novikov self-consistency principle - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Basically it means that the past will not LET you change anything .
There are other theories too though that say that you can change stuff but it will all gradually iron itself out like disappearing ripples.
The only theory that sidesteps all paradoxes is that of parallel universes/timelines, which there is some back up from from quantum physics, but if that turns out to be true then going into the past will be a one way trip; the very act of going back will create a differrent future and you will never get forward to the exact one that you left. This is very loosely the basis of the Quantum Leap TV series; the traveller can NEVER get home and can only jump between multiple timelines. Would be an interesting life though maybe!

I should like to qualify something you wrote in your intro. Einstein never liked the idea of Time Travel and disliked his General theory of Relativity because it (theoritically) allowed for the possibility of backwards travel in time . He spent the rest of his life trying to sew up all the loose ends and come up with a better theory that explained gravity as well (the so- called Unified Field Theory) but he never found it. Then Quantum Physics came along and fucked things up even more for everybody. Because even though some of Einsteins theory got proven by experiment, some of Quantum Physics theory got proven too. So it seemed that there were TWO sets of rules that were governing the universe both equally valid.
Later on came string theory that all matter is created by vibrations on a string but let's not even get into that.
Happy reading mate. :)


Junior Member
Oh by the way, Time Travel into the FUTURE is just about somehow accelerating near the speed of light but is a bit boring by comparison, and once again is a one way trip


Active Member
To answer your question about the people not dissapearing on the airplanes. Time is relative. What does that mean. I have given this much thought, and to put it into layman's terms. Time only exists because of the gravitational warping of space by mass. By that I mean that time does not exist in blank space where there is no mass, and no gravity. The airplane analogy is a great example, as the plane accelerates, additional G-forces are induced, creating additional gravity, and slowing down the passage of time within the craft. The satellite example is also another great example of this phenomena. A space craft traveling at the speed of light would experience no passage of time because time is relative within the mass of the craft, and that mass being ZERO due to the craft traveling at the speed of light. This fundamental theory is the basis for the General Electric Time Machine known as the G.E. C204 Time Displacement Unit. The device manipulates gravity to allow for displacement of a general area of effect around the machine through time. The manipulation of gravity is the key to manipulating time because changes in gravity distort the space/time around objects with mass. Research into the Higgs Boson will unlock the secrets to manipulating gravity through the creation of micro singularities and their generation of Hawking radiation.


New Member
This is just a little input.

I'm going to leave physical time travel alone for now.

As for communication with the past or present.

You could look at it as a way to time travel without moving from the current time.

If you spoke to someone in the past or future it would just be that.

A paradox or not.

You could speak to a long dead relative that you know died in a car accident.
If you tried to warn them of this, this might actually cause them to get in the accident.

This would imply that time is solid at least from your perspective.

However you would have to then live with the fact that your trying to warn your relative of this actually caused it.
Between when they were warned and you warning them everything would have to happen exactly the way it did from your perspective up to that point. That is to say if someone ever came up to you and said that the received a message from you and you said you were x years old. Up to the point you warn them your life will go on. There is nothing that could change that. You would live to be x years old and, speak to them at exactly that point in time if what the person told you was true.

Think about it. If this were possible there very well could be technology from 10,000 years in the future being used on the
planet now. However the general populous couldn't know. For if they did the technology in the future would be different.

If you want to get a good look at a very probable example of this go Read up on Edgar Cayce.

From reading some of this, if it wasn't just Edgar Cayce making the whole thing up, What he says sounds like possibly someone or many people are speaking to him.
That someone or someone's very well may be what the bible calls good.

He refers to him self as we, and I all the time.

Think about this if you could speak to anyone in the past or present,
And for whatever crazy reason wanted to go play god.

You could have one you talking with whomever you are speaking to and while on the same line but muted or whatever be talking to how ever many people, or other yous at different times.

So saying we, and I and the trinity makes perfect since.

It would be the same persons or person referring to himself or someone else. As me, we , I, him.
While the whole time being the same person or persons.(self/selfs)


New Member
Physical Time Travel.

This would also be space travel.

If you want to go back to the same location, wherever that maybe , in the past; you will not only
have to move back in time but in space. The planet is moving, the solar system is moving, the galaxy is moving.

If you go back past a certain amount of time you will not only go back in time but also be able to move faster than light.

If it only took you 10 seconds to go back 20 years to the exact location (say on the planet) you would have moved back in time 20 years and possible 1+ light years. Because where the planet was 20 years before would be who knows how far away in space.

Light can only travel around 300,000 km/s if you moved locations faster than that you would be traveling faster than light.

If you only wanted to go back 5 second to the exact location in space you start from you will most likely end up in outer space.


Junior Member
I got to go think about your first post a bit paranom. Your second post yes it's true but each discrete time will be anchored into a particular Minkowski space (set of 3D spatial coordinates qualified by a instant of time) which is unique .


Active Member
Actually that is exactly what john said happened the first time we powered up the prototype time displacement unit. It ended up 100,000 ft up in the outer atmosphere, falling back to Earth and exploding after only jumping time 1 second. Project management was not happy......this is the significance of using Dr Mallet for the development of the VGL navigation system.
