Seth Speaks About UfOs

Carl Miller

Active Member
Seth: The strange thing about your flying saucers is not that they appear, but that you can see them. As

science advances on various planes the inhabitants learn to travel between planes occasionally, while

carrying with them the [camouflage] manifestations of their home stations...

"I am quite sure--I know for a fact--that beings from other planes have appeared among you, sometimes on

purpose and sometimes completely by accident. As in some cases humans have quite accidentally

blundered through the apparent curtain between your present and your past, so have beings blundered into

the apparent division between one plane and another. Usually when they have done so they were invisible

on your plane, as the few of you who fell into the past, or the apparent past, were invisible to the people of

the past.

"This sort of experience involves a sudden psychic awareness, straight from the entity, that all boundaries

are for practical purposes only. However, there are indeed many kinds of science. There are a number of

sciences dealing just with locomotion. Had the human species gone into certain mental disciplines as

thoroughly as it has explored technological disciplines, its practical transportation system would be vastly

different, and yet by this time even more practical than it is now. (With amusement:) I am making this point

because I want it made plain--this, dear Joseph, is a pun--that when I speak of science on another plane I

may not speak of the plain old science that you know.

"Now back to the point. When sciences progress on various planes, then visitations become less accidental

and more planned. Once the inhabitants of a plane have learned mental--science pat--terms, then they are to

a great degree freed from the more regular camouflage [physical] patterns. This applies to “higher” planes

than mine, generally speaking, although mine is further along in these sciences than your own.

"[Many of] the flying saucer appearances come from [such] a plane, [one] that is much more advanced in

technological sciences than earth at this time. However, this is still not a mental-science plane. Therefore

the camouflage paraphernalia appears, more or less visible, to your own astonishment. Now, so strong is

this tendency for vitality to change from one apparent form to another, that what you have here in your

flying object is something that is actually, as you view it, not of your plane or of [whatever] plane of its

origin... The atoms and molecules that structurally compose the UFO, and which are themselves formed by

vitality, are more or less aligned according to the pattern of its own territory. Now as the craft enters your

plane a distortion occurs. Its actual structure is caught in a dilemma of form... between transforming itself

completely into earth's particular camouflage pattern, and retaining its original pattern. The earthly viewer

attempts to correlate what he sees with what he supposedly knows or imagines possible in the universe.

"What he sees is something between a horse and a dog, that resembles neither. The flying saucer retains

what it can of its original structure and changes what it must. This accounts for many of the conflicting

reports as to shape, size, and color. The few times the craft shoots off at right angles, it has managed to

retain functions ordinary to it in its particular habitat.

"I do not believe you will have any saucer landings for quite a while, not physical landings in the usual

sense of the word. These vehicles cannot stay on your plane for any length of time at all. The pressures that

push against the saucer itself are tremendous... The struggle to be one thing or another is very great on any

plane. To conform to the laws of a particular plane is a practical necessity, and at this time the flying saucer

craft simply cannot afford to stay betwixt and between for any indefinite period.

"What they do is take quick glimpses of your plane--and hold in mind that the saucer or cigar shape [often]

seen on your planet is a bastard form having little relation to the structure as it is at home base.

"At a later date I may go into the inhabitants of [those planes] more thoroughly, but as it is I am not very

much acquainted with them myself.

"There are so many things you do not understand that I hope to explain to you. There are other things you

do not understand that I cannot explain to you, simply because they would be too alien now for your

regular mode of thought...

Seth is an entity from higher dimensions channelled by Jane Roberts. Google that!
@Martian= Thank you for your contribution!

So let's take for granted that the supposed communicating 'entity' was nothing more than a product of Jane Robert's imagination. Very well, then.
First of all, Martian, I really do not mind if Jane Robert had been channeling an alleged spirit called 'Seth',( anyway, what is it in a name? ) is true or not. I have been doing the Reading of Seth's books in a matter of fact way, dispassionately, as any other product of channeling.
By the way, you know that in Parapsychology, any investigation invariably starts with a mental disposition called 'doubting'.
Doubt any communication no matter if the supposed spirit is claiming to be a VIP.
My take on the 'supposed spirit communications' is that if the messages have the power to help you anyway, I think that a good counselling can be beneficial coming from a 'spiritual entity' or from the medium himself (herself). The latter procedure would be considered as a product of the very wisdom of the medium subconscious mind.
One thing intrigues me, and i would like to have the opinion from other participants.
Everybody knows that Jane Roberts used to drink beer while she (Seth) was in trance dictating the so called Seth Material to Robert Butts, Jane's husband. We know that those sessions or seances used to be excrutiating for Jane Roberts. I mean, she often got extremely tired after those seances, all in, so to say, exhausted, worn out, etc. But owe it to the power of her subconscious mind she could cope with the terrible strain imposed on her. So much so the communication from Seth kept on intact and whole all the time through the years.
She used to drink beer during the seances.
Somehow, and i am not condoning the use of alcohol, or abuse of alcohol. But 'somehow' we cannot deny that the use of alcohol ignites supposed 'psychic gifts'. We cannot deny this. But, as i said, i would never condoned the usage of artificial means to lead to concentration or meditation, for heaven's sake, do not misunderstand me. So much so, i rarely drink.
Although we all know that Carl Sagan, for instance, used to smoke some marijuana. That Freud used to make use of something else.
The fact is that Jane Roberts made use of beer. I would never judge her because of that. As i would not judge someone for a homosexual oriented life, notwithstanding i have the right to have my own subjective opinion on Homosexuality. I have my own concept that i never impose on others, but i have no pre-conceptions.
On drugs and artistic or psychic gifts and even in the sport world. Just yesterday our Poker group, well at least some of the members we stroke up a conversation about a certain soccer player from the past. He had played for a very known soccer team in my home town and although being a excellent player who had 'saved' his team miraculously this soccer player used to drink more than enough and hated being coached. Despite his problem he was an excellent 'scorer' , i mean he scored three or four goals a match. Later on in life he gave up drinking and became known all over the country.
Somehow i am intrigued and i wonder 'what role, if any, 'artificial means' would play in 'imaginative creations'. I do not mean that Jane Roberts was an addict. She is known as an excellent creative artist, with or without 'Seth'.

P.S= Please reader, understand that i am being respectful. I want you to participate. But understand that I will not allow clown like replies, disrespectful replies, this is not a circus, for heaven's sake!

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After rereading the text it occurred to me that Jane Robert's subconscious mind or 'Seth' is somehow being ironic when he refers himself to 'Alien Aircraft', well at least it seems to us- for we tap into the source of known things or background or archives and the nearest vehicle which bears some resemblance to a UFO is our airplanes.
As Jane (Seth) speaks of 'camouflage paraphernalia', 'something between a dog and a horse', 'cigar shaped as a bastard form' he is poking irony on the phenomenon. 'The strange thing about your flying saucers is not that they appear, but that you can see them'. Here is another interesting point that it is expanded and developed along the text.
When he says that the most important thing is not that they appear but that we can see them implies that our consciousness borrows a determine form to something completely alien to our knowledge. The very name 'flying saucer' indicates that we are relying in something that we think we know -a saucer- which flies like an airplane. But a strange airplane that shoots off at right angles.
Actually what we imagine we see is never the alien craft as it is in its original size and appearance. We may never know how they would really look like.
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Nice posting Carl, you reminded me of when i read one of Carl Jung`s books and he offered an analysis of people who were seeing UFO`s by concluding that they were part of the human psyche`s archetypal imagery ,brought about by mass hysteria and became a living myth.:D
Nice posting Carl, you reminded me of when i read one of Carl Jung`s books and he offered an analysis of people who were seeing UFO`s by concluding that they were part of the human psyche`s archetypal imagery ,brought about by mass hysteria and became a living myth.:D

All truths are half true, TimeFlipper. There must be something going on as for instance some of us 'earthlings' see a cloudy bastard like cigar shaped object. Something must be conceiled behind the fleeting cloudy appearance. But i also agree, contradictorily speaking that what we think we see must not necessarily be what really is there. Perhaps there is nothing to be seen but a high frequency field of energy which was beamed to a specific site.
In this regard i can never forget those Marian Apparitions of Fátima and Lourdes. Impacted by an alien phenomenon, people ascribed terms to make it understood. Either demons and saints were 'seen' at those spots. To begin with what Francisco boy told his mother was that they had seen a little woman hovering a little tree.
The populace religious belief soon interpret Francisco's vision as the Holy Mary- mother of Jesus Christ. We create our own reality. We see what we want to see.

If i insist in mentioning Marian Apparitions is that i, myself, have spent Money and time investigating the phenomenon. Once i 'embarked' on a bus in ruins which bumped shaking us like jelly and as i got to the destiny i found out that my hair had become red with dust while and i had to bathe myself in a freezing stream washing my clothes and letting them hanging outside drying as i slept like a log inside a hut.
The following day early in the morning i still was feeling like a truck had rolled over my body i went to the site where the supposed Virgin Mary was 'appearing'. I found out that the air at that specific site was 'different' sort of ionized or something and a gush of fresh breeze came and went at intervals. The little bushes and trees at the spot moved away blown by the breeze, but the Wind only blew at that specific site. I could notice that beyond 50 meters from the spot the trees remained motionless. I almost let out a popular curse if i had not recalled that perhaps that would be disrespecful since many people believed there was something holy going on at that spot.
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Hi Carl:

Ah, you are right that a distortion occurs. Often people will say that the reality aliens live in is more ethereal than our own. In fact, often people will say it appears vaporous. However, that has not been my experience. The walls on board the space ship appear quite solid and cold for some reason. Made of a material that is neither plastic nor iron. Frankly, I do not know what it is. It does feel glassy for some reason.

Still, the aliens have a biting sense of humor, like asking me if I want the official flag of France and giving me a white handkerchief. or telling me that I could become a butler on earth if I want to live in a mansion.

Do remember the aliens dressing up as mounties and riding robotic unicorns. Their humor is very dry as we say.

Just a thought - where you want to use this is your call...If you want to know the real story...

1. Yes...UFOs are there...just a little advanced from us like about 500 five Billion years

2. When we do our IFO (I know how to do it but needs tons of money...think about Back to the future 1885 time frame where the doc knew how to do it), we can do so much. But in a few million, we can get better...and if we talk about the five billion would be really high like super Artificial Intelligence and like Vorlon Ship....

3. It takes a lot of energy for, most times they are not....

4. There are many groups on the Moon watching us for our growth.

5. We should have been doing it now but our people did not, we wait for 500 years. The reason they are here is specifically doing the space age project now...but it would not happen...I am too old for, I will come back in 500 years...(there are reasons but no point talking about it)

Thank you....
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