Skeptics Will Almost Stop Existing


Junior Member
The reality is I've been around 8 counties of Florida and made contact with over 1,400 individual. Only 6 out of 1,400 people claimed that they didn't believe in what I have actually experienced. That means there is 1 skeptic to every 233 believers and knowers. Even if the true amount of skeptics were tenfold or hundredfold, skeptics are still the minority group.

My prediction is that skeptical people will diminish by converting to believers and knowers in the near future.

If you have had anything bizarre happen to you, most people will believe you. I think 2024 and 2025 will be the best times to share your truths to the world because skeptics are so few.
Story of my life.

I have had people tell me that, they had no idea how I changed the film negatives for some of my old photos
which showed clear evidence(s) of the paranormal. For REAL. :oops:

I was even told that my Polaroid Camera was manipulated in some sort of manner. Lol!
I sent it out for examination at the time and it was found to be an intact Polaroid One.


The photos that I still own are of places and people involved...So, posting them anywhere is a violation
of my personal code of ethics and I can/will be sued by the participants. I drew out contracts and they are signed.

This also protects myself.

Bottom line is, IMHO, there will always be skeptics and even worse are those whom are there to tell you
that they are "Better than....More qualified than......Have better knowledge than......"
Because doggone it...They read a book and know all the buzz-words."
These people have no people skills at all and are in fact THE single worse skeptics out there.
It's why I quit the Paranormal Societies.

I feel for you, man.

Being a skeptic about everything must be really boring. Imagine living life with no mystery, no thirst for knowledge, and believing in nothing, going about day by day just living without wonder about the universe. Nothing wrong with being skeptical at first, but there are people that, for example, will say "ghosts don't exist" without reviewing any evidence whatsoever. I know people like this.

@Wind7 I quit the paranormal subculture not because of skeptics, but because of the fame seekers. I was better off making discoveries on my own. But the worst skeptics are the ones that simply say "no" with zero evidence of their own to refute information. It's just a refusal to see the truth. Very sad.

Being a skeptic about everything must be really boring. Imagine living life with no mystery, no thirst for knowledge, and believing in nothing, going about day by day just living without wonder about the universe. Nothing wrong with being skeptical at first, but there are people that, for example, will say "ghosts don't exist" without reviewing any evidence whatsoever. I know people like this.

@Wind7 I quit the paranormal subculture not because of skeptics, but because of the fame seekers. I was better off making discoveries on my own. But the worst skeptics are the ones that simply say "no" with zero evidence of their own to refute information. It's just a refusal to see the truth. Very sad.

Oh yeah Paula, fame seeking was the last straw.
Several of my personal photos were never returned to me when I loaned them to a certain paranormal investigation group.

I had to get legal with these people in that if they ever used the photos for self proclamation
or posted them anywhere on the net or If I ever caught wind of their use for false self promotion of any kind,
I would pursue legal actions. I also still have all of the negatives of these pictures for proof of ownership.
I have all their hand written documentation of what was found here
and the times they all went down.
Their equipment was ruined by an entity of some power...It was all witnessed by personal friends of mine as well.

It was real.....But they tried to use this to seek personal gain against my wishes and they would have exposed my home
and all whom were involved with the incidents of the early 2000's....Without really caring whom they would hurt?

"Get off of my lawn!"
I’m a natural skeptic but if there’s proof, I have been known to believe in it

As a former investigator myself,
you have to rule out every single thing before you can call it genuine.
Lens flare....Noisy plumbing......Tree branches contacting a house......Mice.....Recreational drugs.....the whole lot.

It's why I hated the eventual lapse of film photography....Negatives do not lie.
Digital camera images can all be manipulated....Film? Not as easy to do without failure.

It takes time to investigate the paranormal,
But it's worth it in the long run.

Most that contacted me were absolutely genuine and
the people involved wanted nothing to do with the spotlight, they just wanted their lives back.

I never once charged a fee of any kind and at times, even wrote out contracts
to protect both myself and the afflicted from becoming publicly embarrassed by outsiders looking in.

None of the general public's business anyway, imo.
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Oh yeah Paula, fame seeking was the last straw.
Several of my personal photos were never returned to me when I loaned them to a certain paranormal investigation group.

I had to get legal with these people in that if they ever used the photos for self proclamation
or posted them anywhere on the net or If I ever caught wind of their use for false self promotion of any kind,
I would pursue legal actions. I also still have all of the negatives of these pictures for proof of ownership.
I have all their hand written documentation of what was found here
and the times they all went down.
Their equipment was ruined by an entity of some power...It was all witnessed by personal friends of mine as well.

It was real.....But they tried to use this to seek personal gain against my wishes and they would have exposed my home
and all whom were involved with the incidents of the early 2000's....Without really caring whom they would hurt?

"Get off of my lawn!"

Wow. That's the world they created by wanting desperately to be on TV.

Equipment ruined - I believe it. When I was investigating the St. Augustine lighthouse with Nighwatchers, all our of our cameras and flashlights died at the same time. What are the odds that all equipment runs out of power simultaneously?

Digital Cameras - they create anomilies. Can't process it? Make it an orb.

And yeah, you have to be skeptical at first in order to rule out other possibilities. That's natural.
Story of my life.

I have had people tell me that, they had no idea how I changed the film negatives for some of my old photos
which showed clear evidence(s) of the paranormal. For REAL. :oops:

I was even told that my Polaroid Camera was manipulated in some sort of manner. Lol!
I sent it out for examination at the time and it was found to be an intact Polaroid One.

View attachment 18140

The photos that I still own are of places and people involved...So, posting them anywhere is a violation
of my personal code of ethics and I can/will be sued by the participants. I drew out contracts and they are signed.

This also protects myself.

Bottom line is, IMHO, there will always be skeptics and even worse are those whom are there to tell you
that they are "Better than....More qualified than......Have better knowledge than......"
Because doggone it...They read a book and know all the buzz-words."
These people have no people skills at all and are in fact THE single worse skeptics out there.
It's why I quit the Paranormal Societies.

I feel for you, man.

Yep this was a big reason why i stopped going to the UFO cons and gave up on all of my UFO groups and such is every where i went it was also "Give me proof" Or "you're lying" Some of the most difficult people to talk to or deal with were supposed "Professionals in the industry"

It got so tiresome, i was on a few podcasts and all i did was basically have to be like ya it happened i know it did i was there i seen me do it, and it was always" well prove it" or criticizing and trying to pick things apart, i was finally like F it i am done, no more. I have been asked since then and always turn it down, i just dont have the energy for it anymore.

I use to love going to retreats and conventions but the biggest critics and skeptics were the people who you'd think would be on your side, i could rant forever about it lol
The reality is I've been around 8 counties of Florida and made contact with over 1,400 individual. Only 6 out of 1,400 people claimed that they didn't believe in what I have actually experienced. That means there is 1 skeptic to every 233 believers and knowers. Even if the true amount of skeptics were tenfold or hundredfold, skeptics are still the minority group.

My prediction is that skeptical people will diminish by converting to believers and knowers in the near future.

If you have had anything bizarre happen to you, most people will believe you. I think 2024 and 2025 will be the best times to share your truths to the world because skeptics are so few.
Skeptical about what? Everyone lives on a spectrum of vibration, there is always a truth higher than the one you are on and skepticism and the curiosity to ask questions, or more precisely question the mass narrative is the drive that creates the new change.
It cannot vanish, because without it we would never evolve. Trains would never have pushed past 50mph, planes would never have been developed...etc.
Skeptical about what? Everyone lives on a spectrum of vibration, there is always a truth higher than the one you are on and skepticism and the curiosity to ask questions, or more precisely question the mass narrative is the drive that creates the new change.
It cannot vanish, because without it we would never evolve. Trains would never have pushed past 50mph, planes would never have been developed...etc.
Every thing from the existence of God to the ketchup being in my refrigerator. The point is that there are a wide spectrum of skeptics however the sheer amount of skeptics are rare.
