Some things w/ infinity


Some things w/ infinity

I am sorry, but I am too tired to explain these things. Please, forgive me, as I should not be posting at this hour, but an idea hit.

Consider undef. a concept.

infinity/0=undef. x infinity



(i/infinity where i is any number is equal to infinity^-1 x i, and it is quite a small number. Also, infinity/i is infinity.)




infinity x 0=0
undef. x 0=infinity
infinity x undef.=infinity/0 by the way. Thus undef.=i/0 (it works all the same, since infinity is the set of all numbers)


Infinity^0=infinity, while 0^infinity=0 thus the undef. root of infinity is infinity and the 0 root of 0 is 0. This tells nothing of the undef. root of 0, but it is definitely between 1 and 0. I would say that it is 0, but that is just me.

OK. Thanks, and good night.
Some things w/ infinity

i have no idea what you are talking about , you cant divide infinity by infinity.....infinity isnt a number

btw 0/0 = 0

Some things w/ infinity

My fellow user, infinity is just the set of numbers that go on forever. I guess that you can say that if 6 is the set of 1+2+3, then 6/2=1/2+2/2+3/2 which is .5+1+1.5, which is 3.(wow, I just made a new discovery! LOL). Thus infinity is the set of every positive number, and negative infinity is the set of all negative numbers. And 0/0 is infinity because 0 x every number = 0.

Some things w/ infinity

you just said it yourself , 0 x every number = 0 , how is it infinity? - it's just a plain old zero.... also they teach you all this stuff in year 7 math class ? arent you 12 years old?
Some things w/ infinity

Originally posted by iooqxpooi@Sep 25 2004, 10:56 PM
undef.=infinity x 0







Okay Iggy, as I've said before, it's been 20 years since I've had calc. , but I'll take a stab at this. By plugging in defined numbers, instead of infinity which is not defined, let's see if the formula works. We will define infinity temporarily with the number 4.

"undef.=infinity x 0"

0 = 4 x 0 (okay this works so far)



4/4 = 1 (nope this does not work, and it never will because taking a number
and dividing it by itself will always be equal to one)



0/0 = 4 (this does not work either. Taking 0/0 will always be equal to 0.
However when multiplying something by 0 it will always be equal to 0. I
know that it would seem that it should be equal to infinity or any
number, simply by flipping equations, but the acceptable answer for 0/0
is 0)



4/0 = 0 (true)
0/4 = 0 (true)

Going back to your original forumula "undef=infinity x 0"

0 = 4 x 0

The formula works, but the way you went about it was not sound. I'm sure someone with a better grasp at math can direct you better.

Some things w/ infinity

No no no, infinity is the set of all numbers. 4 is the set of all numbers having to do with 4! Thus infinity, the set of all numbers, divided by infinity=0. 1/infinity+2/infinity...1/infinity=0 because infinity cannot go into 1. 2/infinity=0 because infinity cannot go into two. Got it? :)
Some things w/ infinity

Yep. :)

And I just usually do this to try to get some criticism in my work. Just incase I am wrong. I find it very nice! :)
Some things w/ infinity

Originally posted by iooqxpooi@Sep 26 2004, 09:50 AM
My fellow user, infinity is just the set of numbers that go on forever. I guess that you can say that if 6 is the set of 1+2+3, then 6/2=1/2+2/2+3/2 which is .5+1+1.5, which is 3.(wow, I just made a new discovery! LOL). Thus infinity is the set of every positive number, and negative infinity is the set of all negative numbers. And 0/0 is infinity because 0 x every number = 0.
I say that last comment because-

4/2=2 because 2 x 2=4
5/2=2.5 because 2.5 x 2=5

Get it?
