Something Bigger Than Us?


There has to be something bigger than us out there, right? I'm all for common sense and science. But the theory of evolution seems way too convenient and unlikely to me.

We human beings, our sentience, and our developed senses, all would be the result of countless random mutations and events? Man, I mean… How unlikely is this? I bet you’d have more chances to turn lead into gold than to turn primordial soup into a functional human being.

Then who created us? And why? That’s a mindblower.

Also, this begs the question… Is there anything after this?

If there’s nothing greater than us… Isn’t life a little meaningless? What’s your take on it?


Ah my old friend the question of the ages
if this is it whats the piont

yeah I never could go with the evo. bs either

one poss.
we are spirit/energy in a body of flesh now.
however spirit/energy is niether created or destroyed only transformed .
our higher self or assened consciousness is not physical and therefore not able to feel anything.
so we chose to incarnate in the flesh to feel to touch to have physical sensations.
and when we die this time,, we will do it again, and again ...

or maybe the worms will eats us and thats the end of it

as for me I go with the KJV BIBLE as a base or core belief
that said, just what is the whole point of it all??
I mean why all the life and death train wreck ,,why not just create it all perfect and be done.
it is still not clear to me, I do believe we will live for ever in some form , and in one of two places ...:eek:


Temporal Engineer
There has to be something bigger than us out there, right? I'm all for common sense and science. But the theory of evolution seems way too convenient and unlikely to me.

We human beings, our sentience, and our developed senses, all would be the result of countless random mutations and events? Man, I mean… How unlikely is this? I bet you’d have more chances to turn lead into gold than to turn primordial soup into a functional human being.

Then who created us? And why? That’s a mindblower.

Also, this begs the question… Is there anything after this?

If there’s nothing greater than us… Isn’t life a little meaningless? What’s your take on it?

You have to watch the latest episode of The Why Files. The questions you raise have answers in this episode. I think AJ and HeckleFish must be Saints!

Annunaki | Gods from Planet Nibiru and the Makers of Man


There has to be something bigger than us out there, right? I'm all for common sense and science. But the theory of evolution seems way too convenient and unlikely to me.

We human beings, our sentience, and our developed senses, all would be the result of countless random mutations and events? Man, I mean… How unlikely is this? I bet you’d have more chances to turn lead into gold than to turn primordial soup into a functional human being.

Then who created us? And why? That’s a mindblower.

Also, this begs the question… Is there anything after this?

If there’s nothing greater than us… Isn’t life a little meaningless? What’s your take on it?

The problem I have is that our bodies have obvious flaws. Would evolution really do that?

Example: The esophogus and bronchial tube are too close together. Design flaw. You can inhale a grain of rice and cough for 15 minutes. You can barf stuff up into your lungs. Didn't they do any beta testing? Or are we merely in the middle of an evolutionary change?

Why would some humans have allergies? Why do some create too much stomach acid? There are so many genetic mutations that I feel like a failed experiment.

Whoever made us needs to start over.
