Schematic Space-Time Resonator 40 (STR-40)


Time Enforcement Commission
As you will see, the (STR-40) has infinite possibilities. If it is tuned correctly, it can be used for either physical or out of the body time travel. It can also be used as a treatment instrument. So basically, the theory behind this device is, if the capacitance in a circuit, is equivalent to the earth’s capacitance, white light energy will then be produced.

And if a circuit generates white light energy, you are automatically tuned to the zero vector, theoretically speaking of course. Warning! This device is dangerous, especially if it is grounded to a natural grid point. Therefore, I strongly advise that you pray before using this device. The same goes double for all other instruments listed in this report. Remember! When you're working with this much light, there is bound to be trouble. The reason I say this, is because, if you don’t put Christ first in your life, you can by accident, lock onto a Hell region!!! And this is nothing to joke about!!!

For physical time travel: activate the (S1) on/off switch. Now tape the copper plate, or (P1), over the solar plexus or navel area. Next, while stroking the rubbing plate, turn the first dial from 0 to 84 while concentrating on the following question, (what is the dial setting that will transport my physical body and all of its components to date)? As soon as you feel some sort of resistance or stick on the rubbing plate, stop turning the dial and proceed to the next one. Do the same thing as before, until all the dials have been tuned. If you have done everything correctly, you should be transported. It should also be added, that when you use this device for the first time, it may take as long as 5 to 7 hours before you get any results.

For out-of-body time travel: do the same thing as before, only this time concentrate on the following question, (what is the dial setting which will transport my astral body and all of its components to date)? So basically, after all the dials have been tuned, find yourself a comfortable place to relax in order for the energies to take effect. Remember, the copper plate must be positioned over the solar plexus or navel area at all times.

As for healing: you again activate the (S1) on/off switch, and position (P1) over the solar plexus or navel area. Next, while turning each of the dials (I.E. while stroking the rubbing plate), concentrate on the following sentence, (what is the dial setting that will completely and totally heal my blood)? Once you get a stick on all the dials, wait for the space or 10 or 15 minutes before deactivating the unit. This will allow some time for the white light to take effect. Therefore, all you have to do is treat yourself 2 or 3 times a day for the space of a week, and you should be healed, provided of course, that the problem isn’t too serious. If it is a serious problem that needs to be treated, it could take longer. So if you decide to build the (STR-40), make certain that you obtain the largest available crystals. The larger the crystals, the better it works.



I didn't post this one in 2015, probably because I got it confused with the Space-Time Modulator. They're not the same. Well, here it is, straight from the year 2001!
