Steven Gibbs April 2012


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I contacted HDRKID last week to know if he was able to ask a few questions to Steven Gibbs and allow me to post them on the forum. I was able to come up with this somewhat short interview with what HDRKID provided me with. As I said, it's a pretty short interview and many of us likely won't learn anything new, but I think it's kind of cool to read comments coming (almost) directly from Mr. Gibbs himself.

Also, many thanks to HDRKID. :)

1. How did you discover, invent the HDR device?
I built the first HDR for Ruby and she was wiccan. She told people about the it. The HDR is similar to the sonic resonator built in 1981.

2. Have the police or other authorities approached, interacted with or otherwise made their interests in your product known?
People came to my house claiming to be FBI, but they were not. Also, I have sold the device to the military.

3. Have you/would you ever refund a dissatisfied customer?
I have given refunds, but I prefers to sell to believers.

4. You provided an HDR unit to Art Bell. Did you do this unsolicited, or did he contact you?
Art Bell was given a unit, but never did use it. Not sure why.

5. Did Art Bell use it? If so, did he share his results/experiences with you?
There is a photo of the Art Bell time cat - perhaps the 1st time traveling pussy.

6. Have you ever physically traveled through time. If so, can you describe the experience?
I Went to 1976 with Patricia Ress.

7. Have you ever met your doppelganger (younger or older self)?
I have seen both. It is real creepy.

8. What are your upcoming projects for 2012?
I am working on a new device, but I will not tell you what it is.
Steven Gibbs is a very nice person. The last time, I talked to him it was about 10 or 12 years ago. I wish him the very best on his new upcoming 2012 project or device.

I contacted HDRKID last week to know if he was able to ask a few questions to Steven Gibbs and allow me to post them on the forum. I was able to come up with this somewhat short interview with what HDRKID provided me with. As I said, it's a pretty short interview and many of us likely won't learn anything new, but I think it's kind of cool to read comments coming (almost) directly from Mr. Gibbs himself.

Also, many thanks to HDRKID. :)

1. How did you discover, invent the HDR device?
I built the first HDR for Ruby and she was wiccan. She told people about the it. The HDR is similar to the sonic resonator built in 1981.

2. Have the police or other authorities approached, interacted with or otherwise made their interests in your product known?
People came to my house claiming to be FBI, but they were not. Also, I have sold the device to the military.

3. Have you/would you ever refund a dissatisfied customer?
I have given refunds, but I prefers to sell to believers.

4. You provided an HDR unit to Art Bell. Did you do this unsolicited, or did he contact you?
Art Bell was given a unit, but never did use it. Not sure why.

5. Did Art Bell use it? If so, did he share his results/experiences with you?
There is a photo of the Art Bell time cat - perhaps the 1st time traveling pussy.

6. Have you ever physically traveled through time. If so, can you describe the experience?
I Went to 1976 with Patricia Ress.

7. Have you ever met your doppelganger (younger or older self)?
I have seen both. It is real creepy.

8. What are your upcoming projects for 2012?
I am working on a new device, but I will not tell you what it is.

I don't think this is the real Gibbs...

I agree that it somehow sounds a lot like HDRKID's own answers. He told me it was from Gibbs though.
I agree that it somehow sounds a lot like HDRKID's own answers. He told me it was from Gibbs though.

HDRkid, can you speak to this? With all the free linkage you've been allowed to post to your own project sites, one might frown upon giving a great guy like Num a bogus interview.
Maybe a dumb question, but I find the answers to questions 4 and 5 a bit odd.

He never used the device but there is a photo of Art Bells time cat??? How should I read this, the cat used the device on its own?

Back to your debate on whether it's genuine or not ;)
Maybe a dumb question, but I find the answers to questions 4 and 5 a bit odd.

He never used the device but there is a photo of Art Bells time cat??? How should I read this, the cat used the device on its own?

Back to your debate on whether it's genuine or not ;)

There's a lot about it that reeks of garbage, but I'm going to be civil and let HDRkid respond first.
Maybe a dumb question, but I find the answers to questions 4 and 5 a bit odd.
He never used the device but there is a photo of Art Bells time cat??? How should I read this, the cat used the device on its own?
Back to your debate on whether it's genuine or not ;)

Questions 4 and 5 look ok to me. Gibbs did give an HDR unit in the 90s to Art Bell, but he never did use it. The way Gibbs and George Noory discussed it on C2C AM was that Art lives supposedly near to a location that is vibrant with Electromagnetic energy/vortexes and Art never found enough courage to use the device. He could have been plain concerned due to other issues as well, none can really say. Gibbs also mentioned that he had heard indirectly that Art used the HDR on his cat, but not sure if it's true. The interview really doesn't offer anything new and when I spoke to Gibbs, I made sure that I did not ask anything that had already been exhausted in C2C interviews.

Everyone has their own opinion of Gibbs and I do agree he will sound like a nut sometimes, and eccentric, but that is no reason to judge a person's intellect and abilities :-)

Thanks for starting this Num!
Talked to Steven Gibbs today but he was angry. I told him I was going to London next month and he said, you do not have enough money. Well, got the ticket and I am ready to roll, truth is that I got money. Still, I was hoping to catch the olympics this year. Well, not sure if that is possible. I do not want to live where I do anymore. People believe what they wanna.

SG says that he is tired of going on interviews to be made fun of and I agree. People who believe in his units are using them and getting the results that they expect from his labors, but skeptics are not easy to convince. First off they do not care. Second most have their minds made up.

I am lucky to get those answers. He talked a lot about the 1st HDR that he ever worked on. Also, he has been on art bell more than once. He did tell me that he sent art an HDR and that art never did use it. He has sent other people HDR units and typically, they have the same sad fate of gathering dust in a corner.
Talked to Steven Gibbs today but he was angry. I told him I was going to London next month and he said, you do not have enough money. Well, got the ticket and I am ready to roll, truth is that I got money. Still, I was hoping to catch the olympics this year. Well, not sure if that is possible. I do not want to live where I do anymore. People believe what they wanna.

SG says that he is tired of going on interviews to be made fun of and I agree. People who believe in his units are using them and getting the results that they expect from his labors, but skeptics are not easy to convince. First off they do not care. Second most have their minds made up.

I am lucky to get those answers. He talked a lot about the 1st HDR that he ever worked on. Also, he has been on art bell more than once. He did tell me that he sent art an HDR and that art never did use it. He has sent other people HDR units and typically, they have the same sad fate of gathering dust in a corner.

Here's the thing about these kinds of interviews:

All the host really cares about is creating good, entertaining content. Art Bell is interested in a great many things, but do you honestly think he (or George Noory) take most (or any) of what they broadcast as absolute fact?

Of course not.

The questions Num offered were not biased against him, you or the HDR in the slightest, nor is there any possible way they could have been received in that context. Gibbs (or you) did himself (or yourself) a major disservice by answering as vaguely and stupidly as possible.

Q: Have you ever met your doppelganger (younger or older self)?
A: I have seen both. It is real creepy.


How about elaborating on the circumstances, the reaction of the older/younger version or how it's affected his perception of himself?
