Strange Youtube Video Genre !

Bones McCoy

Senior Member

One of our Transylvanian posters has discovered a strange Youtube video genre, one that might be described as "Silent Solo Asian Girl Bushcraft". I watch a lot of bushcraft videos, but usually they are some guy from Kentucky with a name like "Squirrelly Clem" talking about how much firepower it would take to stop a sasquatch, and similar topics.

Anyway my recommends are suddenly chock full of Asian girls in the woods, so I will post a few of those videos here.



Temporal Engineer

A bit alarming, frankly...

An idea came to mind after watching this. Could the great pyramids have been carved in place by ancient craftspeople? That idea sort of does away with the current narrative that giant limestone blocks were cut and transported and assembled on site with a precision that exceeds modern building techniques.

start at edge

Active Member

A bit alarming, frankly...

Isn’t that amazing ???
What a healthy way of living – and who else to be strong enough to do it than Asians … because, let’s face it, one has to be strong in every aspect to be able to do such things even if only as a hobby … strong physically, mentally and spiritually. How can anyone have other than the greatest respect and admiration for such people?

Bones McCoy

Senior Member
Isn’t that amazing ???
What a healthy way of living – and who else to be strong enough to do it than Asians … because, let’s face it, one has to be strong in every aspect to be able to do such things even if only as a hobby … strong physically, mentally and spiritually. How can anyone have other than the greatest respect and admiration for such people?

Indeed! Just watching them is exhausting! They never seem to tire!
