Surveillance Drone in the US!


Active Member
But let's also not forget that not only misdirection.. But the fact that Uncle Sam is so secretive about things that if they don't want it known, it won't be known. So... What I mean by that is, that usually when they let something be known, it's already too late to do anything about it. Do you ever see the newest most secret weapons before the war? No.. you never see them until they use them during the war. What I'm saying is that like KC said above.. it's too late, long gone, see you later. If they are letting us know they are flying them and attacking US citizens.. that means it's already been done a few times before.


Senior Member
Useful information for when the government targets Americans.

'Tips for Dodging Drones'
Interesting article. I liked this segment on cost from the article:
In comparison, the cost of 1,000 drones equals the price of an F15 Eagle jet. If we talk
about the latest models, like the Predator, it costs $10 million while the cost of an F16 is
$350 million and the fuel for 200 flights of a drone equals the fuel consumed by one flight
of F4 Phantom jet. I keep thinking of all the hidden profits that the NWO elite are making in addition to using them against us in this future world we have entered. I like the tips for dodging, as they may be needed by someone...someday...somewhere!


Active Member
Or.. could be tips like this are made up under the guise of "helping Americans maintain their freedom" or whatever.. when in reality it is done this way to try and avoid suspiscion as this information is put on the web for the taliban to read and understand... I'm the ever vigilant pessimist, always thinking of the downside. You can call me Negative Nancy if you want. :p


Active Member
Don't like drones being used against you? Then get this;
Wookong M 50 Waypoint Upgrade USA Ships in 24hr | eBay

In case you are wondering what that is... It is software to preprogram your very own drone that can be mounted with a camera. So you program in GPS points, upload them to the onboard device, and off it goes. You can trick your neighbors into thinking Uncle Sam is out to get them. Also would work wonders if your neighbors have a nice .. ahem... vegetable garden up in the woods. Send one of these bad boys up that way to keep them gone for long enough to go dig up their products.

here's one version of a drone to be used on.. Octocopter Oktokopter X88 J2 Drone RTF w TX DJI Wookong for 5D Mark II Shipping | eBay

This would also work well for that guy that was having fun filming his neighbor having sex with the picnic table.


Senior Member
Don't like drones being used against you? Then get this;
Wookong M 50 Waypoint Upgrade USA Ships in 24hr | eBay

In case you are wondering what that is... It is software to preprogram your very own drone that can be mounted with a camera. So you program in GPS points, upload them to the onboard device, and off it goes. You can trick your neighbors into thinking Uncle Sam is out to get them. Also would work wonders if your neighbors have a nice .. ahem... vegetable garden up in the woods. Send one of these bad boys up that way to keep them gone for long enough to go dig up their products.

here's one version of a drone to be used on.. Octocopter Oktokopter X88 J2 Drone RTF w TX DJI Wookong for 5D Mark II Shipping | eBay

This would also work well for that guy that was having fun filming his neighbor having sex with the picnic table.
O_O you would think Drones would be easily hacked and or brought down, i cant imagine they have very thick metal. Damn where is the subject with how to build your own EMP gun


Active Member
Don't like drones being used against you? Then get this;
Wookong M 50 Waypoint Upgrade USA Ships in 24hr | eBay

In case you are wondering what that is... It is software to preprogram your very own drone that can be mounted with a camera. So you program in GPS points, upload them to the onboard device, and off it goes. You can trick your neighbors into thinking Uncle Sam is out to get them. Also would work wonders if your neighbors have a nice .. ahem... vegetable garden up in the woods. Send one of these bad boys up that way to keep them gone for long enough to go dig up their products.

here's one version of a drone to be used on.. Octocopter Oktokopter X88 J2 Drone RTF w TX DJI Wookong for 5D Mark II Shipping | eBay

This would also work well for that guy that was having fun filming his neighbor having sex with the picnic table.
O_O you would think Drones would be easily hacked and or brought down, i cant imagine they have very thick metal. Damn where is the subject with how to build your own EMP gun

In my head.


Senior Member
All apparent future negatives will be sold to us as positives. People get ready for the lemonade, or should I say Kool Aid? This article is promoting that drones are good for they create jobs. Isn't that nice? Nothing is said about all the jobs that were lost to China, Mexico, and every where else. Oh yes, the nice drones will be used mostly on farms. (rounding up or eliminating people) So next time you see a drone coming at you, be thankful of all the jobs it has created and sing the Barney theme song.

Drones Will Create 100,000 Jobs, Report Predicts

By Tim Fernholz, Quartz

Commercial drones, which are expected to be approved for use in the U.S. in 2015, will create 100,000 jobs in 10 years, adding $13.7 billion to the American economy, according to a new study.

The study was published by the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International, a trade association with an interest in promoting the benefits of unmanned aircraft -- the industry does not like the word "drone" -- but its assumptions offer an interesting assessment of the sector's opportunities.

Drone Use Will Mostly Be On Farms

While people are bullish about using drones for a bunch of reasons, the study expects that 90 percent of drone sales will be for agricultural purposes. A key assumption of the study is that U.S. farmers will adopt unmanned aircraft at similar rates to Japanese farmers after that government allowed their use in the early 1990s:
