Surveillance Drone in the US!


Senior Member
I thought I was the only one still making Kool Aid comments.
I haven't had Kool Aid since I was a kid...but I still remember dumping the packet in the pitcher and must had added a cup or more of wonder my dentist loves me. Now back to drones...


Senior Member
And sadly with how Gullable people are they will be like " o okay well that makes it fine then!" suuuure jobs are good no doubt but losing even more freedom and privacy to create jobs is not good.


Senior Member
C2C show on drones...
Drones, Guns, & Rights:
On Thursday's show, analyst of geopolitics and foreign policy Craig B. Hulet discussed the use of drones in war zones, as well as potential drone strikes on U.S. citizens. He also addressed concerns about the government trying to curb gun rights, and other freedoms. One of the biggest problems with unmanned drones is that "they are absolutely terrible at marksmanship. The collateral damage is always horrendous," he stated, explaining that typically 10-30 civilians are killed when going after a single al-Qaeda terrorist. The drones have no capability of having laser guided missiles or precision targeting, he continued. The US is not "winning the war" in Afghanistan, and has increasingly used drones because they can't sustain this level of warfare any longer, he added.

Obama has been secretive about how the drones are being used, and one of his administration's goals is to have 3,500 drone bases around the world, including domestic, Hulet said. Drones are already in the air in 11 major American cities, including Seattle, where protests against their use have taken place, he reported. Hulet described an incident in North Dakota where a drone was used to assist a SWAT team that came to arrest an armed man accused of stealing cattle. The explanation for the drone's presence was that it was there to secure the safety of the SWAT team.

In what he considers an erosion of citizens' rights and privacy, Air Force drones can now legally spy on you, TSA's "mission creep" is making the country a police state, California is using face recognition scanners to spy on people, and Obama's executive order expands Homeland Security into local law enforcement.



Active Member
Okay.. So you guys know by now.. I'm gonna bust out on something if it doesn't seem right. I'm all for booing Obama and sticking up for our rights as Americans and just people in general.. but these comments by this guy don't seem right. I'm going to check with a few guys here and ask who've worked with laser guided systems cause from my understanding there are different types. One of which doesn't involve anything actually on the drone. It's in the missile itself. So to say that the drones don't have that capability is a lie in itself.

The next thing is his talk of 3500 drone bases around the world. The US government does not have that many bases around the world. In order to implement our soldiers on another countries soil it takes a lot. We don't just go to another base and say.. hey, we're here! ... And due to the many many different types of drones.. you don't even need a damn airfield. I've hung with guys that have some they launch with this giant sling shot looking deal. Others that are launched by hand. So if they aren't meaning putting them on actual bases and making new ones.. well good luck cause for the majority of drones all you need is an area the size of a porch for launch and retrieval.

I'm all for keeping rights and fighting for them. but it really pisses me off when people have to exaggerate like this in order to try and make a point. Isn't it enough to just say.. umm hey guys they're taking your rights away? No, some people have to make up lies. There's a big problem in this country with people pissing all over the soldiers, sailors, airmen, and marines and their families that give up their lives for this country and then things like this make them look even worse. Military drones, this military drones that. The use of the word "military" is done over too often. and then what do people see when they see a soldier die? the don't see people, they see animals. There are many civilian agencies that employ these drones. I work with several here. There are at least 4 that I know of that have MAJOR contracts and do most of the drone operation for the military. The drones with weapons on board are few and far between. Do all drones have the capability to have weapons? NO. You can hate the government all you want, but these military men and women don't deserve to be used as ploys. They just signed up to do a job. Most signed up for free college. Some signed up to do their self inflicted national duty. This POTUS alone from what I read has given away more secrets than any other POTUS before him. These secrets sometimes cost lives, and sometimes just cost face with people that don't really deserve to be in the cross fire like that.

Also, saying we're not winning the war over here cause we can't sustain that level of warfare?.. LOL.. you know why we're using drones more here? because American society is a bunch of PUSSIES! If ten American soldiers die, oh big deal. 1 innocent Afghanie dies.. and the world is going to collapse. Using drones takes our guys out of harms way. So call it bad to use drones during war if you want, but it saves lives. And in 5 years over here.. you know how many drones WITH weapons I've seen? 3!! 3 drones with weapons in 5 YEARS!! But, oh I must not be in the right place right? For 6 months at one base my shop was 20 feet away from a special airfield made just for them. BUT, You know how war works? Not the same here. These stupid A-holes will be walking down the street in the middle of a firefight doing their grocery shopping. So if anyone is to blame for the increased use of drones over here.. it is the American people themselves. It's sickening the amount of stories to be heard of how these supposed "innocents" are hurt in the line of combat. Nobody ever asks WTF they were doing there to begin with. If some baddies with machine guns come and take over my village to hide in.. I'm probably going to leave. Here.. they just stick around like nothing happened.

SORRY.. rant over. back to drones.


Active Member
UN official says US drone strikes violate Pakistan's sovereignty - World News

Here's another example of the use of the media to further the wrong agenda. In here you'll read about the "atrocities" of the US by launching drones into Pakistan. Once again.. nobody is asking why we launched them there. And these people build their houses out of poorly made mud bricks. So YES, a fart in the wind will knock them over let alone a missile. Why is nobody questioning this? Because just like gun control, certain countries are using the free press of the USA to further their agendas by blinding us. Making us only see that these things are bad. Pakistan is taking Billions of dollars of money from us each year. Nobody questions that. Nobody questions when they rape and beat their women. It just blows under a rug. But we send in an unmanned drone to kill some bomb toting A-holes, and that's all we see.

I know I said I was done ranting, but here in this forum we talk all the time about conspiracies and government coverups, right here even in this thread. I'm just really surprised that I'm the first to see that there the drone issue is out in the open because of a conspiracy to make the US look bad for doing good. And yes by saying, GOOD, I am referring to killing people that otherwise want to come to western nations and kill our civilians. But it takes a World Trade Centers to blow up before people get behind things like this.

How can a nation protect the rights of our people when a jealous nation is spending money that we give them in "aid" to build weapons that are given to people that use those weapons against us? And to think that Pakistan of all nations would just say nothing.. please. Those jerks are the first to cry foul. They blocked food shipments here for months. And it's free flowing again. They're only chirping in right now because their other investors from China and Russia are telling them to speak up.

This is us basically saying if you won't kill them, we will.

Now on a lighter note, I think that we should pull back and become isolationists. I think that would teach the rest of the world a real good lesson. We have enough satellites in space that can pick your face out, we don't need drones. Our "freedom" was lost during the Truman Presidency when he enacted Presidential Executive Orders. Our media does nothing but cause problems. There is always two sides to every story. And the media is only showing you what will sell.


Is this a mosquito?
No. It's an insect spy drone for urban areas, already in production, funded by the US Government. It can be remotely controlled and is equipped with a camera and a microphone. It can land on you, and it may have the potential to take a DNA sample or leave RFID tracking nanotechnology on your skin. It can fly through an open window, or it can attach to your clothing until you take it in your home


Senior Member
Is this a mosquito?
No. It's an insect spy drone for urban areas, already in production, funded by the US Government. It can be remotely controlled and is equipped with a camera and a microphone. It can land on you, and it may have the potential to take a DNA sample or leave RFID tracking nanotechnology on your skin. It can fly through an open window, or it can attach to your clothing until you take it in your home
It never ceases to amaze me what diabolical minds can come up with. If they build it they will use it. I will need to locate a metal swatter as the cheap plastic ones made in China would be no match here.


Senior Member
Is this a mosquito?
No. It's an insect spy drone for urban areas, already in production, funded by the US Government. It can be remotely controlled and is equipped with a camera and a microphone. It can land on you, and it may have the potential to take a DNA sample or leave RFID tracking nanotechnology on your skin. It can fly through an open window, or it can attach to your clothing until you take it in your home

Is this a spoof, or is it real? Can you link us to where you got this information?
