T=T the concept of time travel

Nak Sae Glim

Junior Member
As a theorist I often find myself wondering over the basic concepts required for time travel.

Is the farthest I've been able to push the concept:
Time is only equal to time..
Greater than infinity and only measurable or comparable in fact, to itself.
Given this information we come to the conclusion that the only way to alter it, is to usetime itself.
Most get lost at this point, so I'll back track. Time is equal to time, and greater than infinity. So to alter time we must use time itself. No element or reaction will allow us the ability to alter it.
Meaning the "time machine" must use time itself, what we would be doing is moving a piece of the current time into another selected section of time. Like a bubble floating from one section of air to another section of air.
Note before hand that
Therefore if something, let's say an Apple "was not, is not and never will be" in a location of time, let's say stone age Greece.
It cannot enter that location. However this law is completely flipped on its head if we change it.
The Apple "was , is or will be"

The only way we will know.. is when we know.

And that.. is what T=T means
Only time will tell when this age old concept is solved, was solved and will be solved.


Interesting. One implication is that if Time=Time then it has always existed. No end. No beginning. Can you explain how this is different from infinity?

Nak Sae Glim

Junior Member
Infinite by definition is simply concept of quantity that can't be recorded. Time could be said to be infinite yet it is infinite in multipule aspects. In simple terms time is like a cube and infinity is one side of that cube.

Nak Sae Glim

Junior Member
Yet remember that a cube is a gross over simplification.. as time has an infinite amount of directions. Length, depth, ect. Time is literally only comparable to time


Infinite by definition is simply concept of quantity that can't be recorded. Time could be said to be infinite yet it is infinite in multipule aspects. In simple terms time is like a cube and infinity is one side of that cube.

So, you are saying that infinity is also multidimensional. Interesting.

What do you believe the shape of the multiverse is, or does it even have a shape (per your definition)?

Nak Sae Glim

Junior Member
Multiverse is only one theory.. the larger concept I try to grasp myself, is the makeup of the universe.
What I have found is that without time, the laws of the universe are simplistic. As in it all fits into one line. Imagine that a choices you make are the choices you make. No alterations, therefore no split realities or parallel universes ect.. with the removal of time, everything seems to work far easier.

However how then can I still believe T=T ?

And thats the point I lose people at. Time is only subject to itself. Therefore in my perspective of the universe time doesn't and does exsist. Only measured and comparable to itself.
..I feel I may lose most people here

Nak Sae Glim

Junior Member
It's similar to the the concept of scale symmetry.. Yet I feel more simple.. this could also just be my unique perspective of the concept.
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Multiverse is only one theory.. the larger concept I try to grasp myself, is the makeup of the universe.
What I have found is that without time, the laws of the universe are simplistic. As in it all fits into one line. Imagine that a choices you make are the choices you make. No alterations, therefore no split realities or parallel universes ect.. with the removal of time, everything seems to work far easier.

However how then can I still believe T=T ?

And thats the point I lose people at. Time is only subject to itself. Therefore in my perspective of the universe time doesn't and does exsist. Only measured and comparable to itself.
..I feel I may lose most people here

Yes, time as a linear concept would make time travel quite simpler. Definitely. But, it would also allow too much change, so T would not be constant. Of course, T itself wouldn't change, but actions/points on the plane would change. You say no alterations, but wouldn't time travel allow alterations, or is time travel null/void/fatal in this theory?

T=T Almost sounds like a mathematical representation of the universe.

Take a look at this on my website:

The Shape of the Multiverse

It's a theory I came up with, the multiverse being a rose curve. I stated that each petal represented infinity. What if, instead, each petal were T ?

Interesting. Thanks for the mind candy. :) :)
