Tall Whites

Sirius B Scientist

Junior Member

Trust your gut instincts when dealing with aliens. However the positive to gain from this is that the pleiadians fear you, and for good reason as you will find out if you ever come into conflict with them!

I have to ask you to check your gut instincts when dealing with Dolphins/Whales/Nommos. Before dealing with us do you trust Dolphins?

The tall whites have repeatedly tried to bully your world governments, into doing exactly what they want. We would like to bring that bullying to an end and we are more than capable of doing so.

If we can take on the Reptilian empire of a very high percentage of the Milky Way, then we are more than capable of taking on the erran empire. However unlike that war where we fought alone, we have allies in Asgard and the Reptilians.

Like with humans as a whole, there are good human civilisations like Asgard, and evil 1s like the pleiadians. We know you guys are on track to become a good human civilisation due to your high ethics and morales.

The reason I keep going on about the tall whites, is you need to know about the species that could very soon rule your planet through the NWO. They are less than a year away from taking over your planet. Dont worry if this happens your leaders will soon be arrested and tortured in the spirit realm. The alternative potential future is the BRICS bank becoming established.

"In 1999 I was at a Friends house sleeping when i was struck with a demonic encounter. I could not Move nor speak and felt I was being violated or attacked by something evil. I knew what this was..Ive had a few attacks before. My mom has a history as well being attacked by demons. Naturally I began to call on Jesus…I think I even called for Jehovah..then I cracked my eyes open and saw it standing at the foot of my bed. I was Frightened and confused at the same time. What i was expecting to see was either a Bat winged , Horned demon looking thing or perhaps a black silhouette or shadow as my mom had described them. That’s not what I saw at all. It was a Alien. It looked almost identical to the ones described on TIME/LIFE and TLC or the history channel. This one how ever was not small and Grey. It was tall and white and its huge eyes were red not black."


"Hall reports that the Tall Whites were involved in the Eisenhower Treaty exchanging advanced extra terrestrial knowledge
for shelter, clothing, and freedom to perform some experiments. Charles Hall became quite close to this group of Extra
Terrestrials, whom didn't entirely trust humanity. Hall describes the Tall Whites as being aggressive toward most
humans and controlling. According to reports, they would often attempt control the minds of guards on the base whom
they referred to as "weak minded." Guards said the Whites would instill deep sense of fear and panic in their minds
without their knowing. They are also said to have no hesitation to kill"

"Tall Whites should be treated with extreme caution. While they have some positive qualities and an overall mission of
survival while caring for their young, they are still very aggressive and hostile to humanity."
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What did I feel when I first saw pam. Well, I was near six.

I have already told this before, but here we go again. I was with my dad and both of us were going in a rusty old pick up. He used it in his construction company. Yeah, my dad could afford an expensive one. However, he thought the old truck gave him character, what ever that is.

Far up in the sky I saw a light. I shouted. “DAD, it’s a UFO!” He replied. “It is a secret military plane – son.” However, it looked just like those flying saucers. UFO kept getting nearer and nearer. I wished it would come down and it did land in a field of corn.

Dad drove over the young corn. This was so we could get a closer look at the flying saucer. It was a metallic color like gun metal gray. Well, I jumped out of the pick up truck and ran over. Then I knocked on the door. “Let me in.” Looking through the port hole I did not see inside that there was any one. However, I heard the low drone of the engine room.

There was a strange noise. OK so then the door opens. I saw a beautiful alien hybrid girl near my age. She did seem like an angel or a fairy princess. She told me her name was pam… asked me if I wanted to come in.

I felt when I was with the alien beings great joy. I did not want to leave, but they told me I had to go back or it would make my mom cry.

I still remember that they loved to play games. These did not involve hitting me. Also, I know that the aliens were nice. In contrast humans are quite mean.

OK so you do mention "Charles Hall describes the Tall Whites as being aggressive"
They are very aggressive. In fact, they are warriors. Often they will say that humans are wimps. Venari have a saying. "50% of your son is the woman you marry. If you marry a weak woman you get a weak son. If you marry a strong woman you get a strong son."

Aliens are quite different than humans in many ways.

Let me give you one example. Back in 3rd grade, I remember in school, other kids asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I said, “I wanna be a pressure regulation engineer.” Then I cut a fart – POOOT!

All the boys laughed until they were crying. Girls did not find my antics amusing. They said zero.

Well, a few days later, I got the same question on board the alien space ship and I replied in the same way. Actually no one laughed and they all thought what I did was so gross. One alien girl said. “Don’t do that again human worm!” Another alien girl said. “What you are is a maggot, you filthy disgusting HUMAN pig! What you need to do is learn some manners!”

Basically, aliens want things to be clean and pure. For example, they have no pollution or crime. Often, they would ask me why humans dump raw sewage in our rivers. This renders the water unfit for use. Humans are seen as dirty, filthy, and full of perversions.


Well they are responsible for 250,000 disappearances without a trace in the UK alone. The missing: Each year, 275,000 Britons disappear. 35,000 Australians. http://www.news.com.au/national/van...e-missing-people/story-fncynjr2-1226690144936. 120,000 Russians mysteriously disappear without a trace. Hundreds of people mysteriously disappear in Russia every day. 500,000 Americans are killed and soul harvested by them every year.

Still think they are friendly?

Well they are responsible for 250,000 disappearances without a trace in the UK alone. The missing: Each year, 275,000 Britons disappear. 35,000 Australians. http://www.news.com.au/national/van...e-missing-people/story-fncynjr2-1226690144936. 120,000 Russians mysteriously disappear without a trace. Hundreds of people mysteriously disappear in Russia every day. 500,000 Americans are killed and soul harvested by them every year.

Still think they are friendly?

how do you know for sure if they are friendly or not?
Let me see. There is a sheep missing. Well, you have two suspects, a wolf and a cow. The cow eats grass. Wolf eats meat.

Oh wow, I think that I just solved your case.

Humanoid aliens are vegan. They have a long gut and it is vegetable proteins they process.

Reptilians are carnivores. They have a short gut. Plants they cannot process. Eating a plant based diet is not an option as they cannot survive. OK so they must eat meat, and guess what - they see you as a protein source. Snakes eat mice. I do applaud you on realizing that millions of humans go missing every year. Actually, that is the reason why your gov will never admit that aliens are real because reps eat you. Time to wake up is now.

Being friends with the reptilians is like a chicken being friends with Colonel Sanders!

Let me see. There is a sheep missing. Well, you have two suspects, a wolf and a cow. The cow eats grass. Wolf eats meat.

Oh wow, I think that I just solved your case.

Humanoid aliens are vegan. They have a long gut and it is vegetable proteins they process.

Reptilians are carnivores. They have a short gut. Plants they cannot process. Eating a plant based diet is not an option as they cannot survive. OK so they must eat meat, and guess what - they see you as a protein source. Snakes eat mice. I do applaud you on realizing that millions of humans go missing every year. Actually, that is the reason why your gov will never admit that aliens are real because reps eat you. Time to wake up is now.

Being friends with the reptilians is like a chicken being friends with Colonel Sanders!


How can Reptilians be eating humans if they have little to no presence in this sector of the galaxy, and they have rarely over the last 60 years? Everything the Reptilians and Greys do here is with the permission of the tall whites as they control this sector... In fact the only reason there are Reptilian abductions here, is because the alien races signed a deal that alien races can only abduct their star seeds on developing worlds within the galaxy. That means if you get abducted by a Reptilian you are a Reptilian star seed. Do you think they would be eating their own star seeds? The answer is no!
There are many types of humanoid aliens, as we live in an enormous universe.

Still remember I was on an old metro bus going from my grandmother’s house to Miami Beach to swim. I saw an alien girl on the bus with her dad and mom. I am attracted to aliens for some reason. She did not look pretty to me. Her face looked strange, not like a human one. Both her parents were obvious aliens that were scary. Still, I walked up to her, and she was sad for some reason.

This girl pointed to the calm blue ocean. Her face was filled with awe. “It is so beautiful – your sea. Sadly, on my planet there is no ocean. It is as dry and dusty as an old bone.”

Looking at me she said. “Human, you are so lucky to live here with an amazing ocean.”

I nodded. “I like to go swimming. Do you like to swim?”

She said. “I can’t swim.”

I said. “Well, you can get in the water and enjoy our waves.”

Then I looked at her mom. “I am happy that you came. Water is great this time of year.”

Her mom nodded. “Where are you from?”

I said. “I was born on Planet Rykanor right near the ancora sea, but I am here staying with my granny.”

She smiled. “Ah, you would not like our place as it is hot and dry all year.”

Her father shook my hand and told me his name. It is so strange that I cannot pronounce.

All three went into a hotel, later they got out and were wearing one pieces. This was for swimming.

I would have liked to have brought over my camera. Maybe take a picture with em.

They all did seem so happy in the water catching the waves. Funny, the things others enjoy.

I listened to the crashing waves. Then there was a strong sea air aroma. Seagulls were coming down and I started feeding em. They like to eat pieces of bread and other parts of my lunch, but when my food ran out they flew away.

Far out at the edge of the horizon I saw a large ship on a luxury cruise. There were black clouds rolling in. Oh wow, they did look ominous.

OK so soon after, it started raining. All of us got out of the warm water as I could see lightning that was near. Breeze was kicking up. It blew down a trash can. Also, it was now carrying away some newspapers.

The mom said. “Ah, maybe we should all go inside before things get worse.”

I asked them how long they would stay in miami. They told me a few days and then they would go home again. I told the girl, Tamiyara was her name, that I would see her early in the morning.

Well, I had trouble sleeping as I wondered about where the alien girl was from, and if maybe they could take me to their place, but I told granny zero. She would have cautioned me not to associate with strangers – good advice I tell you.

Next day I showed up at the hotel bright and early, but the family was gone. At first the hotel people did not know what I was talking about, but an old man looked at me. He shows me a photo of the girl and told me that some men all dressed in black came and threatened them with bodily injury. He shook his head. “After... roughing us up… we told them what room the family was in. Then, those schmucks grabbed the girl, her dad, and mom. Also, these secret police took all their luggage away. I called the local cops. They told me to shut up.”

He did pause. “I hate those evil goons. They hit the little girl and her mom.”

I started crying.

The old man looked at me. “Listen to me son. I am a jew. Fact is, my parents escaped from nazi germany. This place is worse.”

A manager kicked a chair and glared at him. “Shut up old man. I said – SHUT UP!”

These MIB left him with the photo and gave him a number to call if any more “visitors” show up.

I felt so sad, and wonder where they are now.

Reptilians are like cobras and iguanas. They experience no parental care. Reps hatch from an egg. Frankly, they do not have in their vocabulary words like kindness or compassion. Have you ever heard the term “snake pit” if you kill one snake, the others do not even care.

Zeta Recticulan grays are grown in an incubatorium machine that is like an aquarium. If you ever spent a day on a gray ship you would know this one. They do not have a mother or a father or an uncle or a cousin. These concepts are truly ALIEN to a gray. What they are is slaves of the reps.

In contrast, humanoid aliens are mammals and they are similar to us. Ah yes, they are like a pod of whales that raises little ones. Protects them from sharks and other predators in the ocean. These are social beings that care about others in their group. Dolphins will attempt to help a human being attacked by sharks, and attempt a rescue.

I have seen many humanoid aliens and I feel we all have a common purpose.

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