

Senior Member
Perhaps in another time line telecommuting is common. A debunker told me back in 2000 that in 2015 we would all be telecommuting and that there would be no paper money. He said that the internet means fewer cars.

I told him that is not what I saw in 2015, most people still drive to work in cars. He said that in 2015 robots drive the car for you. Also, that a lot of jobs are gone. A machine in McD makes big macs. Vending machines replace stores like sears. All the employees are gone. The guy changing the oil is a robot and jet pilots are robots not humans. I said, people still drive cars in 2015. He said - no, it is like johnny cab.

Funny, self driving cars are now appearing. He did get that one part right, but was a little bit off in terms of years. OK, as for telecommuting, it is less than 3% of work force, and it is being abandoned by many companies.


Senior Member
Telecommuting - Long ago like 1981 I read a book by Alvin Toffler and thought that is where it should go.....Look like we have to get there in the next 20 years....

Basically because USA is going to push for it and Dollar will be gone due to China is a control engineer, I thought everything that man does can be done by machines sooner or later...but it can happen within your life time...

My thanks to your friends...may be let us get more of what he saw and see how it can happen...thank you.

A debunker told me back in 2000 that in 2015 we would all be telecommuting and that there would be no paper money. He said that the internet means fewer cars.

Please let us have more items....


There are more and more people working remotely.

Some companies aren't getting into that because they're afraid their employees won't be as productive from home. I guess that's understandable, it depends on people and how you trust them.


Senior Member
There are more and more people working remotely.

Some companies aren't getting into that because they're afraid their employees won't be as productive from home. I guess that's understandable, it depends on people and how you trust them.
The companies that do use remote will be contacting their staff every hour of their working day, to make sure that they are working properly :sneaky: :D


Senior Member
Perhaps that is why we need AI based robots robot talking to the other!

steven chiverton

Senior Member
hm up north in australia giant trucks that were used to haul iron ore from the iron ore deposits were driven by drivers now they are all remote controll no more dirvers now , it was on tv not long ago and i think they was in one otehr state testing a driverless taxi

Dr Zaius

Junior Member
The largest obstacle to overcome in the future workforce will probably be our idea of the eight hour workday. As technology replaces the need for human workers, it will either mean millions added to the unemployment lines or we will need to look at other means of providing a guaranteed income to the populace. The current model of work is based on 19th century needs in some ways.


Senior Member
I remember reading an article in a newspaper back in 1988 where some professor said that with the advancement of technology as it is, within the next 20years workers will be spending less time at work and therefore should be looking into more leisure pursuits to fill their time lol...and also in the UK last year, 2 million jobs were created, unfortunately many of the immigrants coming here were given those jobs and this is another reason why im hoping the UK will quit the EU tomorrow and gain our control back over immigration, and not be told by the EU that we HAVE to let immigrants come here..
