The beginning


New Member
Have few questions feel free to answer but please I'm not a technical person so try to be simple thanks.I would like to know more about the members and the same way you get to now me.

Everybody seems to have different opinions but do you guys think there is one way to travel in time or there are different ways to travel in time?

Could it be possible to travel in time by accident or involuntarily?

Do you think age make you more vulnerable ,susceptible or have a connection with time travel?


Time Travel Professor
Why do you want to time travel?

Do you want to travel two other dimensions or back in time on your own timeline?


New Member
I will answer to break the ice

From what I read so far I think that there is a possibility that there are more than one way for time travel assuming the anecdotes are real everywhere I read in the past few years.Some claim a machine,some claim a deep mental state,some with the help of items related to the particular time one wants to travel.

Some people claim to have traveled for a short period of time and then come back without even knowing it.

I think the younger the more able is the person to time travel, i read long time ago the a guy in Europe believe that some humans could have like mind powers but in order to develop or to shape those power one must detect them when the person is very young or they lose the ability very much like the X-men but more like moving stuff with mind or mind reading.


New Member
Why do you want to time travel?

Do you want to travel two other dimensions or back in time on your own timeline?
Not sure what other dimension could be more like the possibility to travel in your own time line I guess but not like back to the future where You can see you own self as kid but more like being 40 and time travel back and becoming that child or that teen you were again.


New Member
without knowing about it or maybe having like frames of the event but not sure what happened or if indeed that is what happened


Not sure what other dimension could be more like the possibility to travel in your own time line I guess but not like back to the future where You can see you own self as kid but more like being 40 and time travel back and becoming that child or that teen you were again.
That's the theory that involves your mind as being the time travel device. I thought about this one a few times, but never heard of it that much. It's all about your mind traveling to another time that fits itself into the body of your own alter-ego in that very time and space for a short period. It doesn't necessarily deal with time lines, but again, it likely does from we can read around the Internets.


Junior Member
I believe this is called quatum jumping, where as a person has a learned ability through meditation to reach various time lines and interact with thier personal dopleganger.


well I would say that I am as close to a full blown nutjob as your going to find so don't listen to anything I say......

now thats all cleared up on to time travel there are many forms/theorys for this ...

A. real travel ...where you step into a mechine today and step out many years into the future/past ....not proven to exsist at this time

B. mental /astral projection....where you enter a state of deep meditation and your mind/spirit leaves your body and travels to the future/past...many claims of this happening for many years..

C. time line /demension jumping/travel real..where you use a mechine to open a door/gate that leads to another earth that may or may not be exactly like this one and may or may not be in a future or past time of development, IE the stone age, or star-trek....not proven to exsist at this time.

D. time line/demension jumping mental...same as astral projection the mind goes to other worlds and also there are many claims of doing this for many years....

E. acccidental real.. some natural conditions occuring cause you to be transported into the future/past ...IE sail a boat into the bermuda triangle fishing and poof your looking at christopher columbus finding the islands off south america....popular theory but not proven to have ever actually happened...

F. dreams/visions...the theory that a higher power/GOD/spirit guide/what ever.. somehow gives someone a look at the future/past events for a specific perpose or reason...many claims of this for many years..

so there you go XXX hope that helps you understand us here at the looney bin if you do a search you will find pretty much all these types of travel discussed some where at this site I hope you can find the answers you are looking for and feel free to ask any question that comes to mind no one here will ridicule or be-little you. we all came here looking for something...:cool:
