The Cape Scott Time Traveler is alive.


Junior Member
Same brand in both pictures, they have been around since 1899 but tasted better back then. Definitely not a Newport. OmniBon you do have the same basic face features as well, if I ever need a stunt double.
Do you think it is you? I only see one image witha cigarette and no way to tell what kind it is. It would seem you are insinuating you know because you were there or took the picture. Same with @Luke.369

Perhaps the time traveler had children and that is why some resemble him? Perhaps he managed to become his own father, grandfather, or great grandfather etc? Multiple jumps? I don't get it though - time travel always seems to make loops and that is where I get lost.

I don't understand why everyone on Paranormalis is so coy. But I have ideas...
