The Coronavirus what will come!

F Stein

Personally in my opinion, the people in our respective governments should be executed for incompetence in perpetuating the pandemic hoax upon us all.
Mainstream media is also to blame, I'll quickly define what I mean by mainstream media that is all the traditional and well-established broadcasting and publishing outlets that are regulated by the authorities. I've stopped paying my BBC licence, as I'm fed up of paying £157 to watch their death porn propaganda.


Senior Member
Following information was given to me via a time traveler.


I'm not a fan of the concept of predestination, that all has been ordained and cannot therefore be changed.

This is what will come to be unless.....

Coronavirus in its current form will last just three waves, just like most of the pandemics of the past.

New strains of the coronavirus will appear and will be with you for may decades to come with many more lockdowns and many draconian rules to come.

Vaccines will have little effect on the production rate or herd immunity.

Coronavirus will be revealed as being man-made and part of a cockamamie scheme to depopulate the world.

The most devastating variant will come out of the Indian subcontinent, affecting male fertility.

Corona will spread to all known continents.

The world will have gone into negative population, more deaths then births before the disease is brought under control and got on top of off.
Could be? I still produce sperm like before, that's not diminished. What most are not looking at now, is covid probably invest in both men as well as woman. This may affect population rates.

There is an alien invention that I read about, a lady was abducted who had the AIDS virus. She said that these ETs just dialed in the exact description of this virus and a wide ray beam of some sort came out and was placed on her body. After than she was released and attended her doctor.

The doctor tested her once more and there was no evidence of AIDS in her body or the effects of it having been in there at all. This was from a check out supermarket rag, but I've heard the same encounter repeated many times. ETS probably have the cure for this? Thanks for the posting.


Active Member
How high do you think mortality rates will be when it gets to its worst?
My time traveling friend tells me that 99% of all males end up impotent. Leading to a catastrophic decline in population when you add in the number of premature death mainly of males. Castration becomes the only effective treatment to prevent premature death from this variant, Covid - BSR. The remaining men capable of having children do so but with great difficultly and are all from one group.

F Stein

My time traveling friend tells me that 99% of all males end up impotent. Leading to a catastrophic decline in population when you add in the number of premature death mainly of males. Castration becomes the only effective treatment to prevent premature death from this variant, Covid - BSR. The remaining men capable of having children do so but with great difficultly and are all from one group.


Badass ☆。*♡✧*。
Yeah, not seeing other people's faces has its advantages.

I heard there's no flu this year, because of all the lockdown, curfew, masks, etc. That's not a bad thing.
The CDC stopped tracking flu cases in the beginning of the pandemic. I have screenshots saved of the little notice on their website.
