The EJ Gold SuperBeacon, looking for the black box kind with two antenna's

steven chiverton

Senior Member
ive explained it in many ways ,slowing the video shot on YouTube using my camcorders cmos sensor allows it to capture more than what you can see in that video and it. brings it out better and in the case of tv white noise on a tv screen its to fast to see anything in it and so i used my cmos sensor in my camcorder to bring it out and the slow motion replay dose good to, and makes what we cant see visible seable in that video then, i dident slow the youtube video down to see it as it wont work i had to film it in high speed to get the slow motion and the cmos sensor brings the vision out thats how this camcorder works it films in high speed and the replay is slow motion, the cmos sensor sees what we cant see so load it on a pc a refilm it again using the same idea the results of filming slow motion video in high speed then drops the replay speed to even slower and again the cmos sensor can see in it better what you cant see with a normal video slowed down by the other ways, slowing the video down is by high speed setting the replay is already slow so the cmos sensor dose its job in seeing the unseen like it dose filming invisible bigfoot videos off as YouTube video playing on my pc so re-filming an already slow video drops the replay speed like ive said down more so the cmos sensor can see more in that video to even right off the pc screen from YouTube , if i used a normal camcorder without the special setting to film it and use the function or speed setting for the youtube video to make it slower it may not work as your using cmos technology to see the unseen
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Senior Member
I already have a super beacon customer made with a glass lid instead of a black box!! I am looking for the black box super beacon with the antennas contains the black stones, one inside each coil. I want to take it outside and use it, if anyone is interested in selling theirs, I will give them an great working HDR, I have two of them and I would be willing to give one up for your hardly used Super beacon.

Let me know
I would be interested in seeing some sort of modulation instrumentation. A small control circuit with a couple of processors and an outlay that one could feed into a signal analyzer for this item? Like an O-scope read out of waves, frequencies, what and where this source is from. Know this is odd, and off the cuff, but what if white noise is actually a coded doorway to other realities?


Senior Member
I already have a super beacon customer made with a glass lid instead of a black box!! I am looking for the black box super beacon with the antennas contains the black stones, one inside each coil. I want to take it outside and use it, if anyone is interested in selling theirs, I will give them an great working HDR, I have two of them and I would be willing to give one up for your hardly used Super beacon.

Let me know
What I did years ago, was to wire wrapped nails that I heated up and sunk in a square of plastic. I was using in part the RF energies from a small reflecting dish, that I had made out of used pop cans. What I had managed to do, is that my radio frequency signal that was coming in, to split that, or fraction it down, so that the tuner on the television I had could process the signal.

Can't remember if I welded in a few capacitors and resisters, but this wavic form that was coming into the dish, was fractioned down, so that I could pick up the weather channel in Colorado. Not a bad reception on it, either.

I used like five nails and coax, to feed this signal in from this dish, that I had placed on a twenty-five foot section of pipe, that I received the signals from.

I also put in a few windings, so that the signal would amp up, with finishing nails, as the wrap around cores. What goes on here, is that the signal was columnated and concentrated, then wiggled through the other various wrapped degrees of nails plus wire wrappings.*Note the signal will vibrate those quartz pieces and generate that modified signal to the overall line signal current, that's going into either your tuner, or to another pass of filters.

On top of the heads of the nails, I placed bit of quarts crustal, that was garnered from a gravel mix. The signal from the dish, had to be passed through where an LNA dish would be in front of the pedaled dish. {pop can} And then a second pass, still through another receptor of various size nails, again, with small bits of quarts on the head of the nails. You probably could modulate how the proper set-up would go, if you'd put your thinking cap on, and work with just how that signal should be quartz metal modulated.

If you give your tuner of whatever you're trying to get a signal translation a chance, the tuner itself will look for the variances based in signal, then lock-on and rebroadcast and improved signal to you.

This unit cost me probably fifty to one hundred dollars in time and effort, but very low on the materials that I worked with.

Make sure that you use an RF filter, if you've got to much electrical oomph in whatever's coming out of that dish. I'm located near the west coast, give or take a few hundred, so was really surprised when I had colo coming through on the dish. "Cheers"

*Sources, if you can find the simplified Radio Shack book on learning electronics, this helps a load and a half. Somebody might be selling a copy used online in books? I don't know if the Radio Shack stores are still in business. US military services books on their basic courses in electronics books, might be sold online too?
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steven chiverton

Senior Member
Thanks Cobber, so you got the photo from a You Tube video....Which in my humble opinion was faked...White Noise is just a collection of specific sound frequencies and imho cannot contain any pictures unless they have been super-imposed onto the White Noise sound and then photographed...Try this out, get some White Noise and feed it directly into your printer, and no cheating! ;)..

Therefore Cousin Steve, there is nothing for me to translate, and as they say in the Dragons Den, iam out (n):LOL:..
the white noise video i found looked like it was filmed off a tv white noise picture as for the symbols i wrote down my self what my cmos camcorder sees. some the white noise videos on youtube look man made to but the one i shot 30 seconds of looked really like someone pointed a damcorder at a white noise screen on a tv and shot it right from the image screen ,

steven chiverton

Senior Member
the links to my white noise videos come up like a snapshot to thats how links works its not a photo only the drawings of the symbols i did by hand from the slowed white noise is a picture i took of my drawing to upload here , my drawing is sitting on my desk so after i viewed the slowed white noise on my laptop and wrote it down and took a picture to upload to here i dont know how to impose pictures in white noises im not that good , and i can assure you im not into the fakery stuff either .

steven chiverton

Senior Member
i cant re find that ten hour white noise video i did mine from theres another one but its not the same as this other one looks fake or poorly done
