The Guilty Thread

Re: The Guilty Thread

I still sometimes wake up at night feeling guilty looking at the burning tank with one guy trying to get out. It happened now over 60 years ago but I still can smell the burning meat. Yes for that I feel guilty, at the first few years after, not at all. But then I was only a child. Now I remember it more and more. Maybe it comes with age and better understanding. After all the other guys were only doing their job.
Re: The Guilty Thread

great topic, I hate being lazy only because it makes me feel so guilty...the Wii is a very big contributor to my laziness. ;)
Re: The Guilty Thread

I now work on computers and can visit this site on my break :) But I'm not sure how my coworkers would take it, because I'd be the only one not spending their break on facebook :p

My guilty pleasure is now doing my nails.

As gay as that sounds, I haven't been able to do my nails in 3 years and I just quit my job and am no longer required to have bare nails :) It's something I think I took for granted until I couldn't have it anymore
Re: The Guilty Thread

Me too...with the nails being a guilty pleasure. I cant have em now cuz I am trying to learn typing and computer stuff and it just wont work right now. But I have been thinking about my nails for a year now. God I can be girly....weird cuz Im not. usually. at all.
Oh Jolly Rancher candy is an addiction!
Re: The Guilty Thread

well in the fith grade my best buddy lonnie stole my spelling paper and ate it. no shit he ate the thing befor I could grab it back.he was the fastest runner in school. I got an F and my dad beat my ass. so the next day I rote fuck you on his desk top with a crayon. ha ha ha nanny nanny bo bo
he got five swats from the teacher infront of the class
revenge was a sweet dish that day, the teach anounced what he had done. marched him up to the blackboard ,and wacked him good. the hole class roared. now comes the guilt part, yeh I got an ass wippin. only it came at home after mom had to sign the note so I could take it back, not infront of the hole class. he realy got hummilated that day, and I still feel bad about it
Re: The Guilty Thread

I used to pick on this kid, Andre, in third grade. I always used to trip him and one day it ended up tearing a hole in his sweat pants.

The next day he came to school wearing the same sweat pants, only there was a big ugly patch stitched crudely over the hole, and poor Andre had a black eye. I figured some other kid had caused it.

A few years ago I found out that Andre's father abused and beat him at home. He must have gone home that day and received an ass beating because he tore his pants or because he didn't stand up to me. I've got a lot of guilt over that.
Re: The Guilty Thread

if there was ever a good reason to time trvl it would be things like these. I truely wish I could pull a re-do it was never the same between me and lonnie :mad:
Re: The Guilty Thread

One time I was hanging out with a group of friends and one of them asked me to pass him the ashtray. Before I passed him the ashtray, I held the lighter under it until it was scorching hot. It burned him pretty bad when he took it.

I've done some pretty horiible things to my younger brother. I'm amazed he still loves me.

One time when we were small children I told him these jalapeno peppers were halloween corn candy.

THere was another time i convinced him to snort salt.

I could name hundreds of instance like this, but I feel guilty about these things for abusing peoples trust, and its still something I struggle with to this day. I don't want to be evil.
Re: The Guilty Thread

I dont feel guilty for anything that I did to my brothers... that I have a fifteen year old, I sometimes call my mom and say.."sorry"
What I really feel guilty about are the times when her back was ou and I could have given her help...her feet and legs too. But that guilt helps me be more responsive to those who are hurting around it served a purpose.
Oh...I have made my mom cry too. (twice)..which I will NEVER do again.
