The Masters of our own evolution


Junior Member
The Masters of our own evolution

Welcome back friends to another exciting adventure in the brain of Wilibald "Fluffy" Danderfluff.

Today story is Evolution, and what the hell it has to do with us today. :confused:

A hundred years ago we started a revolution that would change the face of the planet. No not the Industrial, that was a few more years back even more. I'm talking about the Medical Revolution. My definition is this: How to fuck up Darwin, and his ideas about survival of the fittest. Hundred years ago or so, you get sick, fever, mumps, athlete's foot, then you die. Meh it happens thats life. Nowadays hell were walking away from cancer and other life threatening virus thanks to medical miracles. Is it really a miracle that over 6 billion people can live in relative health and live to rape the planet? But again thats not this article...

What do I mean by we are the masters of our own Evolution? I mean this: We now and in the future can control what we will be. Some of it will be on purpose, others will be because our reliance of technology and medicine. Right now whats going to kill us and you can see it already in the generation born in the 2000s, our immune system. Our reliance on medicine to cure us from everything from a cold, to cancer is making us weak. Disinfectants, and anti-bacterial soap used when we are young weaken our immune system when we get older and how we in turn pass on to our children. We may have medicine to back that up, but what happens when we can't fix something with medicine? Our immune system has already given up it can't keep up because it never built up resiliences to even the most basic diseases. So in turn we will be our own downfall one day. But thats just the medicine part of this discussion. Which may or may not happen, we'll know sooner or latter.

The other part of this discussion is about gene therapy and how the mapping of human dna will lead to a faster more efficient evolution of mankind. Someday some doc will ask two people how they want their baby, crispy or original recipe. And their gonna say "Colonel, give me extra crispy with a side of mashed potatoes." And little Johnny is going to be 6'2'', able to jump 6 feet in the air, and have an IQ of 210. This of course leads too all sort of interesting things (Gattaca for instance) but I'm not talking about consequences I'm talking about how its going to happen.

Darwin be damned we will pick our next phase of evolution, not our environment. But the question I ask you sweet reader of a misinformed nut, what would you want if you were little Johnny?

The "EyE"
Re: The Masters of our own Evolution

You might be right about the immune system. We must consider that in the time people were dying of a cold, there was probably no cancer, no AIDS. So we can almost asume that diseases are evolving too, or at least, there are "new" diseases. I mean, in our days, I think that the same relative amount of people are dying, but not from the same diseases.

Right now, more people are surviving cancer than 15 years ago, but if there was a bird flu epidemic, a lot of people would die, because there is no real cure for it in the moment.

Cure a disease, a new will appear.:(


Re: The Masters of our own Evolution

See thats the thing too, we come up with the anti-virus for these new diseases and their just evolving through that new type of medicine, faster then we can keep up. Hell even polio which has been almost dormant for fifty years has come back with a new more powerful strain. Its only a matter of time...

The "EyE"

Re: The Masters of our own Evolution

Condar said:
Welcome back friends to another exciting adventure in the brain of Wilibald "Fluffy" Danderfluff.

Today story is Evolution, and what the hell it has to do with us today. :confused:

A hundred years ago we started a revolution that would change the face of the planet. No not the Industrial, that was a few more years back even more. I'm talking about the Medical Revolution. My definition is this: How to fuck up Darwin, and his ideas about survival of the fittest. Hundred years ago or so, you get sick, fever, mumps, athlete's foot, then you die. Meh it happens thats life. Nowadays hell were walking away from cancer and other life threatening virus thanks to medical miracles. Is it really a miracle that over 6 billion people can live in relative health and live to rape the planet? But again thats not this article...

What do I mean by we are the masters of our own Evolution? I mean this: We now and in the future can control what we will be. Some of it will be on purpose, others will be because our reliance of technology and medicine. Right now whats going to kill us and you can see it already in the generation born in the 2000s, our immune system. Our reliance on medicine to cure us from everything from a cold, to cancer is making us weak. Disinfectants, and anti-bacterial soap used when we are young weaken our immune system when we get older and how we in turn pass on to our children. We may have medicine to back that up, but what happens when we can't fix something with medicine? Our immune system has already given up it can't keep up because it never built up resiliences to even the most basic diseases. So in turn we will be our own downfall one day. But thats just the medicine part of this discussion. Which may or may not happen, we'll know sooner or latter.

The other part of this discussion is about gene therapy and how the mapping of human dna will lead to a faster more efficient evolution of mankind. Someday some doc will ask two people how they want their baby, crispy or original recipe. And their gonna say "Colonel, give me extra crispy with a side of mashed potatoes." And little Johnny is going to be 6'2'', able to jump 6 feet in the air, and have an IQ of 210. This of course leads too all sort of interesting things (Gattaca for instance) but I'm not talking about consequences I'm talking about how its going to happen.

Darwin be damned we will pick our next phase of evolution, not our environment. But the question I ask you sweet reader of a misinformed nut, what would you want if you were little Johnny?

The "EyE"

I've never heard that using medicines has an adverse affect on people on an evolutionary scale. It's an interesting thought, but isn't the reason behind using medicine is that they don't occur naturally in the body already, like penicillin for instance, so what natural defenses would it be inhibiting? People aren't any more or less susceptible to diseases now than they were since the beginning of time. People could still die of the black plague just as easily. THeres quite a difference between medicine and genetic engineering. Just curious, but where did you come up with the idea that medicine is making people weaker or stronger?


Cancer has been around forever. Just our techniques of diagnosing it have gotten better. People were misdiagnosed and given the wrong medicines for along time. Look back only a hundred years ago and doctors would prescribe heroin to people for headaches. Gives a good idea what their perspective on it all was back then.
Re: The Masters of our own Evolution

baudmiksen said:
I've never heard that using medicines has an adverse affect on people on an evolutionary scale. It's an interesting thought, but isn't the reason behind using medicine is that they don't occur naturally in the body already, like penicillin for instance, so what natural defenses would it be inhibiting? People aren't any more or less susceptible to diseases now than they were since the beginning of time. People could still die of the black plague just as easily. THeres quite a difference between medicine and genetic engineering. Just curious, but where did you come up with the idea that medicine is making people weaker or stronger?


Cancer has been around forever. Just our techniques of diagnosing it have gotten better. People were misdiagnosed and given the wrong medicines for along time. Look back only a hundred years ago and doctors would prescribe heroin to people for headaches. Gives a good idea what their perspective on it all was back then.

heres where we get to the meat of it all, doctors/pharmiqueah??
todays are pretty good at patching the body back together after it is hacked up somehow. but I wouldn't put much stock in thier methods of treatment. for the most part they manage a symptom and never cure anything. and for the meds WTF these assholes know full well that anything that they use to kill the parasite kills the host too. the viris any viris pick one as far as I know theres not even one med that will kill/cure them any of them.
the genetics thing is only just starting ,and I agree 1000% these lab geeks are going to create all the mythical beast of legend. I believe this without one doubt. soon you will be able to go get a shot and recieve the strength of an ant. ha ha ha that sounds funny.
whatcha doin wally
well beave
I'm goin to get strong like an ant
but you get it anyway
Re: The Masters of our own Evolution

Influenza is gonna take us all out in the end..Thats my prediction!
We think we can deal with the hard stuff but something simple is gonna take care of us:eek:and it will be survival of the fittest...The flu.

I agree that cures and medicine screw with evolution.
And now with Autism cases on the rise I think we all can see that what we have done to our bodies via the food we eat and pollution, well we are paying for it now
How weird that on this planet we both do wonders with medicine but we also are killing ourselves with convience.
People think that because women had to go into the workforce that we started eating stuff that was easy to prepare, you know mom is tired get some Hamburger Helper. But that was just good advertising. I make food everyday from scratch and in the same amount of time it takes that other crap.
but I do love me a snikers bar and Pepsi....:p
Yeah we are all gonna die from the flu..............its to come.
As long as the flu shot is made stronger every year it will catch up to us, already is.
Re: The Masters of our own Evolution

I consider your guys opinions on it, but I still don't know if I can buy medicines are screwing with evolution. I don't think that evolution happens on as small of a scale as what we have had for current medicines, what about a hundred years now? Evolution is a process that takes alot longer than that IMO. The short time that drugs have been introduced isn't enough IMO to significantly change anything. Even if we were talking about physical adaptation to our enviroments, I'm still thinking tens of thousands of years to even notice a difference.

Also, I think that as long as there are more people, and the population increases, things will always be on the rise. Like inflation for people. More people means more cancer.

Some vaccines are essential to our way of life. Imagine a breakdown in the system which creates a situation where a whole generation of people can't get the smallpox vaccine. How would that be beneficial?

(my edit: With some rambling... People don't get a smallpox vaccine. THe last naturally reported case of smallpox was in 1977. I was having a conversation with someone about this the other day, and I mentioned smallpox in a similar way, and they corrected me on this. Confusing it with measles, get your smallpox facts right already!)

kc wildman,
I always thought silver was used for sterile medical equipment in the old days. It's the only thing I can think of off he top of my head that might kill viruses or bacteria. Besides fire, lol, fire kills anything! I'm not a pharmacist or an MD and I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn last night soo. It's a good challenge though, "name one med that will kill a virus". I can think of a few antibiotics, but I don't think they would apply to a viral infection or if it's even the same kind of treatment. If I come across anything though I'll bring it up, I find this interesting.
Re: The Masters of our own Evolution

I find it scary very scary, it is very poss. that the anti-bio-otics have indeed weakened the Imune system to a point,but I like you, don't think it is enough to be an evolutionary step.however if they are taken out of the mix next week, it would be very much a factor in who lives and who dies.
now that said if the body looses its I mune system that would be diff.
yeh the silver is a big factor, born with a silver spoon in there mouth. means more than rich kid.
theres also a move in the supplemts world with silver too.
I have a little exp. with the lack of the white coats at figuring out why the body is not working as designed. but thats another story. and that is what sent me on a quest to find out just who they are, and where the docs came from. and who writes the text books they learn want to talk cartels/mafia ect. sorry for the rant
Re: The Masters of our own Evolution

I think that medicine screws with evolution because evolution is a natural selection and medicine is man made ..well most of it.
But then again maybe medicine is part of evolution.
Even the flu shot is based on the theory of evolution,
So maybe every thing we do is part of it...
It is strange how some things work for some and not others..
Re: The Masters of our own Evolution

evolution is very real, you,me,him,us, are all a diffrant person today than we were last year.
it has taken every where I have been, and everything I have done, to make me who I am today.and next year I will be someone diffrant still. this I can know to be true.
thats about as far as darwin can go
