The Medical Mafia conspiracy

Max X

Junior Member
The Medical Mafia conspiracy

What is the Medical System doing to kill you?

It is basic, if people want to survive, they must abandon any dependency on health insurance and all the other horrors it implies:

dangerous radiating equipment
drug stores
oppressive government laws to force you to take it all

and all sorts of immune system depleting treatments conductive to nothing but to death.

The evidence shows most diseases are the result of meat and alcohol consumption, cooked food, cow milk, contaminated water, air and soil, lack or exercise and now GMO food. (Genetically Modified Organisms)

Also it is important to cultivate positive thoughts and spirituality.

The fact that thousands have been healed by vegetarianism, fruitarianism and a natural life style proves that a bad diet, isolation from the sun, lack of fresh air, and specially the use of medicaments and legal drugs are definitely not conductive to health.

Say no to the Medical Mafia and say NO to drugs stores.

Say yes to a natural way of life of health and happiness; it is simple, and cheaper.


New Member
Re: The Medical Mafia conspiracy

Thank you Max X, I happen to agree.


Junior Member
I also agree Max X, if you dont have money or insurance, those people could care less if you or a loved one dies, including the hideous politicians that are really just side liners under the thumbs of big business and the secret societies they belong to.

Max X

Junior Member
Re: The Medical Mafia conspiracy

I also agree Max X, if you dont have money or insurance, those people could care less if you or a loved one dies, including the hideous politicians that are really just side liners under the thumbs of big business and the secret societies they belong to.

Actually if you do not have health insurance, be that because of poverty, or because you are smart enough to stay healthy, (by being vegetarian, fruitarian, sun lover, sex free, spiritual healing, etc) then you are better off, because the medical doctors have orders from higher powers, TO KILL.

I know several cases of people who have been maimed and eventually murdered by hospitals, and their partners: drug stores.

Yet I understand that millions are living the hopeless illusion of dependence on hospitals, medics, pharmacies, medicaments, and electronics medical gadgets, and only by being shocked will they ever learn to look for health in the right places: in the Mind and in the Spirit, and in a disciplined life style.

The present health crisis is good because it is actually awakening up many out of their childish dependence on material, primitive means for healing.



Active Member
Re: The Medical Mafia conspiracy

Yeah...Old School eating and everything in moderation is key. And yes, some of our leaders want us to be unhealthy both in body and mind, so that we get lazy in our effort to control our own destiny. The use of prescription drugs should be a last resort. I had high blood pressure and the doc wanted to put me on pills. Istead I got rid of the real problem: my boyfriend at the time..Wha la! no more high blood pressure!


THinkharder is my alternate internet name
Re: The Medical Mafia conspiracy

beware of those who holds a life giving status sometime they think themself as god and dont see us all as equal


well max this is rite in line with the thought that the medical industry is out to make money at all cost this report says the cancer scam is in full swing and can be stopped toot quick if this info was put on every tv,billboard,magazine cove,news paper headline.....anyway you guys check it out and see what ya think


Senior Member
Nice...viruses in our vaccines. This makes a lot of sense, doesn't it? Viruses, the silent hangs out where large crowds can be found. Watching a movie nowadays, you have your popcorn, coke, and germs to enjoy. We even hold out our arm to have the magic juice, vaccines, injected into our system...boy we are either brave or what? Be carefull out there as spreading viruses and screwing up vaccines is a good way to decrease the world's population. We don't need to worry about the red or blue pill, it is all the other ones we need to be concerned about.


Senior Member
i have not got a Flu shot or Vaccine in years, and i never plan on getting another one again. Problem with the Vegetarian is i enjoy my Hamburgers, my Steak my Fish "big fan of sushi" and i don't think i could ever give that up. i quit smoking i rarly Drink and i work out on a daily basis
