The Phoenix Lights an update

I deleted my second reply, because I realized that magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) must be involved, and I was thinking only in terms of materials science and the pressure involved. It's true that almost no orindary material could handle that much stress, but things change when you start working with plasma (maybe, anyway). Are there any MHD experts on this site? I'd love to hear an expert opinion. :)

Lifters are silent, & it's commonly thought that it's due to ion wind. The problem is that they're inefficient & produce low thrust. If one could boost the thrust while keeping it silent, that would certainly work. But I'm still uncertain about the Mach 9 thing. Once you surpass the speed of sound, there's sure to be a shock wave...? :unsure:
I took some time to review today the TR-3 drawing, it almost looks like the B2 bomber but it's not. It also is not a drawing for the TR-3 spacecraft. To me it looks like someone tried to post disinformation to throw people off, but the craft is real. I also think whoever that person was they were not an aerospace engineer. There's too many errors in the drawing to be a craft that would actually fly, the theory is there, but the practical application is not.
I took some time to review today the TR-3 drawing, it almost looks like the B2 bomber but it's not. It also is not a drawing for the TR-3 spacecraft. To me it looks like someone tried to post disinformation to throw people off, but the craft is real. I also think whoever that person was they were not an aerospace engineer. There's too many errors in the drawing to be a craft that would actually fly, the theory is there, but the practical application is not.
In my opinion, there have been far too many people claiming to have seen a silent flying triangular aircraft for it to be make believe. I'm talking about people as varied and geographically scattered as one could imagine. However, I don't think for a moment that the details of the technology would be posted openly on the internet.
