
New Member
I watched both videos Fringe. Interesting for sure. Sad actually.

I know one of the Titors is agnostic. However, I am certainly christian. Ready for Christ to wrap things up now. :) I know that Titor believes Christianity needs to change. The reality of it though, is Islam is not the answer. If Christianity changes, Islam will over run the world. It would be impossible to change the majority of the worlds belief in a God. And, frankly I wouldn't wish too. That would be interfering with the free will of billions. Each individual has the right to choose their faith. Even if unspoken, the truth of the heart remains.

I saw no message in that video having anything to do with Islam, did you? That is the wrong way to think about it. Your thinking is controlled. In fact there was no message mentioned of Islam but that was where your mind immediately went and that was to religion, why? The message I got was man could never survive without women to populate the planet. I don't think men are able to give birth just yet.
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Junior Member
What I saw in the song, was a vastly increasing cold and dark world. My thoughts are not controlled. I am simply Christian by choice. And, believe, while witnessing the world increasing with darkness, only one can save us all. And, by stating christian, I am sure you know who I mean.

And yes, men do need women!

Now, I am certainly not here to argue. So, I will take my non controlled belief and love in a savior ~ and be on my way. Staying frosty because I like me just the way I am.

Hugs. PS. Good songs by the way. :)


What I saw in the song, was a vastly increasing cold and dark world. My thoughts are not controlled. I am simply Christian by choice. And, believe, while witnessing the world increasing with darkness, only one can save us all. And, by stating christian, I am sure you know who I mean.

And yes, men do need women!

Now, I am certainly not here to argue. So, I will take my non controlled belief and love in a savior ~ and be on my way. Staying frosty because I like me just the way I am.

Hugs. PS. Good songs by the way. :)

Of course you can see any message you want. Music is subjective. I do, however, see why it might be alarming to some that you are perpetuating the idea that "Islam is not the answer and Islam will over run the world." I have no issues with Christianity or Islam in and of themselves. I think most religions are neutral, however one can use any religion to bring darkness into the world. Open any given history book and it is rife with spilling of blood in the name of Jesus Christ. I would just be cautious about judging an entire religion based on the actions of a few. If you turned that same lens onto Christianity, it's certainly not free from wide-spread violence and profound oppression.


@SarahAlways - You think bloodshed in the name of Christianity is equal to that of Islam? You should be able to see that Christianity condemns those who kill in the name of it to a much greater extent than Islam to those who kill in the name of it.


@SarahAlways - You think bloodshed in the name of Christianity is equal to that of Islam? You should be able to see that Christianity condemns those who kill in the name of it to a much greater extent than Islam to those who kill in the name of it.
I didn't say equal. I said they're both neutral in my opinion. I wasn't talking about the Christian doctrine, yes that I believe is peaceful as you say. I am speaking in a historical context. The Inquisition, the slaughtering of Protestants, the Holy Crusades, witch trials....


I apologize for bringing this thread off topic. People's lives and safety are at risk because of misconceptions about religion. I do not want to criticize anyone's belief system, however, and I understand the fear people live with today.


As far as the music goes, I appreciated Eminem's use of mirrors in his video. He seemed to not recognize his reflection at one point. I thought maybe it was something to do with the relapse he speaks of and what drugs can do to your personality, or maybe it has an 'otherworldy' meaning, as the world he knows seems to be crumbling around him. Just a thought.


@SarahAlways - You think bloodshed in the name of Christianity is equal to that of Islam? You should be able to see that Christianity condemns those who kill in the name of it to a much greater extent than Islam to those who kill in the name of it.
I didn't say equal. I said they're both neutral in my opinion. I wasn't talking about the Christian doctrine, yes that I believe is peaceful as you say. I am speaking in a historical context. The Inquisition, the slaughtering of Protestants, the Holy Crusades, witch trials....

Well, the people performing the with trials (burning/hanging) thought they were Christian, but were sinning according to Christian ideals. The Bible didn't condone this type of behavior. It was really unfortunately, especially since I'm sure people took advantage of the situation calling people witches just because they didn't like them. But anyway, yeah, this is a John Titor thread. *LOL*

John was a gnositc or agnostic. I think Gnostic was the word he chose, wasn't it?


Again, I believe the doctrine is peaceful. My point was I is unfair to judge a religion based on the actions of a few. As far as Titor goes, I remember reading he believed in Jesus but the consensus seems to be agnostic or gnostic. I do remember reading that he was bothered that people wore shorts to church. Haha.


@SarahAlways - You think bloodshed in the name of Christianity is equal to that of Islam? You should be able to see that Christianity condemns those who kill in the name of it to a much greater extent than Islam to those who kill in the name of it.
just a fun fact.. It took the Catholic church 500 years to condemn the persecution of the protestants. And 350 years to pardon Galileo's "heresy". Neither here nor there. I understand your point. Violence should be condemned by all religions.
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