The hardest part of partial amnesia is knowing that you are now Blind to things you once could see. Not remembering how to read and not being able to connect with other souls. Truly a ghost trapped in a shell. Perhaps it is a punishment to know what has been lost and lament over it. ("There will be much gnashing of teeth?")

Amnesia is a pretty good equivalent example.

I'll tell you what the stressful parts are. It is seeing the loop minus what is yet to happen. You see information from the present has made it's way to the past, but you cannot see the future except by logic. You know that in order for that information to get there, someone has to put it there, thus in the future it will be facilitated. From the time you make the realization that you are seeing a loop, until the time it closes when all points connect to come full circle, you cannot help but to experience stress.

It is like trying to remember what you are going to do based on clues from the future. It is a little insane trying to stay oriented to definitive truths while everything is fluid or unknown.

Night Vision

Senior Member

Thank you for the sentiments. But please do not pretend to be a dead girl with statements such as;

I love you as a friend always and I forgive you.

Triple A,

I haven't. I'm very much alive and doing well. I've offered you understanding and the knowledge you aren't alone in the journey.

I've also provided an encouragement to disallow yourself to become consumed by it. The consumption only hurts you. Live your life. Do the best you can. Keep your eyes open but move forward.

I've acknowledged you. You've offered passive aggression. We're done. Such behavior as is typical of such websites is the reason I will stay for only a short time.

Sincerely, take care.


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