I liked Roxanne, which is my favorite Police tune.

I have another project for TimeFlipper. Listen to every song on this thread and the make note of the seventh word, which will give you a message when played backwards.

Yeah, great tune.


Gotta love Stevie Nicks. She's beautiful, isn't she? I know a couple women who look a lot like her. I think about her every time I see them, or them every time I see her.

Right on, 'Aunt Stevie'.



Lets turn the tide a bit A, and actually tell the truth. It seems YOU have been stalking others long before anyone stalked you. How did you know my dad and my grandfathers names? Now leave me alone! And stop referring to me as a dragon. The only dragon here is you. Good bye forever!


You keep acting as if there is some connection between us when there is not. If I am wrong, then please explain it to me. Perhaps it can be resolved. Otherwise, quit making bizarre and irrational claims.


You are the one who is irrational and bizarre with your whole 666 111 gematria calculator. Now leave people here alone with your bullcrap and go see a psychiatrist. Im sick of you filling this site with your crap.

Go read another thread then.


Hey you,

I am sorry for my temperament today. It is rather difficult to stay cool. I am destabilizing because you are not here. And all these games only exacerbate it. I am trying really hard to stay strong. I gotta keep focus on happy thoughts.



Hey you,

I just wanted to tell you that you are beautiful. I wish you were here, for no other reason than because I could definitively confirm your well being.

If you're mad at me, if you hate me, I understand. I still want to know for absolutely sure you are O.K. though. And if it makes you feel better, I'll let you kick me in the teeth a few hundred times. I promise I won't get mad. If I do, I'll go get mad at someone else for it.

I am so frustrated today. I feel this intense energy in my spine. It is like I am holding back my chakra vibe or something. It is kind of agonizing, like some kind of energetic pressure or something. I don't quite understand it, but I feel it for sure. It makes me really moody, gives me the blues(hee-hee).

I am trying to stay positive as your mother advised. It's hard though. There is only one thing that will truly calm me.

Your mom is a wise and open minded woman. She's very patient and understanding. I really like her. You were lucky to have her raise you.


Hey you,

I don't like what they're doing, AT ALL. I see it as interference, meddling. We should be able to talk alone in person and in private, ..not like this. I never even got a chance to talk with you about any of it. And until I do, I feel like I have to keep confusing and aggravating them all.

I feel like they are trying to do all of these things to confuse and misdirect me or control communication. I am not going for it though. It makes me so angry. I feel so much animosity for them, especially Persephone. She isn't you. And I don't like the way they tease.

I keep thinking about the story of Cain and Abel, and how my name means Cain/Cane. I keep telling myself to stay calm, even though I am as mad as hell. I am perhaps a fool, but I cannot help it, nor do I really care. It is what it is.

I think I got that one thing. Worry not. It'll be just fine. The source of my frustration and dysfunction is not knowing your status. Once I do, all will be calm in my mind and soul. You can't be dead. You must be alive. You have to be. It is the only thing that fits.

If I am wrong, if I cannot have access, I intend to send you a lot of visitors. I am not sure I can stop it. You can though.

O, BTW, I think I may have cracked them, (or something) with the exception of one. Who knows. I don't really know or care without being able to share.



I am guessing you are what is known as an INTP(look it up). I am an INTJ.

Like you, I have a scientific mindset, and am inclined to think in definitive terms. However, when dealing with time travel, you have to often think in the abstract using inferred reasoning in combination with induction to see or understand it. Deductive reasoning applies as well, but it is not always applicable. I will give you an example;

I have a younger relative who is a complete knockout. She is gorgeous with a petite figure, built very well, looks very feminine. To look at her, you would never guess she is a bonafide trained killer who can beat up men. She is a United States Marine. I sometimes lovingly call her "Baby Killer", and usually get flipped the bird or a dirty look for doing so.

A few years ago, her and I were at the grocery store at the checkout line. She was about 6 months pregnant. In front of us in line was a girl who looked anywhere from about 16-22. I am guessing she was around 17-20. ...and OMG WAS SHE BEAUTIFUL! Absolutely stunning. 'forget your own name beautiful'. She was one of those women who is going to be a knockout until she is a wrinkly old lady. You know the type. She had a petite figure, slender, long dark hair and bright green eyes, ..about 5ft 5in. tall. She looked like a Mexican Irish mix if I were to guess.

The strange thing is that she kept looking back at us, focusing on my relative's pregnant belly. I could see her eyes getting watery. She was upset about something. The look on her face was profoundly sad. It was one of those looks where you knew that something was extremely troubling. Something was eating at that girl in a big way. You could tell that she was trying to get out of the store before she busted into tears.

It just wasn't right for someone so pretty to be so upset. There was something deeply passionate about her to be so emotional. It was so sad that it made me feel like I wanted to cry. For whatever reason, I have the distinct feeling that she was about to go over the edge, maybe go home and eat a bottle of pills or maybe tip into a downward spiral.

I wanted to walk up to her and give her a hug, because she obviously needed one. I wanted to say something to her, to maybe give her a little pep-talk or something. I wanted to say "Hey, I know what that look is about. And maybe it is none of my business, but you gotta hang in there. Life is transient and it gets better." It might have made a difference.

I actually had someone do me like that once. I was working on Christmas Eve managing a gas station. I was really depressed because my girlfriend at the time had gone astray. ( I have bad luck with women and Christmas) I guess you could see it on my face. I was outside pulling things in preparing to close. She walked up to me to get me to go inside so she could pay for her gasoline. She was very friendly, and could tell that I was not in a good mood. So she gave me a big hug right there. I stood there hugging a fat lady stranger in the middle of the parking lot, and it felt damn good. I needed that.

I wanted to do the same for that girl at the grocery. But we don't live in a world where that is exactly socially acceptable. I would be accused of being a pervert trying to cop a feel or something. So I didn't say anything to her. I just watched her hastily leave the store terribly upset.

I very much regret it. I think about that day often, and wish I had at least said SOMETHING to her.

Now, I have found a gigantic body of evidence/proof that I am/will be a time traveler, as well as have been told so by a few women who have escaped bad situations.

I find myself trying to plan a stop to catch her that day in the parking lot as to correct a 'mistake'. One issue is that I cannot remember the exact date, but I do remember the circumstances and events of that day. So in order to actually time it out right, I would have to stalk myself to watch and see when I took that trip to the grocery.

Coincidentally, one distinctive thing I remember about that day is, for about 4-5 hours, I felt as if I was living/perceiving about a quarter second slower than the rest of the world. It was very strange. It started about 2 hours before the trip to the grocery, and didn't end until about 2 hours after. I have never felt that before or since. And I somehow instinctively 'knew' then that I was feeling my own presence.

There is absolutely nothing concrete to tell me that I was there in the parking lot while also inside the store paying for groceries. But I 'know' I was/will been. Everything just fits. There is no way that I can prove it, but I know that if I get to travel, I am going to stop there just long enough for a five minute conversation that may change a girl's life.

That is one example.

It is strange, ...I will be thinking about something in the past. I start contemplating how I could effect things in a subtle but positive way. Then I will research to determine more specifics about said events and circumstances, only to discover that I left myself a little clue telling me that I was indeed there. It makes sense that I would do so knowing where and what I would be researching and exactly where to leave myself a clue.

Can it be proven? No. But from a personal perspective, it is pretty clear, although it is a bit abstract.

I haven't time traveled, and there is nothing definitive to say I will. There is always something to leave doubt. But there is also a mountain of solid evidence to suggest that I will. Either that or I will send others, or maybe it is another me from another world-line. I cannot say with absolute certainty until I actually do it.

That is how you have to view things as a time traveler. It isn't always about precise calculations and physical proof, or anything definitive.

There is also a metaphysical aspect to it. I have been doing clairvoyant things since I was a child. And in recent years, I have been doing something with regard to time. That tingly spinal thing and turbulence that I felt earlier and yesterday. It's gone. I think it is about this very post. Something is significant about that girl in the grocery. And the time line is adjusting as to allow the events and circumstances be as they are supposed to. That's what I was feeling. Do I know or am absolutely sure. No. But because it was relieved as I started thinking about this post, I know what it means.

That's time travel.


