The shotgun approach.


Hi everyone,

For a long long time now I have been dreaming to be able to go back in time fix a few things or perhaps create a paradox or two. But time travel has a few problems. Firstly acceleration to the speed of light secondly is finding a black hole close enough then you still need to get back home "if you are lucky enough"

BUT I don't have billions to my disposal AND my inelegance is comparable to that of a stone... SO plan B what can I accelerate into a micro-wormhole? and that is IF you can find a micro-wormhole and keep it stable for a few micro seconds to shoot something towards it.

That is not going to happen now is it... Nope

Finally I figured that maybe what is needed is a shotgun approach. If there is micro-wormholes that tiny then a good amount of energy my get it stable "not massive amounts because it is so small" secondly IF the general area of the micro-wormhole is bombarded with very small particles then something may just find its way to the past!

So that is my idea...

Your thoughts?


Here is a drawing of one theory that might help you. This theory states that we don't have to enter the black hole. The black hole will pull time to you.
(Whether or not it is correct is up to the physicists).

Also, we don't have to physically travel at the speed of light. With John Titor's theory, I believe, only a particle does. (Pardon my memory...)

A Time Travel Theory

Your idea of microsingularities fits with John Titor's theory.


Here is the thing Broglie figured particles like electrons can also be considered as waves. Then as you know Davisson and Germer showed that yes you do get refraction patterns from electrons. Now this changed the ball game for me somewhat.

Now every single electron and positron has a wave until it is measured then it is no longer a wave that collapses or so the Copenhagen interpretation suggest but none the less at a point we have a wave and waves can be useful to a would be time traveller because you don't really need the particle itself.

No you are interested in quantum entanglement because that is where our positron and electron gave away their secret. See because of said wave you can always figure out where a particular particle IS for a split second BUT the particles themselves know where they have been and where they are in relation with each other.

So regardless of the fact that the positron will be lost due to collisions it will always know where its little friend the electron is. Thus it can find it... Now that is interesting. They are linked. How? well we know thanks to all the babbling above that they share a wave that is detectible.

But they know a bit more then that it is said that our little positron and electron is communicating and that THAT communication is instantaneous or faster than the speed of light... SO boil this down and you may well have the ability to send information or if nothing else access to information that actively governs ALL electrons positrons. Now that is COOL

why because they know past present and future locations of everything. Handy stuff. But I am rambling now. The key to me is information.

Let me put it like this your computer have binary code little zero and one both are electrical starts and stops. theoretically if you know where the electrons and positrons will be in future thanks to their existing info you can figure out where all the future zero and ones will be on your computer thus you can access the future past and the now by simply knowing the location of past future and present energy. Hence you have a window into the future because all that info already exists

But we don't speak electron or positron yet. So the only way we will is if we take a few at the same time and see if there is a pattern we can use.


So regardless of the fact that the positron will be lost due to collisions it will always know where its little friend the electron is. Thus it can find it... Now that is interesting. They are linked. How? well we know thanks to all the babbling above that they share a wave that is detectible.

Sounds like it could be used as some sort of time related positioning system.


With all respect, being a new member and not well versed in things cited above, am interested but can it be put into a language that a member of the "older generation" can comprehend and enjoy the conversation that I do relish on this site so very much. TYVM.


Active Member
3 days ago I drove to the river to calm my mind. I stood on the river bank watching a deer grazing on a sand bar on the other side of the river, oblivious to my presence. I walked onto a jetty composed of concrete blocks haphazardly piled on one another, extending about 6 meters from shore. I watched for some 9 minutes until the deer disappeared into the forest, having eaten all it wanted of the grass growing there. My attention turned to the water beneath me. I noticed whirlpools would form, travel, and dissipate in seeming random fashion. I then realized that in science, we try to make things so abstract and pretend everything happens in isolation so that an effect must be created from nothing by artificial means. Yet here was a natural vortex former, right beneath my feet. Other fluids exist in nature, some seen and others unseen, and they each flow through a chaotic environment devoid of the abstract sterility which we imagine in the lab. Fluid flow through a natural environment will create vorticity and all other flow types imaginable. One need not create a wormhole in order to use it. Anything that can exist exists already somewhere in nature, whether near or far. By knowing what to look for, we can exploit nature's bounty to our advantage.
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I am loving this,

Lets break it down because yes above is insanity at work. What I am proposing is a universal conundrum. Now there are many many mathematics at work and a bunch of strange names of clever people. I am not going into that because this post will turn into a book.

Basically nothing can be random if everything is connected our little electrons and positrons show this because they are entangled. Now there are a massive movement saying this is not true but until there experiments proof otherwise I say good luck with that.

Experiments proof that our electron and positron friends are indeed entangled and at some level "connected" how they are connected is best guess right now BUT they are and that much is fact.

So imagine for a moment you have bouncy ball. the Bouncy ball will react and reflect from a hard surface until it loses its energy it will stop hopping around. Let's say you end up breaking your new wide screen TV with the bouncy ball and come to rest where you can look at. What happened?

YOU SMASHED YOUR NEW TV THAT IS WHAT HAPPENED LOL!!! But that is not the full story! no... no... no...

Simple it collided with your nice new TV broke the glass transfer its energy into the materials until those materials couldn't handle the stress heat was released and bonds where broken hence the shuttered glass and plastic.

Why is this important? for a split second within the bouncy ball hitting the TV every single positron and electron knew its fate. It knew it will collide separate that electrons and positrons will collide "generating the actual heat that was released at that split second" and what remained is and was predetermine by nature. How COOL is that.

Yes not all TV's will break the same way BUT each TV broke exactly the way it was suppose to break. Therein we find a predetermine set of maths. Now apply that with the little zero and one in your computer. moving them in their future predetermine state you have tomorrow's news today. Say what !!!! :eek:

why because something is telling positrons and electrons where to go. the same something is responsible for a wall to appear solid were factually it is just a bunch or atoms moving about giving the illusion that it is solid.The same system that is responsible for dirt being dirt and gold being gold.

The primordial programming code responsible for all things being what they are. Congratulations we live in a messed up version of the matrix or a hologram... take your pick just don't go jump out of a building thinking neo will catch you... Chances are you will hit the wall/ground and become a messy physics equation :sick:


Active Member
Deterministic physics are certainly more palatable than reliance upon mere chance as quantum mechanics would have us do. You brought up the wave nature of particles, and it's interesting to note that vibration may be reflected or transmitted at a material interface, depending on the difference of acoustic impedance of the materials. In practice, a portion of the wave is reflected, whereas the rest is transmitted in the medium. In my mind, there is no distinction between wave and particle behavior at an abstract scale. As regards your supposition with respect to predicting future universal states, I can only recommend finding a fractal solution to the equation defining life, with current circumstances defining the initial state. This may or may not be wrong, however.


Senior Member
With all respect, being a new member and not well versed in things cited above, am interested but can it be put into a language that a member of the "older generation" can comprehend and enjoy the conversation that I do relish on this site so very much. TYVM.
It's a claim concerning quantum entanglement that has no real basis in reality.

Quantum entanglement is real enough. Maybe you've seen the media report it (misreport it, actually) as quantum teleportation.

The posts claims that a particle "knows" it's past and future and that we could somehow one day "read" this information from particles.

That's the part with no basis in reality.



Firstly I don't think there is a right or wrong. That is why I call it the shotgun approach. That said there some universal facts. All of us are made up of the same material but with a predetermined state.

I mean let's say my pet rock is factually made of the same stuff I am. Difference is something made my pet rock a rock and me human. Why? Because there is a predetermine primordial program for my pet rock and a predetermine primordial program for me as a human.

If we can figure out how to program these universal building blocks. We can make anything we want. That includes wormholes. "IF primordial wormholes exist or micro wormholes whatever you want to call them"
