🎲 Forum Game The -Weird Stuff from the Internet- Thread!

There was an X-Files episode during which some guy would steal another person's DNA. Then, the guy would basically puke out, by his mouth an entire human body. His consciousness would be transferred to that new body, and the old one would die. EEeewww! That was so gross! LOL
Let's post all kind of weird stuff we find on the Internet. Sometimes you're looking for information, pictures or any kind of media. Then, suddenly, you find a page that contains weird shit. Why not share it with us then?

Please, no porn, no gore and no lemon party. Okay?

Don't ask me how I found this one. A page with pictures of people kissing the ceiling. I consider this as kinda weird.

Kissing the Ceiling

I'm sure the next poster will come up with something weirder though, as it's not actually creepy or completely insane. It's just weird, or perhaps plain stupid. .... Don't tell me it's art, I know it's supposed to be...!
Well Num7:cool: I accidentally stumbled on your site Paranormalis as I was searching for Misanthrope quotes on google. I noticed the quote above the site name ( " Think outside the mind" ) I post the Misanthrope quotes on my FB Lands page when I do use the FB Lands. The FB lands do not seem to be a very safe place to be these days:cautious: Your site was one of the first that popped up and really had NOTHING to do with Misanthrope quotes, ( was weird lol ) and that has never happened before when I search google for Misanthrope or Atheist quotes, I have never seen or heard of this site before then. It was like it was supposed to pop up and my curiosity took over:D I feel like this site is a safe place for me to be and I don't feel weird for posting stuff others would not understand.:) Thank you for having me as a new member;) OK is that weird enough for this thread? I did find it through the internets after all lol:ROFLMAO::p:cool:
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If you fell into a snake pit, which would kill you first...the poisonous venom or a heart attack?

This is highly disturbing. Snakes give me panic attacks. How dare you!!! I will have nightmares now because of this!!
Don't worry so much about that. I believe I've had nightmares about getting bitten by a poisonous snake myself.
