The woman who foresaw 9/11 predicts a nuclear explosion for 2023


Temporal Engineer

The woman who foresaw 9/11 predicts a nuclear explosion for 2023

I could definitely see US war mongerers nuking one of our own cities making it appear that the nuke originated from China or Russia. Thus fraudulently duping the population again that another war is justified.


I could definitely see US war mongerers nuking one of our own cities making it appear that the nuke originated from China or Russia. Thus fraudulently duping the population again that another war is justified.

But how could that be proven otherwise?

This is why I do not trust ANY news source anymore.

Right wing....Left wing...Big wing.......No wing........It's all become conspiracy now.


Temporal Engineer
But how could that be proven otherwise?

This is why I do not trust ANY news source anymore.

Right wing....Left wing...Big wing.......No wing........It's all become conspiracy now.

It has always been very easy to catch a fraudulent narrative. If the narrative conflicts with known facts it become a false narrative.

With 911 a recorded cellphone call from a passenger jet in flight just before it crashed into a twin tower. Fact is a cellphone was incapable of calling anyone aboard a passenger jet traveling at 10,000 feet at 500mph. No cellphone tower was close enough to receive the call at that altitude. The jet would have to be on the ground for reception to happen.

The covid-19 pandemic. We all were shown dead bodies laying in the streets of China dead from the killer virus. Did anyone notice no one in the US died that way from covid? Did anyone even read any of the 20 mask wearing studies over the last 50 years? Not one study showed any protection at all from catching a virus by wearing a mask. Yet nation wide mask mandates were imposed on the population. I honestly believe there was no virus. We should just rename covid-19 to the fear mongering virus.
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I'm in disagreement with the fake covid theory...Only because I actually caught it and
It also nearly killed my co-worker whom I had to cover for, for 6 long months.

I need evidence to see it for myself.

As for 911 ?

All I actually know.....Is, I had a good friend whom was absolutely convinced it was faked by our own Gvmt.
He was everywhere about it when He was (supposedly) shown the blueprints for the towers.
He called in to Art Bell about it....Was onto some sort of conspiracy when...He just disappeared. (2004)

He was an excellent guitarist and we had plans to make music in a free form Progrock-based band.
Had people come to my home from Nashville to participate.

Then, it was just over and done.
He was gone.

He was recently found again by a simple YouTube search. (around 2018 give/take)
He never re-connected with me or anyone.

I left well enough alone.

I don't buy into conspiracies.

Then again....Maybe I'm an AI sent by peanut butter aliens. ;)


Temporal Engineer
UFOs are trending at the moment, correct?

When reading the news spot posted in the OP,
this ALSO popped up.

I'll give you 2 guesses why.

Now I'm assuming those very old reports of UFOs deactivating our nukes is real. If so, then our nukes will be useless in a war. That would explain why we we haven't used any nukes since Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Could also explain why Putin hasn't used any nukes yet on Ukraine. He did, but they didn't work! And now Putin realizes that he won't be able to win any war without his nukes!
I'm in disagreement with the fake covid theory...Only because I actually caught it and
It also nearly killed my co-worker whom I had to cover for, for 6 long months.

I need evidence to see it for myself.

As for 911 ?

All I actually know.....Is, I had a good friend whom was absolutely convinced it was faked by our own Gvmt.
He was everywhere about it when He was (supposedly) shown the blueprints for the towers.
He called in to Art Bell about it....Was onto some sort of conspiracy when...He just disappeared. (2004)

He was an excellent guitarist and we had plans to make music in a free form Progrock-based band.
Had people come to my home from Nashville to participate.

Then, it was just over and done.
He was gone.

He was recently found again by a simple YouTube search. (around 2018 give/take)
He never re-connected with me or anyone.

I left well enough alone.

I don't buy into conspiracies.

Then again....Maybe I'm an AI sent by peanut butter aliens. ;)

You could be an obedient peasant.

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Now I'm assuming those very old reports of UFOs deactivating our nukes is real. If so, then our nukes will be useless in a war. That would explain we we haven't used any nukes since Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Could also explain why Putin hasn't used any nukes yet on Ukraine. He did, but they didn't work! And now Putin realizes that he won't be able to win any war without his nukes!
"Klaatu Baradas Niktu"
Why else would the UFO link be provided right next to the "Nuclear Explosion 2023 Predicted..." story ?
You could be an obedient peasant.

OH....FFS!!!! I've been sussed!!!!!!! (runs away)
