The woman who foresaw 9/11 predicts a nuclear explosion for 2023


Active Member
If you paid attention to the fake news, you should have concluded that covid-19 was a hoax. No dead bodies in the streets should have been a big clue. Do you remember the John Hopkins researcher that exposed the hoax. She looked at the data and noticed all the deaths from heat attacks, strokes, and cancer went down to nothing while covid-19 was the new label for the deaths. Then there was the government paying hospitals $39,000 for every covid-19 death they reported. Also didn't you notice that the symptoms for covid-19 were just symptoms of a common cold?
The common cold does not make it impossible to smell nor taste lol plus we all around where I live are used to the common cold


Active Member
If you paid attention to the fake news, you should have concluded that covid-19 was a hoax. No dead bodies in the streets should have been a big clue. Do you remember the John Hopkins researcher that exposed the hoax. She looked at the data and noticed all the deaths from heat attacks, strokes, and cancer went down to nothing while covid-19 was the new label for the deaths. Then there was the government paying hospitals $39,000 for every covid-19 death they reported. Also didn't you notice that the symptoms for covid-19 were just symptoms of a common cold?
Anyhow I hate the fake news lol


Active Member
It sure does! I've had a common cold over 6 times since the hoax started. That is very common to lose taste and smell. And it is very rare for death to occur.
The doctor I know did say it just felt like a common cold though he took a test that said positive for COVID-19. Anyhow maybe it is just an advanced form of the cold and the media is over using it to scare us into submission. It is quite common for government agencies to lie to us. Ever heard of the Tuskegee experiment?


Temporal Engineer
The doctor I know did say it just felt like a common cold though he took a test that said positive for COVID-19. Anyhow maybe it is just an advanced form of the cold and the media is over using it to scare us into submission. It is quite common for government agencies to lie to us. Ever heard of the Tuskegee experiment?

If you read anything about the test, you would know that a 50% accuracy rate isn't much of a test. Flip a coin instead.
