There are time travelers here

Jeff sessions quotes Letter (6) to the Romans (6) 6th book of the new testament in re law and order in re border control... Take guns without due process Trump says... Due process from Magna Carta


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Our governing method is a singleton oligarchy. A set of, what you would term, AI act as singleton deciders of world decisions. The summation of these decisions are then decided by the same set to determine the most applicable outcome and that oligarchy makes the final course of action.

God and lucifer are metaphors for characteristics humanity caused by cognitive dissonance in living in a large and unknown universe with perceptions barely into 4 dimensions.

We had no holy war in the context that you speak of and what I assume you are creating allusions to. Wars of our past were fought through religious contexts, but no war existed after the creation of similar technologies of your brane's today.
O i was quite explicit not allusion. Lucifer Toby whatever you want to call him... He is here... Causing chaos in our brane at different points in time.

So if your brane could help us with our lucifer / toby/ who ever that would be great.

Perhaps you do not understand.

Perhaps i do not.

But still.. What i am saying is true.

I believe sometime in the future i become able to time travel and that is why i have the time traveler paint from magna carta and photograph of me from 1917.

If you can help that would be greatly appreciated. but I have no patience for falsehoods in Lies by omission.
And i agree at combining all government systems under i.e. so long as there is due process, liberty, and human law enforcement and NOT ai law enforcement.

Essentially the ai being a monarch of a truth republic with respect to liberty. I.e. anarchy and oligarchy might fit in but the big idea for me.
We may have tapped into something you have not... Our fates may be bound even though you are "in the future" ... Our brane might benefit from being governed by your brane.. As in.. In addition to Earths in your that you peaceful coexist with.. Perhaps you could expand into peacefully existing the same way with ours ... Maybe we just need some of your truth... Please consider.. You have already helped me.. Why not go further..

In essense my idea would be for you to help me time travel to prove my theories about choosing love over fear and some sort of chaos envolping our brane in an effort to save our brane...

Off hand chance if our brane falls our brane gains the ability to come to your brane yet our brane is chaos..

So wouldnt it be mutually beneficial? To spread truth and therefore love to all branes?
