This is hard to believe this was written in 2005

Confirmed hoax eh? How much hush money you getting? Qronos1 isnt a new dicussion! It was written infact in 2005! Some people are just keeping their mouths shut!

Is it true, Pamela? | Time Travel Institute

Discussed in 2007 and guess who was there?

Had a discussion about this on another forum. I did a bit of checking around and found this:

Time Travel

Do a quick ctrl + f and type in the word "updated"

You'll note, the blog post that "predicts" the oil spill we had in 2010 was actually updated in 2010. August 18th, ,2010 to be exact.
I know one thing about the post! He implicated Bush! Thats kind of a high card for a possible time traveler.

Oh please! Every left wing nut job in the country was implicating Bush for everything under the sun in 2005, 06, 07 08, etc as Obama is still doing today. If that's what you consider as proof of TT... enough said on that.

Confirmed hoax eh? How much hush money you getting? Qronos1 isnt a new dicussion! It was written infact in 2005! Some people are just keeping their mouths shut!

Perhaps you might take a look at KhaosKarma's very interesting post under yours. Qronos1 is busted again. Nice job KhaosKarma and welcome.

‎Thursday, ‎August ‎19, ‎2010, ‏‎1:10:57 AM | (Qronos1)
The Last Post

As you know we leave 9-22-2005, and that means this will be my last post.Over the last couple of weeks I have tried to give you all info that will help you to overcome or stop the NWO.As I have stated before some are fighting now.It is because of their fight things are not as bad as they could be.In my world of 2063 they loose.If the word gets out and more of you join the fight to overcome the New World Order when I return tomorrow you should won the fight and things should be a tad different.I am hoping for this to happen.You MUST pass the word about what I have told you.Or research the Bush administration and you will find what I have said to be true.Or you can sit back and do nothing and loose the USA and then wish you would have taken action against this bad element.

I didn't say Qronos1 wasn't posting in 2005, neither did Numenorean7. Only that it IS possible for him to have edited his posts to look more accurate. KhaosKarma proved that to be TRUE.

PS. Liberty, its June 6th. The Sun hasn't destroyed the Earth yet, there is no war, Russian troops have not taken over the country... not even Colorado, and there were no big problems with the NATO summit in Chicago. Last month you cited those events. Were those your predictions or are they from Qronos1 or some other TT'er you follow.
JT has been throughly debunked (but I can't tell you that or I'll get yelled at).
Check out:
Time Travel Institute
and couldn't get the link to work this morning.
Search John Titor and you will find some interesting info.
All I know is qronos1 and qronos16 both said things that has come to pass. I'm betting if anything they are remote viewers or something. Qronos 16 even went on to say the number the stock market would get up to when it would start it's downfall. How Foreign Troops
would be on American soil. Anyway this is all very interesting. It's not even about if they are real Time Travelers it's about how many things they said has happened and how everyone seems to be hush hush about it.
JT has been throughly debunked (but I can't tell you that or I'll get yelled at).

Hi Peregrini :), friendly response here.

Since you said it, I must rebut. :rolleyes: That is only your opinion. As a John Titor Researcher, I believe he has not been debunked at all, but in fact there is much evidence to show that John was a real Time Traveler. I'm not alone in my thinking. Others who have truly researched ALL of John's material tend to agree with me.

Just letting our new member, Jasmine, hear the other side of the story.

All I know is qronos1 and qronos16 both said things that has come to pass...Qronos 16 even went on to say the number the stock market would get up to when it would start it's downfall. How Foreign Troops
would be on American soil. Anyway this is all very interesting. It's not even about if they are real Time Travelers it's about how many things they said has happened and how everyone seems to be hush hush about it.

Hi Jasmine, Can you give us some links to this information that Qronos16 has posted? I would like to check it out. Thanks, ~Sam~
Qronos1 said things and than edited them in his blog to make things appear most recent. I posted that earlier, there's a link showing the last updates of his blog posts, funnily enough one of updates was this month. The last update was in August 2010 when he updated his blog where he makes the prediction about the gulf of mexico oil spill back in early 2010.

Qronos16 is another story. I'm researching that.
Qronos1 said things and than edited them in his blog to make things appear most recent. I posted that earlier, there's a link showing the last updates of his blog posts, funnily enough one of updates was this month. The last update was in August 2010 when he updated his blog where he makes the prediction about the gulf of mexico oil spill back in early 2010.

Qronos16 is another story. I'm researching that.
Let me know what you find.

There are aspects of Qronos 1's and Qronos 16's posts that are not immediately apparent that demonstrate they are not hoaxes and are in fact true time travelers. If one wishes to try to debunk them based solely on Qronos' statements, or the possibility that they modified their posts later, that is your prerogative, limiting as it is. I will say that their outright statements are not the only measure one can use.
Nonetheless, they are who they say they are. As to their truthfulness, I will reserve my judgment.

Jasmine, there is a lesson here: there is no amount of proof you can provide or find that will convince some people. Do not look to others for information. Find it yourself.

Once I discovered that the supposed "knowledgeable" people who convinced the world that Titor was a hoax hadn't done ANY research and simply proclaimed their pronouncement, I found a GREAT deal of information. I would recommend you search out your own truth, do your own research. There is a great deal of new information out there that didn't exist just a couple years ago. You really think the debunkers had all the information way back in 2000 enough to declare him a hoax?

You're off to a good start by simply asking the right questions.

Titor, and others, were/are/will be time travelers. Qronos 1 and 16 fall into this category.
