Thoughts on this theory of UFOs


New Member
The research I've done points to that UFOs and grey aliens feed off of our suffering and the reason they've always been here but never stopped atrocities is because one of their objectives is to fuel religion and war. They also enjoy playing with people at no gain to them, as well as doing kind or passive things perhaps to create more conflict down the road. The implications of their alleged (which I can attest to) time traveling abilities, you can surmise. Ancient civilizations were also perhaps murdered or entirely abducted by the others for disobeying their wishes. This is what I've heard but I'm not sure if I believe. A few ufologists I've heard suggest the phenomenon seems to be a method of control. On the other hand, they could be "angels" who simply have a complex relationship with us.


What are your thoughts on this theory, and your beliefs toward the motivation and nature of UFOs (not that they are all the same)


Senior Member
@Contactee33 so do you think humans are living a life they entirely are basically unaware of in some respects?


New Member
@Contactee33 so do you think humans are living a life they entirely are basically unaware of in some respects?
As in they aren't aware of the depth of the UFO situation? Yes. Or did you mean there are aspects of our waking lives that are unknown to us, which involve powerful beings and alternate realities and facets of the soul, greater body, and consciousness? Yes.

Have i misinterpreted your question


Senior Member
Lest look at it from another perspective the vast majority might be walking around unaware in many aspects of life regarding unknowns.

Some may be interested some may be not, powerful beings controlling interesting:)


Senior Member
The research I've done points to that UFOs and grey aliens feed off of our suffering and the reason they've always been here but never stopped atrocities is because one of their objectives is to fuel religion and war. They also enjoy playing with people at no gain to them, as well as doing kind or passive things perhaps to create more conflict down the road. The implications of their alleged (which I can attest to) time traveling abilities, you can surmise. Ancient civilizations were also perhaps murdered or entirely abducted by the others for disobeying their wishes. This is what I've heard but I'm not sure if I believe. A few ufologists I've heard suggest the phenomenon seems to be a method of control. On the other hand, they could be "angels" who simply have a complex relationship with us.


What are your thoughts on this theory, and your beliefs toward the motivation and nature of UFOs (not that they are all the same)
Would you kindly leave links from where you researched the above material :)..


New Member
Would you kindly leave links from where you researched the above material :)..
The work of Tom Delonge is where I'm drawing this from. He was the lead singer of Blink 182 but he left the band to study UFOs. Eventually he got in contact with the right people and started drawing advisors from within the military, NASA, and so on. His conviction towards this is compelling, and Jacques Vallee (perhaps the most prominent European UFO scholar for many decades, having recovered samples of alien material which proved to be edited at the atomic level) wrote the prologue to his book, Sekret Machines. I think its convincing that UFOs and paranormal activity related to them would be a system of control, not with our best interest in mind. When you think of the powers UFOs have-- telekinesis, telepathy, likely interdimentional capabilities, advanced flying, possibly time travel-- along with the prevalence of UFOs (sightings everyday across the world), it makes you wonder-- why don't they prevent slavery? the holocaust? famine? war? It's certainly within their power, and they're willing to do other things to make themselves known such as flying over populated areas, abductions, messing with people in general. It seems they may be in favor of our suffering. You may say they are indifferent, but I find that unlikely. The problem is their power is as such that even if we were to address this as a planet, what chance would we stand against them? If you ask me-- through a war of weapons, we have none. It's a question of their mercy. But there are also reports of positive alien encounters, including the Ariel School 1994 event in which a message of love and environmentalism was given. Also I have heard of a person who is able to summon orbs of light which cause miracles such as curing cancer. This was mentioned by Delonge. Still, these small acts of goodness do not convince me that whatever is happening is for our benefit. Some people point to the UFO events involving the hacking of nuclear weapons and say "They are telling us nuclear warfare is wrong." Well I would argue they were simply showing us our nuclear weapons wouldn't hold up against them.

A ramble but things worth saying.

Also, as to Mayhem's interest in aliens being further in time: it is not unlikely that these beings do possess control over shifting through our timeline. Perhaps they are worked into the timeline itself, as a mysterious part of "God"s tapestry. Or they are infinite beings with control over our destiny. They certainly have a dark sense of humor, from what I've experienced.

There seems to be a balance. I think it is possible that these aliens which are most prevalent and pro-suffering do not make a full on invasion because another force of beings with a stake in us would immediately swoop in to battle them on our planet if they overstepped some boundary. Like a Cold War sort of thing, both sides making moves but no one causing full on armageddon.


As in they aren't aware of the depth of the UFO situation? Yes. Or did you mean there are aspects of our waking lives that are unknown to us, which involve powerful beings and alternate realities and facets of the soul, greater body, and consciousness? Yes.

Have i misinterpreted your question

I'm guessing a lot of genetic manipulation is happening and apparently the group of aliens doing it doesn't have the same empathy and ethics qualities that we do. Heck, they may not even have emotions. There is so much we don't know.


Senior Member
The work of Tom Delonge is where I'm drawing this from. He was the lead singer of Blink 182 but he left the band to study UFOs. Eventually he got in contact with the right people and started drawing advisors from within the military, NASA, and so on. His conviction towards this is compelling, and Jacques Vallee (perhaps the most prominent European UFO scholar for many decades, having recovered samples of alien material which proved to be edited at the atomic level) wrote the prologue to his book, Sekret Machines. I think its convincing that UFOs and paranormal activity related to them would be a system of control, not with our best interest in mind. When you think of the powers UFOs have-- telekinesis, telepathy, likely interdimentional capabilities, advanced flying, possibly time travel-- along with the prevalence of UFOs (sightings everyday across the world), it makes you wonder-- why don't they prevent slavery? the holocaust? famine? war? It's certainly within their power, and they're willing to do other things to make themselves known such as flying over populated areas, abductions, messing with people in general. It seems they may be in favor of our suffering. You may say they are indifferent, but I find that unlikely. The problem is their power is as such that even if we were to address this as a planet, what chance would we stand against them? If you ask me-- through a war of weapons, we have none. It's a question of their mercy. But there are also reports of positive alien encounters, including the Ariel School 1994 event in which a message of love and environmentalism was given. Also I have heard of a person who is able to summon orbs of light which cause miracles such as curing cancer. This was mentioned by Delonge. Still, these small acts of goodness do not convince me that whatever is happening is for our benefit. Some people point to the UFO events involving the hacking of nuclear weapons and say "They are telling us nuclear warfare is wrong." Well I would argue they were simply showing us our nuclear weapons wouldn't hold up against them.

A ramble but things worth saying.

Also, as to Mayhem's interest in aliens being further in time: it is not unlikely that these beings do possess control over shifting through our timeline. Perhaps they are worked into the timeline itself, as a mysterious part of "God"s tapestry. Or they are infinite beings with control over our destiny. They certainly have a dark sense of humor, from what I've experienced.

There seems to be a balance. I think it is possible that these aliens which are most prevalent and pro-suffering do not make a full on invasion because another force of beings with a stake in us would immediately swoop in to battle them on our planet if they overstepped some boundary. Like a Cold War sort of thing, both sides making moves but no one causing full on armageddon.
Personally i believe the UFO`s are built and manned by humans one hundred years in the future who have developed Time-Travel and are not non human, higher intelligence beings..
