Time Travel Is Impossible and heres Why!
Iv heard many theories about time travel, IE: 4th Dementions, Electrostatic discharge and many other really wierd one's. Did anyone every bring up the idea that time doesnt exist? Sure it may sound wacked out but why?
What exactly is time? A measurement of matter moving from one place to another, IE: Earth day's is 1 rotation around the sun...
So if time is measured by objects moving in space what happens if these objects start moving slower or faster? Does is distort time in which ways we can relate too? I think not!
If all I said is true then how can we possibly make a TimeMachine? To make a timemachine we have to move and change all of space back and every single partical and atom would have to be exactly where they used to be. There is only one person that can do this and the name may be familiar. The name is GOD!
My theory would explain alot of contraversial topics in space. Such as how old the universe is and how matter was created. My theory simply suggests that the universe is exactly 0 seconds old and matter and energy will never die. It may be hard to conceive such an idea but look around you, where did all this stuff come from originaly? Well maby it was just always here. Im a computer proggramer and many of you may understand what a loop is. A loop is where something happens and loops until it was ment to stop. In programming sometimes you make a mistake which alows the loop to go forever unless shutdown manualy. Every think maby god is that switch and something happend where he god turned on? This may sound cracked out but its my best explaintion to explain how everything fits together instead of 100's of different theories that make sense serpartly but do not together.
Anyways I would be interested what other people think of my theory, because I have never brought it up before!
PS (Sorry about the spelling, I didnt have enough time to proof read it)
Iv heard many theories about time travel, IE: 4th Dementions, Electrostatic discharge and many other really wierd one's. Did anyone every bring up the idea that time doesnt exist? Sure it may sound wacked out but why?
What exactly is time? A measurement of matter moving from one place to another, IE: Earth day's is 1 rotation around the sun...
So if time is measured by objects moving in space what happens if these objects start moving slower or faster? Does is distort time in which ways we can relate too? I think not!
If all I said is true then how can we possibly make a TimeMachine? To make a timemachine we have to move and change all of space back and every single partical and atom would have to be exactly where they used to be. There is only one person that can do this and the name may be familiar. The name is GOD!
My theory would explain alot of contraversial topics in space. Such as how old the universe is and how matter was created. My theory simply suggests that the universe is exactly 0 seconds old and matter and energy will never die. It may be hard to conceive such an idea but look around you, where did all this stuff come from originaly? Well maby it was just always here. Im a computer proggramer and many of you may understand what a loop is. A loop is where something happens and loops until it was ment to stop. In programming sometimes you make a mistake which alows the loop to go forever unless shutdown manualy. Every think maby god is that switch and something happend where he god turned on? This may sound cracked out but its my best explaintion to explain how everything fits together instead of 100's of different theories that make sense serpartly but do not together.
Anyways I would be interested what other people think of my theory, because I have never brought it up before!
PS (Sorry about the spelling, I didnt have enough time to proof read it)