Schematic Time Travel Schematics Initiative (Our complete list of devices and schematics)

steven chiverton

Senior Member
A decade ago, our Time Travel Forum used to contain tons of schematics and valuable information of different more or less simple time travel devices, with precise instructions. This data was lost over time, sadly.

The Time Travel Schematics Initiative will attempt to claim back our status as the ultimate online reference for time travel devices schematics and information.

We're going to bring together all the schematics, but also all the up to date and correct information regarding how to build and operate these numerous time travel devices. Some devices are well known like the Flux Cap and HDR, but others are pretty unknown like Poo's Device, a device that was brought back to the light of day by @Einstein today. We're going to work our way up there quite simply: One device at a time.

I'm very excited about this and I look forward at sharing and organizing information with you guys.

Show your interest in this initiative by replying to this topic and letting us know you're excited too! We're going to reach you whenever we need your help. All suggestions are welcome, obviously.

I'm tagging a few people here to get their attention for now. @Einstein @TimeFlipper @cmac @Classicalfan626 @HDRKID @Frog186 @Opmmur @Yoshian12 @deadz74


Steven Chiverton
I hope this isent breaking any rules here putting a link in to my channel and all can see the hdr units ive built and the ideas I put into them to

steven chiverton

Senior Member
A decade ago, our Time Travel Forum used to contain tons of schematics and valuable information of different more or less simple time travel devices, with precise instructions. This data was lost over time, sadly.

The Time Travel Schematics Initiative will attempt to claim back our status as the ultimate online reference for time travel devices schematics and information.

We're going to bring together all the schematics, but also all the up to date and correct information regarding how to build and operate these numerous time travel devices. Some devices are well known like the Flux Cap and HDR, but others are pretty unknown like Poo's Device, a device that was brought back to the light of day by @Einstein today. We're going to work our way up there quite simply: One device at a time.

I'm very excited about this and I look forward at sharing and organizing information with you guys.

Show your interest in this initiative by replying to this topic and letting us know you're excited too! We're going to reach you whenever we need your help. All suggestions are welcome, obviously.

I'm tagging a few people here to get their attention for now. @Einstein @TimeFlipper @cmac @Classicalfan626 @HDRKID @Frog186 @Opmmur @Yoshian12 @deadz74


Steven Chiverton
I hope this isent breaking any rules here putting a link in to my channel and all can see the hdr units ive built and the ideas I put into them to
I just found it not as a link but very cleverly hidden under my name I just clicked on my name and it took me strait to my channel link , help yourself all schematics there to even for the various bajak capacitor builds to

steven chiverton

Senior Member
A decade ago, our Time Travel Forum used to contain tons of schematics and valuable information of different more or less simple time travel devices, with precise instructions. This data was lost over time, sadly.

The Time Travel Schematics Initiative will attempt to claim back our status as the ultimate online reference for time travel devices schematics and information.

We're going to bring together all the schematics, but also all the up to date and correct information regarding how to build and operate these numerous time travel devices. Some devices are well known like the Flux Cap and HDR, but others are pretty unknown like Poo's Device, a device that was brought back to the light of day by @Einstein today. We're going to work our way up there quite simply: One device at a time.

I'm very excited about this and I look forward at sharing and organizing information with you guys.

Show your interest in this initiative by replying to this topic and letting us know you're excited too! We're going to reach you whenever we need your help. All suggestions are welcome, obviously.

I'm tagging a few people here to get their attention for now. @Einstein @TimeFlipper @cmac @Classicalfan626 @HDRKID @Frog186 @Opmmur @Yoshian12 @deadz74


Steven Chiverton
I hope this isent breaking any rules here putting a link in to my channel and all can see the hdr units ive built and the ideas I put into them to
I just found it not as a link but very cleverly hidden under my name I just clicked on my name and it took me strait to my channel link , help yourself all schematics there to even for the various bajak capacitor builds to
here's the link to my OneDrive I also have circuits etc ive collected and compiled and added from the internet so saves having to look for them ive ive collected them to add to my one drive even the montaulk white noise generator to.

steven chiverton

Senior Member
Steven Chiverton
I hope this isent breaking any rules here putting a link in to my channel and all can see the hdr units ive built and the ideas I put into them to
I just found it not as a link but very cleverly hidden under my name I just clicked on my name and it took me strait to my channel link , help yourself all schematics there to even for the various bajak capacitor builds to
here's the link to my OneDrive I also have circuits etc ive collected and compiled and added from the internet so saves having to look for them ive ive collected them to add to my one drive even the montaulk white noise generator to.
heres the link to my documents collection and hard to get schematics!112&cid=FF79E61828660F84

steven chiverton

Senior Member
im confident that all you time travel whizzes in the forums here can go right through my links to my OneDrive and documents and collected circuits pictures and data and not to mention the evil genius handbooks I've collected, and improvise and upgrade your time machines from all the data I've collected and compiled over the years if a tesla coil can be used for time travel you'll find something in the evil genius handbooks for that to and laser stuff to there's plenty information that would help yous all


@steven chiverton Wow, you have a lot of content. Do you happen to have details, explanations and information going with each of your schematics? If so, and if you agree to, we could work together and setup official threads for each of your device/designs, so that anyone can access the schematics, have precise details and information for each device.

Also, with each device having it's own thread, it would slightly increase the visibility they have, and would allow a lot of people interested by such devices to find them using Google and other search engines.

Let me know if you'd be willing to do that, and we'll see how we can do it. :)

steven chiverton

Senior Member
gee im not very good at explaining circuits but many circuits I've improved by experimenting and trial and error and I've had to redraw many schematics to make them easier to build by. and if there's anything you like some information on if its not in my documents notes then it be best for me to tell you, depending on what you like to know about. everything is for free in my link's and channels help yourself to all you want and hopefully you may use one idea or bits of one idea or circuit to make more improved time machines my videos on y channel some are in them so you can see and hear what I did then , in case your wondering what the large device with hundreds of rare earth magnet bearings surrounding coil sections are I can help you there its an powerfull sec exciter and its ability to generate hv ac rf currents and can freeze and jam digital tv right across many channels but its ability to induce rf ac into anything carrying ac like time coils etc may be handy for integrating it to a time machine design oneday you may be able to use this in place of a time coil just the fields spread may or may not do it like a field bubble sit in it and think the interface is the field your in same as the one your in when you wear the time coil its ac to but in the other case its rf ac
