
Maybe the answer to how to build a Time Machine is to reverse engineer it.

Instead of trying to figure out how to do it, try and copy those who have done it.

One example:

From enigmose: In March 1895 a NY Herald reporter found Tesla in a cafe visibly shaken after being accidentally zapped by over 3 million volts of electricity. ... He claimed that was able to see the immediate past, present and future simultaneously, but unable to act as he was paralyzed within the electrical field.

Apparently one way to see the future is to get zapped with a lot of electricity.
Don't be stupid that much electricity will kill! -and the story tells how Tesla's assistant turned the power off immediately when it hit him.

Don't be stupid that much electricity will kill! -and the story tells how Tesla's assistant turned the power off immediately when it hit him.
I don`t understand. Are you saying it hit Tesla or not?

I don`t understand. Are you saying it hit Tesla or not?

I don't know how I confused you and I am not changing to story on you.. haha... It hit him alright, but only for an instant and that much power can kill a man, should have killed him too I would assume...
You arent taking into account the whole system set-up/experiment.. Don't tell people to go electrocute themselves-because they could die...
I don`t understand. Are you saying it hit Tesla or not?

There is a fact that needs to be brought up here...You can actually be electrocuted from 3 million volts AND still be ok, but only IF the current in the voltage is extremely low....Alternatively, a 12 volt car battery can kill you by stopping your heart, because the current in them is usually in excess of 80 amps, which is a lot of current..

Perhaps the original person who wrote that Teslas assistant HAD to switch off the 3 million volts before he was killed, only assumed that the voltage would kill him...Tesla was not a fool, he would have known the simple facts about how high and low currents can affect you....He performed many shows World Wide where he would walk between his high voltage coils, without being affected by them :)..
I don't know how I confused you and I am not changing to story on you.. haha... It hit him alright, but only for an instant and that much power can kill a man, should have killed him too I would assume...
You arent taking into account the whole system set-up/experiment.. Don't tell people to go electrocute themselves-because they could die...
I never even suggested such a thing. The thread is about reverse engineering TT by taking all of the TT tales and using those clues to recreate what others have already experienced.
