time travel

bobby harris

New Member
hello merry christmas well christmas is almost here three more weeks to go.well wanted to just say i am still reading and researching time travel to go back to 1861 in north carolina of that time period and the time of the civil war i was reading some books it does say it is possible to do it.i heard about the hadron collider or whatever it is in geneva, the book says it all and i seem to be working on trying to find ways to do just that,to travel back in time to where my great great grandfather lived and fought the civil war where he was here in NC and see him and interact with him or should i say talking to him at his home with wife on the plantation, i think it would be a great idea,but still working on how to figure it out how to do this time travel since its possible to do it, i really want to do this for my own thing,not just a movie thing i know this is real and it does exist.and if anyone's got an idea i am all for it and ready to hear it. more than anything else i would ever ask for
Well, here's a few resources to check out.

1) AUDIO: Hypnotic Time Travel With Dr. Bruce Goldberg by Bruce Goldberg: Audio, I don't know if he has a book. He claims a person can time travel through hypnosis. (This might work like the movie, "Somewhere in Time" starring Christopher Reeve.)
2) Steven Gibbs Hyper Dimensional Resonator, Time Travel Machine: Instructions on how to make his Time Machine & Order CD Page (at your own risk)
3) BOOK: Stranger Than Fiction: The True Time Travel Adventures of Steven L. Gibbs - The Rainman of Time Travel by Patricia Ress
4) PDF: Patent for John Titor's Time Machine (Maybe you can construct one.)
5) There is also the story of "Affectionately christened "Mad Man Markham" by Art Bell, Michael Markham was arrested on January 29, 1995, after stealing six unused transformers from a power station near Kansas City, Missouri. According to Markham, he originally used a conventional device to create a simple "Jacob's ladder" for no other purpose than his own amusement. To generate the arcing effect, he used a laser from a CD player. It was then that he noticed a strange shimmering circle appear above the arc. Intrigued, he threw a screw into the strange electrical manifestation to see what would happen. According to Markham, the screw vanished into thin air before reappearing about a half second later. He deduced that the disappearance of the screw could only be explained by it having traveled a half second into the future, and that he had thus inadvertently constructed a crude time machine."

Mike Markham disappeared and no one has heard of him since.

VIDEO OF AUDIO: Part 1 of 12 on YouTube. (This is the entire Art Bell Show from the night that Markham was on as a guest.)

Other interesting books on Time Travel:

1) Father Ernetti's Chronovisor: The creation and disappearance of the world's first time machine by Peter Krassa
2) Parallel Universes: The search for other worlds by Fred Alan Wolf (I haven't read this one yet.)

Good luck! :)


hello merry christmas well christmas is almost here three more weeks to go.well wanted to just say i am still reading and researching time travel to go back to 1861 in north carolina of that time period and the time of the civil war i was reading some books it does say it is possible to do it.i heard about the hadron collider or whatever it is in geneva, the book says it all and i seem to be working on trying to find ways to do just that,to travel back in time to where my great great grandfather lived and fought the civil war where he was here in NC and see him and interact with him or should i say talking to him at his home with wife on the plantation, i think it would be a great idea,but still working on how to figure it out how to do this time travel since its possible to do it, i really want to do this for my own thing,not just a movie thing i know this is real and it does exist.and if anyone's got an idea i am all for it and ready to hear it. more than anything else i would ever ask for

Merry Christmas,
You can't use technology but you can try what HDRKid tries.
I recommend lucid dreaming.
You'll have difficulty separating fantasy from reality using this method though.

thanks forthat information i can certainly and yes i have seen that movie somewhere in time that was a wonderful movie really looked real when he went back in time he planned to stay there in 1912 but was so stupid he pulled out a penny from i guess 1984 or whatever it was on it he was brought back here, i thought oh i would leave all my 21st century money and coins here i already got coins for 1860's and currency 10 dallors from 1861 so held on to that all i need now is those books i was offered so am gonna get them soon as i can many thanks and merry christmas to you all and to ren for your advise on books cool i am gonna look for them
oh one more thing what did you mean by mike markham dissappeared and was never heard from again i suspect he went back in time or through that time thing he made and it worked where ever he is now he is stuck there. well hope he is happy there where ever he is at. and is making progress and or making a new life for himself
oh one more thing what did you mean by mike markham dissappeared and was never heard from again i suspect he went back in time or through that time thing he made and it worked where ever he is now he is stuck there. well hope he is happy there where ever he is at. and is making progress and or making a new life for himself

Well, one day he just disappeared, and no one ever heard from him again! So, he may have gone 'somewhere in time', but personally, I think the government might have gotten a hold of him and forced him into sequester to work on a Time Travel machine for them (which they would ultimately use as some type of war weapon). After all, Mike Markham was a convicted felon (for stealing those transformers(?), and he was on the brink of discovering Time Travel. The government is famous for doing devious things like that.
Well, here's a few resources to check out.

1) AUDIO: Hypnotic Time Travel With Dr. Bruce Goldberg by Bruce Goldberg: Audio, I don't know if he has a book. He claims a person can time travel through hypnosis. (This might work like the movie, "Somewhere in Time" starring Christopher Reeve.)
2) Steven Gibbs Hyper Dimensional Resonator, Time Travel Machine: Instructions on how to make his Time Machine & Order CD Page (at your own risk)
3) BOOK: Stranger Than Fiction: The True Time Travel Adventures of Steven L. Gibbs - The Rainman of Time Travel by Patricia Ress
4) PDF: Patent for John Titor's Time Machine (Maybe you can construct one.)
5) There is also the story of "Affectionately christened "Mad Man Markham" by Art Bell, Michael Markham was arrested on January 29, 1995, after stealing six unused transformers from a power station near Kansas City, Missouri. According to Markham, he originally used a conventional device to create a simple "Jacob's ladder" for no other purpose than his own amusement. To generate the arcing effect, he used a laser from a CD player. It was then that he noticed a strange shimmering circle appear above the arc. Intrigued, he threw a screw into the strange electrical manifestation to see what would happen. According to Markham, the screw vanished into thin air before reappearing about a half second later. He deduced that the disappearance of the screw could only be explained by it having traveled a half second into the future, and that he had thus inadvertently constructed a crude time machine."

I've read 3.) - but I won't discuss it here since some people have pretty strong opinions about HDR.
Somewhere in Time - now this is a movie I love (not as much for the time travel bit, but for the power of love and the mind (and how he goes back). Must have watched it about 50+ times. A real tear-jerker :(
TIME TRAVEL SECRET 1985: This guy talks about Steven Gibbs and the Hyper Dimensional Resonator HDR and some other far-out things.

