Time Traveling To The Past?

Re: Time Traveling To The Past?

I think Grayson has a good point here Num. Basically Whoknows post is quite simply an insult, at the least a tease, where as Starlord's post is relatively harmless.

Half the time I don't really understand what Starlord is talking about, either. But that really isn't anyone's fault but my own. The guy has alot more experience at the game of life than I do, and probably more than most other people here do. I try to take it in and learn from the knowledge he's accumulated over the years. Maybe one day I will understand what he's talking about. God knows I'd like to.
Re: Time Traveling To The Past?

That didn't quite turn out the way I thought it would, but I'm able to admit I somehow agree with most parts of what's been said though, otherwise I'd just avoid replying this thread and let go. I'm having mixed feelings regarding all of this for one single reason, which is something Grayson brought up in the first place, and pretty much says it all: It's about perspective. As far as I know there are people who enjoy Star's posts, some who don't, and some who can't. I don't pretend I'm always able to enjoy every of his single posts, that would be a lie, but I'm glad to say I do when I can. That being said, It wasn't necessarily right to pick Star's reply the way I had, and it had probably been better to post a notice to whoknows instead, which you guys made me realize. I'm glad you pointed out the mistake I made and I can assure you I'll make sure it won't happen again. Thank you guys for being who you are.

Oh, and back on topic, if I wanted to tweak the past, I'd probably delete some posts to make sure you guys forget about all this, which would be a poor decision not very respectful of your intelligence. ;)

Re: Time Traveling To The Past?

Spoken like the sage and august person you are.

Without honesty, we would not be able to pierce a wet brown paper shopping bag, let alone our own sense of hubris.

There is no need to delete anything we ever experience, each and every event has it's place on the path.

Even looking foolish or stupid, of which I have written volumes about from personal experience.

I tend to view it as learning to play Cribbage.

Eventually, you will run out of getting shitty cards. Sort of the reverse of the million monkeys on a million typewriters.
Re: Time Traveling To The Past?

Spoon! .........

I'd suggest you make sure the content of your posts is more than simple tableware, otherwise there's no point in posting at all. (As you know, there's no point on a spoon.)
This is a public forum, not a hoedown with your fellow collectors and players of eating utensiles.

On the other hand, and sorry if this seems violent,


Re: Time Traveling To The Past?

I tend to view it as learning to play Cribbage.

Eventually, you will run out of getting shitty cards. Sort of the reverse of the million monkeys on a million typewriters.
Not to the monkeys.

each and every event has it's place on the path.
While you're on that path, watch your step.

The monkeys have left their shitty (calling) cards all over it.

Re: Time Traveling To The Past?

Not to the monkeys.

While you're on that path, watch your step.

The monkeys have left their shitty (calling) cards all over it.


LOL!!!! Silly Rabbit, Paths are for those that know not to defaecate on. This is Real Science High Bucko! The monkeys have their own space to play and dispense handfulls as they see fit.

And yes, before you even try to go there, the bars are backed by Plexiglass. Nothing fits through the bars at any velocity...
Re: Time Traveling To The Past?

i think that when the machine will work it will take a lot more power to go back than to go forward
