

:)time is an illusion, it tricks you into thinking that there is a future and past.

some one once aked me " about an hour ago i went outside for a ciggarette.

If we are not moving through time, 'where' is that man who was/is outside having a ciggarette?

Is he and i the same and the the time i experience separating him and I just a measurment of movement?

Where has he gone?

Where is he now?"

i think your forgetting that you MOVED since then
it doesnt leave an old you in time...u changed since then
time is a measurement of what changed

the happening is the changes you are making
time is... measuring the change of a constant... like orbiting the sun

if there weren't two points in space, it wouldn't exist

things are going to constantly move...never ending journey through the cosmos.and with the power to understand it is the greatest gift god could give to man! "the power of comprehension" most animals dont get to have such a gift.

Einstein once said "if you sit with a girl you like for a few hours it seems like a few minutes
but if you put your hand on a hot stove for a few minutes it seems like a few hours."

i love that. it makes me think or how there are an infinite amount of numbers between 1 and 2 the sam 1 and 2 you measure tim with therefore time is happening as fast as you can precieve it.

dont think of it as a time line...you dont flow through time. simply...things are, and they change

:)time is an illusion, it tricks you into thinking that there is a future and past.

some one once aked me " about an hour ago i went outside for a ciggarette.

If we are not moving through time, 'where' is that man who was/is outside having a ciggarette?

Is he and i the same and the the time i experience separating him and I just a measurment of movement?

Where has he gone?

Where is he now?"

i think your forgetting that you MOVED since then
it doesnt leave an old you in time...u changed since then
time is a measurement of what changed

the happening is the changes you are making
time is... measuring the change of a constant... like orbiting the sun

if there weren't two points in space, it wouldn't exist

things are going to constantly move...never ending journey through the cosmos.and with the power to understand it is the greatest gift god could give to man! "the power of comprehension" most animals dont get to have such a gift.

Einstein once said "if you sit with a girl you like for a few hours it seems like a few minutes
but if you put your hand on a hot stove for a few minutes it seems like a few hours."

i love that. it makes me think or how there are an infinite amount of numbers between 1 and 2 the sam 1 and 2 you measure tim with therefore time is happening as fast as you can precieve it.

dont think of it as a time line...you dont flow through time. simply...things are, and they change

time is as made up as money. we will never look in a microscope and find a fabric of timepeople often misunderstand the concept of a time line.
a timeline is a record of events acuritly displayed one after another...its recording change...now dont get lost and think that just like the paper we can bend time to get to the future, thats like saying "maybe if i fold the earth to get to california.

time is

:{distance} (usualy a constant-like earth orbiting around the sun)

divided by]

:{speed} (the rate at wich we are orbiting at)

= time

[link to www.bbc.co.uk]



According to what you are saying here, is time travel possible by any means?

time is an invention of the human race to keep tract of our lives.
but as it has been said it is relative to the observer and has no meaning to anyone but us.
at its core the deff. is realy one of speed and has no bearing on what we call time or the passage of moments/events.
as I have come to understand it there is only now and all events are here now.
everything that will happen is happening now, also everything that has happened befor is happening now.
simply a second is a second because we say it is
Can you explain why that theory makes time travel impossible? Does what was 10 minutes ago still exist now? I assume it changed over time to the now we experience, then therefore no longer exists, right?
energy can not be created nor destroyed, only change its arangement of particles. i look at a rock and know that it has always been and it can never be distoyed. you can break the rock but the particles that make it up are always going to exist.

there is no past but there is however an understanding of what happened before whats happening.no future but there is an understanding that thing are going to happen after this happends.
all that we are is the present. the now.
time as a constant, is the recording of infinite changes

time is always relitive to the observermy time has been short compared to my mother. but she is incomparable to the age of a rock....how do you measure somthing with no starting point.always was and always will.

in order to measure time you need you points in space, and one has to be moving it doesnt matter wich one is moving becuase to each point it looks like it is siting still and the other is moving.
but in the theory of the big bang all matter started from one point. but because of the law of conservation of mass we know that it didnt apear out of thin air. so the inhale/exale theory is much better at discribing it. big bang after big bang infinitely over and over.

but it is this time when all matter is in one pont that time seices to exist. is it moving?spinning.slow or fast? you cant tell because all motio is relitive to another object.
we are all part of the universe,therfore
i am the universe trying to understand itself.
Time is indeed used to measure change... change over time.

Time is a part of the measuring system used to sequence events, to compare the durations of events and the intervals between them, and to quantify rates of change such as the motions of objects.[1] The temporal position of events with respect to the transitory present is continually changing; future events become present, then pass further and further into the past. Time has been a major subject of religion, philosophy, and science, but defining it in a non-controversial manner applicable to all fields of study has consistently eluded the greatest scholars. A simple definition states that "time is what clocks measure".

Do you think alternate realities exist though?
