To many synchronicities happening .

Quantum Rift

New Member
I feel like I'm onto something here, like a 6th sense inside of me is coming out. Recently the time has always been 11:11 15:15 13:13 , which prompted me to ask myself what is happening ?

The past month without hindsight I have played or watched things that all have a corresponding theme, the theme of time travel/alteration . Erased , Butterfly effect, Life is Strange, just to name a few.

Just living my daily life having lunch outside at work, when a black and blue butterfly is flying straight for me and lands on my knee. I get goosebumps , instantly triggering memories of these shows and there correlation between time travel.( all these shows have links with butterflies) Now I have never seen this type of butterfly before in the area that I live. I shrug it off, thinking it must just be a coincidence , But you see I have had so many coincidences in the past month it can't be.

Now a couple of days after this butterfly lands on me im at work again , and I can't function at all, I literally was in the feeling of a Deja Vu for at least 6 hours . The whole day felt like it had already happened , I had this inner feeling of what people were going to say , and in what place of the building it would happen. From that day I think I am gifted to some degree. However I am in the discovery of figuring out how to harness this gift whatever it may be.

I also have been dreaming very strange dreams , almost lucid , one dream being me visiting my family back about 10 years ( whenever old blackberry phones were out) . In this dream I was my current age 21 however I was visiting myself as a kid. I must have been like 9 or 10 and my 10 year old self wasnt interested in me visiting . my 10 year old self was to busy playing a game with my sister who was also younger. I was trying to explain to my mum that It was me , she believed me and smiled . I was showing her my phone which was a iphone 6s, these phones weren't out yet , thats how i remembered her phone which was the old blackberry phones with the touch pads. I also tried to explain world events like the japan earthquake that would happen in 2011 , and also Trump winning , and North korea being a threat. Its like I was trying to prove I was from the future. The funny thing about this dream though is we were really well off, we had 2 new cars jetskis and we lived in a big house. Where as 10 years ago we just lived in a ordinary house.

Is it possible that I visited the past in a alternate reality? With all these symbols and coincidences it makes me dig really deep into what is happening. Also after seeing that buttefly at work, a few days later my Grandma who was really sick passed away. Was that a sign of that coming ? Idk , I just feel so overwhelmed with all these things and I have a feeling deep down that it is a knowledge that I already have.

One last example of another thing that has been happening lately is that If I am thinking a subconscious thought it sometimes plays out in other people. For example I will be thinking of food and lunch, then my Coworker suddenly says what do you want for lunch, This happens probably 10 or 15 times a day, it happens so regularly that it doesn't even phase me anymore. This can happen with music , sport , or with literally anything that I think of. So apart from all this time travel alternate dimension/ synchronisities I feel like I am creating a reality in my head which then plays out. I find that If I think of the person visually when im thinking of something it will probably take about 5 10 seconds for them to receive the thought.

Idk maybe I am going crazy but I thought this would be a appropriate place to post this sort of thing considering you guys are open minded.


Senior Member
It could be to do with the shift of consciousness, which is happening at different levels for different people.
If you haven't experienced such things before and not knowing your background it could definitely un settle you.

Nature is everything and the law of the universe is present.

As you said some of these thoughts, experiences you have become accustomed too.

For the energy of the planet we cannot fight we must change with the flow of the eternal.
