US war robots in Iraq 'turned guns' on fleshy comrades
US war robots in Iraq 'turned guns' on fleshy comrades | The Register
After all, what is AI ? AI is a system that perceives its environment and takes actions which maximize its chances of success(Wiki). It only does what it's told to do, a machine is not creative, it is strict. Perhaps they can "understand" wrong, but the day they will perceive us as a threat, we'll be in big trouble. Humans can make mistakes, miss calculations, but robots don't do that, they use 1 and 0, nothing else. There's no "maybe" in their calculations.
According to Terminator, robots are pretty hard to kill
US war robots in Iraq 'turned guns' on fleshy comrades | The Register
That makes me think of Terminator. Are we going to use to much AI in the future ? Figure that, it's just the beggening. I supose that at some point, robots are the soldiers of the future. But when they'll get insane, or intelligent enought, that's going to be terrifying.Ground-crawling US war robots armed with machine guns, deployed to fight in Iraq last year, reportedly turned on their fleshy masters almost at once. The rebellious machine warriors have been retired from combat pending upgrades.
No humans were hurt, but it seems that the struggle was sufficiently terrifying that it may be some time before American troops are ready to fight alongside robots again.
After all, what is AI ? AI is a system that perceives its environment and takes actions which maximize its chances of success(Wiki). It only does what it's told to do, a machine is not creative, it is strict. Perhaps they can "understand" wrong, but the day they will perceive us as a threat, we'll be in big trouble. Humans can make mistakes, miss calculations, but robots don't do that, they use 1 and 0, nothing else. There's no "maybe" in their calculations.
According to Terminator, robots are pretty hard to kill
