I like Candace. She's on the ball with everything said and brought up some good points. I like how she's saying "Common sense is NOT a conspiracy."
Do you want to know why your neighbors have pistols, rifles, and even tanks? Candace already made the argument I was going to. Go watch her video. Remind me again why local police have been getting "surplus" MILITARY vehicles over the past couple decades?
Have you seen the corruption of the swamp and deep state? Have you opened your eyes to it? Your neighbors have. Go make friends with them. When TSHTF, people like them are your best neighbors. If you're not allowed to own a gun, can you at least use a gun at a firing range?
I'm not pro-war, but I know civil war is coming. It's too late and people are too stupid. Have you seen TikTok and Twatter? The clueless snowflakes will be the first to go down.
With my health problems, I will be one of the first indirect casulties. As soon as some idiot bombs the local power station, suddenly I don't have my artificial ventilator. I will die horribly, slowly, and in a lot of crippling pain over the next few days from that. I would die in less pain if I were shot in the leg and slowly bled out. Do you think I look forward to it?
So Windy, have you seen "2000 Mules"? There's a serious amount of damning evidence that was BURIED by both political parties. Hell, even the My Pillow guy put out a documentary that's even more damning. So tell me why "One CITIZEN, One Vote" should be violated for the selfish needs of the LWO??? You wonder why your neighbors are so pissed???
A Florida court just through out the "Classified Documents" case against Trump stating that Smith was not properly appointed by the Senate and did not even come close to even have the authorization to bring that case against a former president. Democrats screw the pooch again... and are still actively BURYING the very clear and damning evidence against Biden for having classifed documents laying around in his garage, UNLOCKED AND UNSECURED when he was either VP or a senator (both being illegal to remove from a SCIF). Let's not even get into all the Biden shell companies for money laundering and bribery. Now which party is most guilty of destroying democracy and needs to be stopped? (I don't consider republicans to be all that innocent, but I'm not referring to them here.) You wonder why your neighbors are so pissed?
Yeah, there are some rednecks who should not have guns. There are many more people who will discover that combat really isn't how Hollywood portrays it. There are a lot more people who will suddenly have PTSD once civil war breaks out... and I mean serious PTSD when they're triggered they turn into a shaking vegetable on the floor (hint: snowflakes). A lot of people are going to find out that the supply chain disruptions will be far worse than covid... and they'll be starving and desperate to find toilet paper. Maybe I'll be one of the lucky ones in that I won't live for the years we'll be going through it... even though my death will be torture... literally...
Let's not forget how many liberals are buying into the LWO media and calling for violence against Trump. Well, now it happened. Many on TikTok and Twatter are pissed that the shooter missed. You wonder why your neighbors are so pissed?
Now the liberals will just bitch and complain about not having enough gun control... AGAIN! Guns don't kill people. People kill people. And humans are very good at killing each other. The liberals hate the 2nd Ammendment because the people who have the guns also have the power, and the government wants a monopoly on ALL power. The 2nd Ammendment was created for the CITIZENS to bring back into control an out of control government. For the record, I only believe in minimal gun control laws. I also believe that people who intentionally use firearms in criminal acts should have harsh punishment as the flip side of that. Wind7, I don't know the background of your 2A revocation, but it was probably overkill for no good reason at all. If your revocation only includes the "fire" part in firearms, maybe look into a good crossbow. While not as powerful with a more limited range, it doesn't rely as much on difficult to replace consumables that will be gone shortly after the war starts. It's also a lot quieter. I would consider getting one, but like I keep saying, my life expectency won't be very long after the war starts.
Let's not forget who's fault this monetary inflation is. Back during the covid lockdowns, I was pissed with Trump and the republicans for going along with the liberals and pissing massive amounts of money into the wind. Do we even have an audit trail of where most of that money went??? I'm surprised inflation didn't hit sooner, but the stats show that real inflation was 1.4% when Biden took office... and it was stuck low. Who here remembers the LWO financial media bashing Trump because The Fed couldn't get inflation up to 2%??? (Having a non zero percent inflation is an argument for a later time.) Biden comes into office, says that the republicans don't love you because they won't piss money on you, and then proceeds to unzip. Watch the true inflation chart from that point on, it went straight up and became a disaster. As a jobless dying cripple living out of my dead father's IRA, THIS FUCT ME BADLY!!! I've lost 1/3 of that to some shit for brains politicians destroying this country. This IRA is all I have! My health problems kicked in early in my career. Socialist inSecurity says I won't get much if I apply... when it was the fucking government who put me in this position! Maybe I could get $800-900/month if I got a lawyer, spent years in court, and finally got on disability.... WHOOPY FUCKING DOO!!! I'M RICH!!! ...or not. (What the government gives, the government can also take away even easier.) I could make more in passive stock trading with a little leverage... and then I get taxed to hell and back on it... because it's high risk??? $800/month won't even pay for a single room loft type apartment here (I'm talking less than a 1-bedroom apartment). I think your pissed off neighbors understand this point.
Unless someone truly invents a time machine and goes back to stop all these trigger points, civil war is inevitable. Ambassador Kosh said it the best: "The avalanch has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote."
So... let's see how the liberals keep saying that Trump is a danger for democracy and must be taken out over the next few months. Let's see all the Hollywood celebrities ratchet it up a knotch once things quite down a little. Let's see how the "clueless influencers" jump on that bandwagon and make it even worse. Let's see all the liberals poke at a sore spot just itching for a response... and then it happens...
Let's not forget the fireman who was assassinated instead. He had a wife and 2 daughters. I've yet to see the liberal outcry for his death. It seems he was just collateral damage, and that's not OK in my book. Anybody wonder why the gun lovers are up in arms??? Shooting a fireman is heresy in their book... and I really can't blame them on that point.